Once Again
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"No...No..." Jiyeon clenched her teeth and closed her eyes tight. Her red curls stuck to her face, mixing with her sweat and tears. This can't be happening, not so fast. She stared down at a young man's lifeless body. His eyes stared back at her, yet there wasn't even a hint on life in them. 

A crystal blade was embedded in the man's chest, sticking out at a weird angle. "Howon-ah...you can't just leave like this. It's only been 2 years since I saw you, now I'll have to wait another 100 years before I can see you again." Jiyeon held Howon close to her chest, sobbing into his dirty blond hair, which was soaked in his own blood. Jiyeon stared at her own hands, once again, it was covered in the blood of her lover.


Jiyeon looked around, her surroundings kept changing. One moment, they were in the middle of the forest where they first met, and the next, they were in a large empty recycling plant. The recycling plant contained trash and junk, that stacked so high Jiyeon wondered how she could still catch a glimpse of the dark, starry night. She glanced down at the lifeless body in her hands once again and her lips trembled. Her heart clenched tightly, it hurt everywhere. 


"Come back...come back to me...Or at least, take me with you..." Tears couldn't stop rolling down her cheeks. Jiyeon didn't even want to move, she wanted to be as dead as her Howon was, she had wanted to join him in his afterlife, but of course, that was impossible. 


"You're forgetting that he's not your Lee Howon. His name is Kim Soo Hyuk. Don't worry, my darling, your Howon is still safe." A voice boomed. Jiyeon looked around but nothing seemed alive enough to have made that sound in the dark.


"Bring him back... Please!!!" Jiyeon begged the unseen being. "Sir, please!" She seemed to know who it was without even needing to see the person. 


The being chuckled, but instead of feeling relieved, it sent chills down Jiyeon's spine. She felt like insides churning. How could someone even be happy in this situation? But of course, he's not just someone, he's The Judge. 


Before Jiyeon could even have time to feel her hatred for The Judge rise to her head, she felt Howon slowly slipping away, she felt herself losing the grip on him, the life in her heart slowly dying away. "S-Stop! Don't take him, please! I'll do anything you ask, just bring him back!" Jiyeon panicked and rubbed her palms together, pleading the powerful man. He had control of everything in her world. 


"Little girl... Haven't you learnt? You'll never end up with him. Destiny and Fate won't allow it. You're meant to find him, love him, and kill him. Never to live your happily ever after with him." The voice thundered and Jiyeon felt the structures crashing down beside her. She bent over to cover whatever was left of Howon, she had to protect him, she just had to. 


Within seconds, everything around her became black, there was nothing in sight, it felt like she somehow ended up at the bottom of a bottomless pit. She shook her head, "Bull, Destiny and Fate? That's utter bull." She screamed into the void. 


"You don't believe it? Let me show you then." Jiyeon could feel The Judge smirking, in that moment, she had hated him with everything she was. 


One by one, bodies after bodies appeared next to Jiyeon. She squinted her eyes and gasped. Her heart clenched. They were all bodies of Howon, her Howon. The Howons that were all killed by her, all by the same method, a crystal blade through the heart. There were exactly 5 bodies that laid neatly, side by side. Their skin pale and bodies that looked fragile, like one single touch could make them perish into ashes. 


Jiyeon could clearly remember how each and every body had come to what it was. She could clearly remember how she killed her one true love, her Howon. She stopped

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Stageshow #1
Cockola #2
Chapter 2: Uhh Dramaaaa :D poor Chanyeol :'(
aarya3392 #3
Chapter 1: Can't wait for the next chapter!! It's beautiful :)
Cockola #4
Chapter 1: I love this!! Can't wait for the next chapter :D
- Carina ^*^