
the manager and his diva

What did he have to do to try him ? What did he mean ? It was not seducing him, he was already seduced. If he was talking about playing with his feelings, it's a big NO. He already hurt him too much.

Maybe it was a bad idea, thinking about Yongguk's suggestion. The best would be to forget all of this and stay focused on his last job before finally being off. What job, he just follows a diva all day long.

Baek: Daehyun where are you I have to leave in two minutes ? What did he need his bodyguard, the studio he was supposed to go was in the same building.

DH: I'm here. He said loud enough so it could be hear behind the door.

Baek: Let's go. They were now walking with Baekhyun's hand on Daehyun's arm. He let him do, he was used to this with the models. The press and paparazzi knew who Daehyun is in the company.

The studio was full of models and photographers. The event was the anniversary of a magazine Daehyun didn't remember the name. Even Jongup was here accompanying his lover.

DH: I think it's better if I wait outside. He knew Youngjae was here and after leaving him like he did without even telling him personally, he felt ashamed. And most of bodyguards were outside with limo or at the door.

Baek: No. Tonight you will accompany me. Our CEO said you accepted to work for me for this event. After that you're off and back to Jae. Baekhyun knew Youngjae had a thing for Daehyun, stylists talked a lot between them and with models. He himself thought Daehyun was hot. The difference is that Youngjae loved or liked one bodyguard, Baekhyun was a flirt with all his bodyguards. It was not his fault, this was his type. Bodyguard is his type.

Daehyun had no choice, as manager he had his word, but he was not manager for the moment. He had to follow the orders like a good dog.

JU: Hey big bro, you look so dead. Daehyun took the time the clingy man at his arm greeted guests to escape. He was still in the studio though. He couldn't leave without authorization. Like a dog.

DH: I'm good don't worry. You're here with Junhong I don't see him? Jongup nodded and pointed him the direction his boyfriend would be.

JU: He is with Youngjae over there. Daehyun followed the direction where Junhong, Youngjae and another man were. He recognized the third man as Youngjae's 'iest man on earth' or Jason.

DH: Oh I see... Jongup didn't miss the look on his face. Jealousy ?

JU: They are just here as friends but you can't blame him for wanting to move on after what you said to him. Junhong told me. Daehyun lowered his head. He said mean things then left his job like it was not his fault.

DH: I didn't mean a single word, it was you know, on the moment. The situation wasn't on my advantage so I panicked and said that. Jongup knew his brother and his mouth. He was too proud with a big ego. And sometimes stupid.

JU: You should tell him that, at least apologize to him. It was probably the good time since the mood was good and all. You're so proud to be a man, act like one.

DH: Yes you're right, I go. Jongup leaded him to the small group of friends. Three pairs of eyes were immediately on him.

DH: Hi. He felt like he just killed the mood by being here.

JH: Hey Daehyun you're here, did Jongup told you we invite your family for dinner Tuesday ? Can you make it ? Jongup must have forgotten this part, but sure Daehyun could make it since he was on holiday.

DH: I'll try to be here, I can't promise anything.

JH: Oh it's too bad you don't work with Youngjae, since he'll be there you would be automatically present. He said in a reproach tone.

DH: About that I would like to talk with Youngjae if it's okay with him. The diva side of Youngjae would have refuse, but the try to act like an adult to impress Daehyun side accepted without hesitation.

YJ: Okay. They walked to a quiet place of the studio.

DH: First of all, I want to apologize for the bad things I said to you, I swear I didn't mean a single word. I'm sorry for the way I stopped working with you. I didn't do it because of you, I just think if I stay away from you, it would erase your feelings for me. And his feelings for the younger. Out loud it sounded stupid, or maybe this was the words Daehyun used which sounded stupid. Maybe the reason of his act was stupid.

YJ: Is it a joke or you seriously think it could help me feel better knowing you work with someone who try to hit on you ? Said that way, Youngjae was right. But Daehyun didn't choose who to work with.

DH: What I try to tell is that I don't think you like me. The fact that I was here when you needed it made you think you like me. Maybe if I wasn't the one you called that night you wouldn't have this feelings. Youngjae shook his head.

YJ: And why do you think you're the one I called ? He asked.

DH: Because you always call me when you need something. Once he called at 2a.m just because there was a spider in his bedroom.

