

New school. New people. Hopefully new friends. I walked through the school gate, continously looking around, examining the school. It is really big. Tall and big buildings built far away from each other, A large grassland where many students are sitting or lying.

I was wearing the same clothes as the students, but I can't help but feel out of place, not when all of them got company while I don't.

I walked around, trying to familiarize myself with the environment. Suddenly, I heard a vehicle honking. I turned and saw a motorbike.

Everything happened fast. Before I knew it, I was already on the ground. I didn't really know what happened.

"Miss, are you okay?!" he asked worriedly. I looked at him.

"YOU?!?!" We said in unison.

"Are you really trying to kill me?!?" I asked him angrily.

"It was an accident! and I honked at you!!" he argued.

"That isn't enough!! You could've killed me!!" I told him. He tried to help me get up but I pushed him and got up on my own.

"You didn't even say sorry" I said.

"Because you already accused me of doing it on purpose!!" he said.

I went to his motorbike and stuck my gum on its side mirror.

"Yah!!!" he pointed at me. I smirked at him and left.


Yugyeom's P.O.V.

Youngjae hyung came late. Luckily, the teacher wasn't around yet. I looked at him and he seems pissed off.

"Hyung what happened? Is there something wrong?" I asked him.

"That pretty " he muttered.

"Who?" I asked again.

"Some girl stuck a gum on my side mirror." he said.

"Why?" I asked

"Aish! I don't want to remember it" He said and slouched on his seat.

"But you said she's pretty, you would surely remember her anyways" Bambam butted in, teasing Youngjae hyung.


"Shut up Bambam" Youngjae said.

"Ok class" the teacer entered. Everybody sat properly and looked at her.

"It seem like our school is geting famous" she said and chuckled.

"We have another transferee student" she announced. A girl entered the classroom. I noticed Youngjae looking at her with shock all over his face.

"Hi, I'm Isabel Lee. I am a Filipino-Korean citizen, but it's the first time I came to Korea. Please take care of me." she said and bowed. Everybody stared at her because she said everything in English.

"Uhm, Ms. Lee, can you please say it in Korean so that everybody could understand?" The teacher asked.

"Uhm, I'm sorry but I don't know how to speak Korean yet." she said.

"Okay, go to your seat now so we can start the class. We'll find a solution to your little problem later." the teacher said and showed her her seat.


Youngjae's P.O.V.

Wow, just lucky. I have the girl I despise in the same class as me. Lucky.

The class went on, which was english class, the subject which I despise, which is so boring and difficult, WHICH WAS AGAIN..... ENGLISH!!!!

"That's all for today class, you may go now." the teacher said. We all stood up and prepared to leave.

"Mr. Choi can you please stay for a while? I have something to discuss with you. And you too Ms. Lee." the teacher said, making me look at Bambam and Yugyeom, then at that pretty .

When everybody else was out, Isabel and I went near the teacher's table

"Ms. Lee, about your Korean, I will find someone who will help you learn fast. It maybe one of your classmates who are good in english." the teacher told her.

"Thank you Ma'am." she bowed.

"Mr. Choi, I have just finished checking your Chapter test in English." Oh, shoot. Not again.

"And you, for the third time, ranked last." It's hard! I want to give up now. I heard Isabel laugh a little. I glared at her. She returned it and we had a staring match. I felt my heart beat fast and my body and face heating up.... maybe because of anger, maybe. The teacher saw us, then she clapped.

"Aha! How about you help each other? Right, that's a good idea. Youngjae help her learn the Korean language and Isabel help him learn English!" She smiled at us.

"No!!" we said and looked at her at the same time.

"I don't remember giving you the authority to shout at me. My decision is final. Isabel, your grade in English will depend on his learning progress, the same goes with your Korean subject Youngjae. You two may leave now." she said. Isabel got her things with obvious force and left the room.

I went out to go to the next class.


Mark's P.O.V.

I'll be having lunch with the boys today. No Marj. We had a deal. We had this past weekend by ourselves. We went to the mall and bought each other something. She bougt me a shirt and I bought her a cute, green sweater. She looks so cute in it she looked so huggable, scratch that, she's always huggable :))

It's the last subject before lunch, I hate History, I just looked at the teacher and pretended to listen, when actually I was just thinking about what should we do next weekend.

"Okay, class ended" the class ended like that, we went to the canteen to meet the others.

"Hyung, aren't we having lunch with Marj again?" Jackson asked. This guy, I know why he wants to have lunch with Marj, it's because Marj and Erica have become closer and they always have lunch together.

"No, she wants to hang out less with me because, you keep teasing us" I told him. He pouted.

"Yuck, Jackson, yuck" I told him.

"Aegyo hago ittago!! (I was trying to be cute!!)" he said sassily.

"Go practice somewhere else" I pushed him.

"Actually I'm already really cute, it's just that you think only Marjorie is cute, because you like her" He said.

"Yes, she is cute but I don't like her like that" I said.

"No matter what you say, I can see the truth" He said.

"Say that to Erica" I told him and he blushed.


Marjorie's P.O.V.

"Erica, I'll buy your food, just save a seat for us five." I told Erica. She gave me her money and order and I went to get our food. After buying I went to our table and the others were already there. Because of the deal, I've been hanging out with Erica, Hannah, Faye, and Karen. But I'll still hang out with them without the deal, they're pretty cool.

"There's a new girl in class" Hannah started.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, she's half korean but she doesn't know how to speak korean" she said.

"How will you communicate with her?" Faye asked.

"I don't know, I haven't talked to her yet." Hannah told her.

"But, I think she already has an enemy in class" she added.

"Who?" we all asked.

"Youngjae" we all looked at the guys' table.

"I saw them glare at each other" she said.

"Maybe they have a past" Karen suggested.

"She said it's her first time here in Korea." Hannah informed us.

"You know, we shouldn't really care about others' business. Let's eat now, I still have training." she said. We started eating.

"Marjorie, why aren't you hanging out with Mark anymore?" Erica asked.

"It's because people think we're a thing, you know, a couple." I said.

"Aren't you a couple?" Erica asked, a little surprised.

"We're not, we're childhood friends, bestfriends" I explained.

"You look good together though" Erica told me. Omo, I blushed.

"Unnie, don't you like Mark?" Hannah asked me.Shoot I blushed more.

"Omo! You're blushing!!" Karen exclaimed pointing at me. I put her hand down and looked around. The boys were already looking at us.

"Lower down you voice!" I sushed her.

"So you like him?" Faye asked. We were leaning our heads close together.

"I don't, we are really just bestfriends" I told them.

"How come you blushed then?" Hannah asked teasingly. Right. Why did I blush?

"I do-" the bell rang.


Mark's P.O.V.

I miss having lunch with her. We always had lunch with each other since we started school. Us hanging out with each other was never an issue, why does it have to be an issue now? She is having lunch with the new girls and Erica, they seem to be having fun with each other.

"Omo! You're blushing!" Karen said pointing at Marj. Marj grabbed her and and put it down then looked around.

"What are theg doing? Bambam asked. I shrugged. They leaned their heads closer to each other as if they were planning a secret mission. The bell rang.


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Cool, keep up the good work;)))