Once Again
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The door to the large wooden house burst open. Jiyeon stalked in, still fuming. Her hair was so intensely red it looked almost black. She took one look at her clothes in her hands and tossed it aside, "Ugh!"      "Woah woah woah, who crossed our fiery princess again? The person must be dead by now." Minseok looked up from the book he was reading, he recently got interested in this new form of magic, and was doing some researching about it.        "Ugh! Don't even mention it. He's dead to me. The next time I see him, I'll just twist his stubborn head off and lets see who's more powerful. I would've just killed him then if someone didn't stop me." Jiyeon turned and narrowed her eyes at Chanyeol, who just came in after her.        Chanyeol shook his head, "Kang Jiyeon, the moment you hurt a hair on him, the next day it'll be war! Do you even know who he is? Not only is he a Mage, he's also someone close to the Leader of the Dal Clan! Get your facts right before acting on your feelings!" Sometimes he didn't know what to do with Jiyeon, he loved her, yes, but there are times when he just wanted to just tear her pretty head apart.        Jiyeon shut up at that, processing the information thrown at her. That guy, a Mage? And someone important to the Dal Clan? I knew he was from there but I didn't know he'd be someone of importance. What would he be doing at that part of the town anyways? "Well he didn't look like he was important." Jiyeon muttered and swept her hair to the side. The red was getting lighter and lighter, fading back to her usual color, a little pinkish, a little purplish.        "Just be careful alright, don't always act on your feelings. You know you're next in line to be the Leader of the Taeyang Clan right? Act like it, Master will not be happy if he knew what happened today." Chanyeol softly chided.       Jiyeon immediately turned and looked at him with puppy eyes, she rubbed her hands together, pleading him, "That's why you won't tell Abeoji right? You won't right, uh? Chan, you won't right?"        Shaking his head at the sight, he messed her curls and promised her he wouldn't tell a single soul. Jiyeon then proceeded to plead the other boys to keep what happened that day a secret. If her father knew, the consequences would be more dire than just a scolding. 


  That night, Jiyeon barged into Chanyeol's room while he was changing. He instinctively covered his bare chest and turned around so all she could see was his back. "Kang Jiyeon! What are you doing? Don't you know how to knock?"        Jiyeon ignored him and walked towards the middle of his room and just laid on the floor. "Chan, I'm bored. Let's go to the Gyobang (Gisaeng training house) today, I haven't seen Yureol in a long time, can we go visit her today?"    Chanyeol finished putting on his clothes and sat down beside Jiyeon. "You know that's not a place a lady should be spotted at right? Especially a lady of your class."    Jiyeon sat up to face him. "Who said I'm going as a lady, just lend me your clothes and we can go together! Please? Can we? I really haven't seen her in a while and I really miss Yureol!"    Chanyeol shook his head in defeat, he really couldn't picture a future whereby he doesn't give in to her. "Go get ready, I'll meet you outside in 10 minutes." He passed her a set of his clothes for her to change into.    Jiyeon quickly got to her feet and made her way to her room to change.    10 minutes passed by really fast and the next moment, Jiyeon and Chanyeol were standing in front of the renowned Gyobang. It was the most famous Gyobang in the entire nation. Drunk men were exiting as sober men replaced them in the gisaeng house. Business was as good as it usually was, the stench of smoke and alcohol choked Jiyeon as she took in a breath of the place. She hated this place, but she missed her friend more.   She followed behind Chanyeol as he walked towards the lady holding a big fan, he recog
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Stageshow #1
Cockola #2
Chapter 2: Uhh Dramaaaa :D poor Chanyeol :'(
aarya3392 #3
Chapter 1: Can't wait for the next chapter!! It's beautiful :)
Cockola #4
Chapter 1: I love this!! Can't wait for the next chapter :D
- Carina ^*^