YJ: But it's because I trust you and only you. I didn't plan to develop this kind of feelings for you, but I always knew if one day I fall in love or try to be in a serious relationship, it would be with someone like you. You're caring, nice, stable. The opposite of Him. It was like a slap on the face. Daehyun who thought Youngjae was just a tease and would eventually move on after a night together was wrong, the young model was serious. Daehyun himself wasn't sure about what he felt for the younger. For him, it must be ual attraction nothing else, but hearing Youngjae's confession there was more than that.

DH: I didn't know you felt that way, but if you're sure, even if I don't really know how I feel about you, we can... Maybe we can try...

Baek: Oh gosh you're here. I was looking for you, you're supposed to be my date tonight. Baekhyun who was watching the scene from afar waited for the good moment to cut them off.

YJ: Date ? Asked Youngjae.

DH: I... No. I mean... For him it's a date but not for me. Listen to me. Tried to explain Daehyun, but Baekhyun was already dragging him away.

YJ: We'll talk when you'll clear your mind. Daehyun couldn't do anything even if he wanted. Youngjae was already out of sight.


Boss: What this time ? Asked the president.

DH: I don't need that vacations anymore, I can go back to work. Said Daehyun firmly. The old man closed his eyes in disbelief. This kid was playing with his nerves. It was not even a week, they were able to find a new team for Youngjae finally. And now Daehyun decided to appear with asking.

Boss: It's only been four days. You could have asked your free days instead of two weeks of holidays. Are you going to ask me a new thing each time you feel like it?

DH: I won't sir it's the last time I swear. He wanted to be closer to Youngjae and maybe feel the same way as him. He wanted to start something with the pretty model. Falling in love.

Boss: I have to ask Youngjae about that we'll see. He wouldn't be surprised if Youngjae refused. After all Daehyun did to him, he must feel betrayed.

DH: Thanks sir. Daehyun nodded.


First step to prove Youngjae he was serious, done.

Second step...

Are you- you're-

DH: His manager.

I-I.... The woman at the door couldn't believe her eyes.

Honey, are you okay? They heard a voice inside. But no answer from the shocked woman. The manager considered it as a sign to continue.

DH: In fact I want to see you and your husband, it's about your son.


JH: Did you talk to Daehyun since that night? Youngjae sigh thinking about the night he confessed for real.

YJ: No and I don't think it's time. I keep flirting with him but despite that, he s his in his office or date Baek the . I give up, I accept the fate, we're just friends? He really liked Daehyun a lot, it was the first time someone made his heart beat faster only by his presence.

JH: So you give up. You let your man to those es.

YJ: It's not like, I can't force him to love me Jun. I have to accept that. It was hard for him, he thought about it all times since the night.

JH: Ok if it's what you want. But you should at least talk to him. You don't know what he was about to say before Baek interrupts you. Seeing his friend so down, Junhong decided to change the subject. About your manager, what did the president said ?

YJ: He is trying to find someone else but it's not that easy. His manager was the worst person ever, the definition of . And a bit of a ert. Checking models out, slapping Youngjae's cute . Daehyun is handsome but respectful.

JH: If he asked you to come to his office he probably has good news. And he fired the mafia guy the second you said he tried to touch you. Trust me when it's about you, he does his best. You're the success of this place.

YJ: I hope so.

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Chapter 14: Great storyyy..i love model youngjae..all of bap members can pass being a model..well,look at them
Chapter 14: I love this so much thank you for this story author-nim.
Chapter 14: geayyy!! I'm finished read this. I love this ff. To cute and fluffy!! Jasonn!!wrong timing, wrong timing. why did you come... hahahha. I hate john tho.
daebaby93 #4
Chapter 14: i really liked the story XD im so happy they ended up together <3
favorite line tho "am i the only one who doesnt have a piece of Jung?" haha so funny XD
JulyChans #5
Chapter 14: Everything is too much cute, finally they are together as a couple, they deserve to be happy <3 i loved this episode but if scary me a little with the part of the attempted to Youngjae ;O; Thank you for update!
Chapter 14: I'm so glad that they are together now ㅠㅠㅜㅜ

I really like this ff!!

Thanks you so much for the chapter~~ :)
Chapter 13: Oh my!! That interesting moments.. •_•
Please become clear to each other,Daejae! ^^
JulyChans #8
Chapter 13: Omg, this story is so good, i can't believe that Jason said something like that, just when they were finally well, is so unfortunate ;;;; i hope that DaeJae can talk and clarify things, thanks for update!
Chapter 13: LOL JASON!!! WHY U DO DIS