Once Again
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Jiyeon felt waves of emotions wash through her, relief, happiness, frustration, worry, confusion, and love. Her instincts acted before her mind could. She walked towards the blond boy, an action which garnered even more attention, people whispering around her, shocked that she was actually walking towards someone she didn’t know. Of course, they didn’t know about her story. 


Chanyeol would’ve stopped her from acting on impulse, if he had not seen the look on her face. All the fear from last night’s nightmare seemed to have disappeared once she saw the blond boy’s face. He watched as Jiyeon slowly approached the source of her heightened emotions, he, and the rest of the student body, watched as the ice queen wrapped her long, thin arms around the boy. She buried her face in his shoulder and closed her eyes, tears staining his black t-shirt. 


Everyone seemed to have held their breaths when they witnessed the scene. Was this really happening? Why is the ice queen hugging the newcomer? 


“Howon-ah, why are you here? Is it really you?” Jiyeon mumbled, she didn’t expect a reply, but she got one. Howon froze in his spot, “Excuse me, miss? Do I know you?” He was confused, how did a girl he never even met know his name? Who the hell is she? Why is everyone staring?


Jiyeon release him and stared at him right in the eye. “It’s really you… Howon-ah…” Jiyeon felt her legs wobble and she fell to the ground. She rubbed her palm together and couldn’t stop her tears when she pleaded for forgiveness, “Howon-ah, I’m sorry… I really am. Forgive me, will you? I’m really sorry. When you didn’t come back during the last century, I thought I’ve lost you forever. Howon-ah, tell me you remember me? Howon-ah, please…” Jiyeon looked like a mess then, but she couldn’t care less. When she missed Howon’s return the past century, she thought she had lost him forever, she thought she had killed him for real. Now seeing him right in front of her, she felt that she herself was brought back to life. 


“It’s my fault, I’m sorry, Howon-ah… Please don’t leave me again, I can’t live without you. Please… Please say that you remember me…I love you so much... I'm sorry for letting you go through so much pain, it's all because of me, I'm sorry, Howon-ah... ” Jiyeon buried her face in her hands and sobbed. She lost it there and then. It was unlike her, being so careless in public, letting her emotions get the better of her. 


All these while, Howon just stared at her, puzzled beyond words could explain. What the hell is going on here? Is this a dream? Howon pinched himself and winced, proving that it was indeed a real situation he was stuck in. Being as awkward as he was, he bent down and patted Jiyeon’s head. “Uhm… I don’t know you, I think you’ve gotten the wrong person. But please stop crying, you’re ruining your pretty make up.” He added with an awkward chuckle. He rubbed the back of his neck and waited for a reply. Before Jiyeon could say anything, Chanyeol came up to her, grabbed her by the shoulders and helped her up. He glared at Howon, slowly turned around to look at all the other students and stated firmly, “Forget this ever happened. Everyone. Now go back to class.” 


As soon as he said it, everyone seemed to have woken up from a trance, all of them were confused as to why they were all gathered in the middle of the hallway. Some students shrugged it off and made their way to class, while others started discussing it with their friends. 


Jiyeon wiped away the tears with the back of her hand, smearing her mascara in ugly patterns. She put her usual straight face on again, erasing any signs of her gaffe previously. She continued staring at Howon, admiring the face that she had missed for a long, long time. Howon was really confused at this point, "I-I'm sorry, did I do anything wrong? And what's with the other students? And what did you just do to them?" 


Chanyeol stared at him, eyes almost bulging from their sockets. What the hell? Why isn't it working on him? How is this possible, I'm sure I'm stronger than him... 


He got pulled away from his thoughts when Jiyeon nudged him weakly and whispered, "Chan, bring me to the-" and before she could finish, she staggered and out. Luckily, she fell in Chanyeol's arms and he scooped her up, bridal style, and made his way towards the infirmary. 


"Are you her boyfriend?" Howon asked before Chanyeol left his sight. 


Chanyeol's eyes darkened, he turned around and glared at Howon with such ferocity, the latter had wanted to apologise without even knowing what for. "No. You would've known, if you weren't so weak and left her all alone." Chanyeol spat and went along his way. He had wanted to tell Howon everything then and there, but he knew Jiyeon would definitely not allow it, he knew she wouldn't jeopardise her Howon like that. Looking at the pale girl in his arms, he shook his head and sighed. What am I going to do with you? I have a feeling this time's going to be harder than ever...


Meanwhile, Howon stood rooted to the ground, his heart ached and he didn't have a clue as to why it did so. This school is really really weird... I'll find a chance to talk to the girl again soon, she seems troubled and somehow it seems like it's all... My fault? 



Jiyeon stirred in her sleep. She had been mumbling Howon's name and waving her arms around, grabbing at air. Tears cascaded down her cheeks and without even opening her eyes, she looked...sad. She was having the same dream, the one in which Howon was slipping away from her, the one in which she had lost him once again. 


Chanyeol wiped the sweat and tears away from her face with a warmed wet towel. He frowned, looking at how much pain Jiyeon was in. 


"Hyung, is she going to be okay?" Kyungsoo sat down beside Jiyeon's bed and cupped his cheeks with both hands. Chanyeol nodded firmly, "I believe in her, she's a strong woman, she can do it, she'll get better soon." He held Jiyeon's hand and prayed for her to wake up from the terrible nightmare.


It was as if his prayer worked, Ji

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Stageshow #1
Cockola #2
Chapter 2: Uhh Dramaaaa :D poor Chanyeol :'(
aarya3392 #3
Chapter 1: Can't wait for the next chapter!! It's beautiful :)
Cockola #4
Chapter 1: I love this!! Can't wait for the next chapter :D
- Carina ^*^