Once Again
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Year 1320

  "Hyung! Noona! Where are you guys?" Kyungsoo combed through the greenery but couldn't find anyone in sight. From the corner of his eye, he saw the bushes shift a little. His instincts came to work and he immediately got into his protective stance, in case there were assailants ready to attack. "Who's there?" Despite his smaller frame, Kyungsoo was a confident fighter, his voice never wavered while facing a fight.        The movement behind the bushes stopped and muffled giggles emitted from it. Kyungsoo frowned, he could recognise the sound from anywhere. "Come out. I know you guys are there." When two figures appeared from behind the bush, Kyungsoo picked up a few rocks from the ground and hurled them in that direction.        The guy at the other end raised his palmed and the rocks slowed down and eventually fell to the ground. "Kyungsoo-yah, really?" Chanyeol raised his eyebrow, questioning the younger boy's actions. The red-headed girl laughed histerically beside him, "K-Kyungsoo-yah, did you s-see your face? You looked so scared!" She clutched her stomach and bent over, overwhelmed by laughter.       "Jiyeon noona! Yah, how could you guys do this to me? Hyung, you know we're supposed to protect her, how could you let her run away on her own? And now I see that you too, have ran away with her! Yah, do you know how worried I was? I thought something bad happened!" Kyungsoo crossed his arms in front of him, furious. It was his and Chanyeol's duty that day, as Jiyeon's personal bodyguards. Kyungsoo took his work seriously and would never let Jiyeon out of his sight.        Of course, Chanyeol on the other hand, would definitely grab the chance to have fun whenever he could. He was the one who suggested to Jiyeon that the both of them should gang up and scare Kyungsoo. He loved bullying the latter, for he's the only one younger than Chanyeol himself.        Chanyeol pretended to be sad and pouted, "Awww, did we hurt your feelings, Kyungsoo-yah? Awww come here, hyung will take care of you." He opened his arms and gestured to Kyungsoo to come over. Kyungsoo scowled at him, "Yah, Park Chanyeol, stop it. Noona, aren't you going to stop him from bullying me?" Kyungsoo glanced over to Jiyeon.        Jiyeon gradually stopped laughing and placed a hand on Chanyeol's arm, pushing his open arms back down so that they hung beside him. "Chan, stop it, don't hurt our little boy, he might start crying soon!" With that, she started laughing histerically again.        Kyungsoo groaned at the pair and turned his head and started walking away. "Fine. I'm going home." Jiyeon nudged Chanyeol and the both of them ran after Kyungsoo, each hooking their arms through one of his. "My favourite Kyungsoo-yah~, don't be angry! You know we just love to tease you right?" Jiyeon cooed. Kyungsoo pushed away her arm and continued walking. "Go away, noona. You have Chanyeol hyung, just go have fun with him!"        Jiyeon pouted and grabbed Kyungsoo's arm again and shook it, "Don't be like this, Kyungsoo-yah, you know you're my favourite!" Jiyeon smiled widely at the younger boy. Kyungsoo suppressed a smile upon hearing those words, "Noona, I bet you say this to everyone else!"        "Aniya, just you!" Jiyeon raised three fingers to show that she was swearing on her words. "You know even Chanyeol can't beat you! Much less the rest. Minseok oppa is too cute, you know I like manly guys right? And Junmyeon oppa is just too nice, I'd like a bad boy! And come on, Yixing oppa is just too pure and too good for me. You're just perfect, a little manly, a little bad, and definitely my type of guy! Don't be angry anymore okay?" Jiyeon pouted cutely that even Kyungsoo couldn't say no to that face.       Kyungsoo rolled his eyes, "Fine fine, just don't disappear on me again!" He hooked Jiyeon's arm through his and brought her close. Chanyeol c
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Stageshow #1
Cockola #2
Chapter 2: Uhh Dramaaaa :D poor Chanyeol :'(
aarya3392 #3
Chapter 1: Can't wait for the next chapter!! It's beautiful :)
Cockola #4
Chapter 1: I love this!! Can't wait for the next chapter :D
- Carina ^*^