
Do you believe in magic?

‘Shh, be quit. We don’t want to wake them up.’ A short, curvy woman whispered to a tall, skinny women. ‘They are a wake so we don’t have to whisper.’ The tall woman said. And she was right. 7 girls were standing in the hall. They looked a bit scared. ‘W-What are you going to do to us?’ The eldest said. She had blond hair and held the younger ones hand. ‘It’s okay. We are giving you powers so you can beat the demons if you are elder.’ A muscled man said. ‘Idiot, now they are scared of us. We are not going to hurt you sweetie.’ The curvy woman said and she glared angry at the muscled  man. The 7 girls looked even more scared. ‘We don’t want those powers. We just want to go home, to our daddy.’ One of them said. She had a white skin and black hair. She stepped forward to protect her sisters. ‘Sweetie, you have to. The legend says that 7 girls with powers are going to defeat the demons and save the magical kingdom.’ And the women laid her hand on the girls shoulder. ‘I don’t care! We just want to our daddy.’ She said and one of the other girls started to cry. ‘Now you made them cry!’ The tall women said. ‘Well, sorry. I did-.’ A tall man came in. ‘What is happening here?’ He asked. ‘We wanted to wake the girls up, but as you see they are already awake.’ The muscled man said. The man looked at the 7 girls. ‘Hello girls, I’m Jack and I’m going to bring you upstairs. Follow me okay.’ The girls nodded and followed him upstairs. The tall woman, curvy woman and the muscled man also followed.

‘They are here.’ Jack said to an old woman and stepped back. The old woman looked at the 7 girls and smiled. ‘Thank you Jack.’ Jack bowed and walked away. ‘Flora, please come here and set up the fire.’ The curvy woman nodded and walked to the fire place making fire. ‘Stella, can you get the rest of the mages?’ The tall woman nodded and left. ‘And you’ She pointed to the muscled man.’ You can get my book.’ He also nodded and left. ‘Now, my girls. I’m going to make you all a drink. Not just a drink, no, this drink will give you your powers.’ She grinned and turned around. ‘Flora, is the fire ready?’ She asked. ‘Yes ma’am. I will wait in the back of the room.’ And she walked to the back of the room.

After a few minutes Jack came back. This time he had people with him. ‘There you are, now we only need to wait for Al and my book.’ The old woman said and Jack and the other people walked to Flora and waited for Al. He came back with an old book in his hand. The old woman grinned and took the book from him. ‘Okay, let’s start. The eldest daughter needs to go first.’ And she looked at the girl with the blond hair. She was still holding her little sisters hand. ‘Lily, please step forward.’ The girl whispered something to her little sister who nodded and she let go of her hand. Lily stepped forward and looked at the old woman. ‘Lily, how old are you?’ she asked. ‘I’m 10 ma’am.’ The woman opened the book and searched for the right page. ‘Lily, I will give you the power of water. Unfortunately the healer died in the battle, but we still have his powers and I will give you some.’ The old woman grabbed two bottles. The first one was ocean blue and the second one was white-greyish. She poured it in a cauldron and putted some other ingredients with it. She mumbled something and a big bleu cloud came out of the cauldron. The woman poured some of the liquid in a glass and gave it to Lily. Lily drunk the liquid in one shot and after that she couched. The glass fell out of her hand and she fell on her knees. ‘Lily, Lily, are you alright!.’ The girl with the dark hair and white skin yelled and tried to run towards her, but one of the man stopped her. ‘Let me go!’ She screamed but the man didn’t let go. ‘She is fine.’ The old woman said and she looked back at Lily.

Lily stood up. Her eyes giving blue light and a strand of her hair that turned blue. ‘Water.’ She said and then she turned normal. ‘What was that?’ One of the girls said. ‘Every time you use your powers you eye color will change. Lily’s eye color will change in blue, like a strand in her hair.’ The old woman said. The girl nodded and looked at her elder sister. Lily stepped back in place and the rest got their powers. The second oldest daughter, Ella, got ice and time powers. The eldest pair of twins, Maya light and sun powers, Emma dark and moon powers. The youngest pair of twins, Nikki got air and Anna got air and earth and part healing powers. And the youngest of the 7 girls, Jane, got fire powers. The old woman finished with Jane and said. ‘Now that you girls have your powers, you will be separated to learn how to use your powers. You will live with one of these people and you will live in the human world. You will also learn how to fight and kill demon to keep the human world save. And you will all have a spirit animal. That means that you always have an animal with you, that are the powers of the animal mage, Fauna, your mother. Now say goodbye to each other and you will leave in 10 minutes.’ And the old woman left with her book.

The girls looked shocked at each other. Jane started to cry and Lily tried to let her stop. ‘Don’t worry, you will all get a phone and you can see each other if you like, okay.’ One of the man said and Jane nodded. The ten minutes were over and they all left.



Thank you so much for reading the intro!

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I want to thank Misstwilightfan1416 for subscribing to my story :)

The next seven/ eight chapters will be introductions for the seven sisters so that you know the character better before I start the story.

I'm so exicted to write this story! I hope you guys are as exicted as I am!

Untill the next chapter


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97wolves #1
Chapter 5: Loving these character intros, gracías for the updates;)
Kira_mato098 #2
"Do you believe in magic?" OMG this brought me back to Annarasumanara (a webtoon comic... really good!)
This seems interesting! ^ ^/ looking foward to it
Misstwilightfan1416 #3
Hi can't wait for your story it sounds interesting. You could call the kingdom Bangtan ;)