Gay ?

the manager and his diva
An old fat man with a cane and cigar in mouth was walking in the corridor. He stopped in front of a door, knocked on it. A young dark hair male opened the door a frown on his face seeing the old man. He never saw him before. Before he can even say anything, the man pushed him out of the way and start talking.
Hi mister Yoo, I'm Johnny Staple, your new manager for the time being. Youngjae's mouth was wide open. What the hell was going on. The man was proud of the reaction he expected.
YJ: My manager ? What about Daehyun ? The workers were all looking at the man alerted by the screams. When they saw who was screaming, they went back to they work. It must be one of the diva's caprice. 
JS: Your manager is busy. One of the model asked for his service tho. Baekhyun if I remember the name. It's temporary though. Baekhyun was a model in Shining Ent. There were a rumor in the company which said he had his eyes on Daehyun. True or not, he was a danger for Youngjae. And why did Daehyun left him ? At least it was temporary. That means he was not mad at Youngjae or something. But still, he should have tell him face to face.
YJ: They hired the mafia to take care of my career, great. Said satirically Youngjae. He would rather have a handsome and styled person to be his manager. He was working in the fashion industry after all.
JS: Mr Yoo I advise you to watch out your language. I don't know how was Mr Jung, but some things will change here. First, you'll call me Mr Staple. Second, you will obey me and everything will be alright. That's all for the moment. He entered the dressing room like he owned the place and made himself comfortable. I would like to take a look at your schedule please. No need to say Youngjae already hate that guy. He wasn't even hot. He didn't have choice but giving him the schedule. Hopefully he was not a weird ert. Well Youngjae hoped.
YJ: Is there a problem ? He asked seeing his new manager's face. His normal face was ugly already, but now...
JS: Mr Jung was very incompetent. Why did he say that ? thought Youngjae. He never had problems with Daehyun, at least not professional. At the opposite, Daehyun made his career bigger. If the bodyguard would be there, he wouldn't dare saying about him. He would be too scare to get a punch. That's Youngjae's thoughts.
YJ: Daehyun is a good manager, it's thanks to him I am what I am now. He looked at Youngjae a sadist smile on his awful face.
JS: That's what I say, he's incompetent. Nobody dared to talk to Youngjae that way. 
YJ: You ing I don't want to work with you. He gritted his teeth.
JS: For you it's Mr Staple. And you don't have choice, the company is so desperate. Youngjae needed to see the director as soon as possible. He won't work until Daehyun come back.
Who would think someone could be worse than Youngjae. Baekhyun was a real flirt. Why did he accept that 'little service'
DH: He openly flirt with me. The day we just met. Daehyun was still surprised by the last days. It was like all of sudden, everybody wanted to get him. Before he worked for the company, there didn't have so much people wanting to get into his pants. But the worst is...
DH: Why do I always attract men ? Do I look... Gay ? Yongguk let out an exaggerated chuckle. Daehyun attracted only men. Ni ha was the only girl who showed interest in him. And he left her.
YG: It's not a real question right ? He asked still laughing.
DH: Of course it is idiot. He punched his brother's shoulder. What was so funny?
YG: You sure you want my opinion ? You won't hit me ? Daehyun clenched his fist, he had an odd impression he would not like the answer.
DH: I won't. 
YG: Honestly I don't think you can say someone look gay or not. But one, you're a handsome man who spent time with gay men, you're the perfect target. Two, you wear this tight shirt showing off your toned body. Daehyun frown.
DH: Are you saying models are all homouals ? Wait, I look gay because I wear tight shirts ? Daehyun didn't understand, at the gym, the guys wear tight shirts too.
YG: No I didn't mean that, models are not all gay, only the ones you work with.  He mocked. And for the shirt yeah that's absolutely what I meant. At that moment, Daehyun thought his brother was really stupid.
DH: I thought homouals wear skinny jeans and other tight pants, not tight shirt. Unfortunately, he was as stupid as him.
YG: Daehyun it's the way you wear your shirt I'm talking about. Daehyun looked at his own shirt, then his brother's. It looked the same for him.
DH: I wear my shirt like a normal guy. I really don't understand what you're implying. There was not a gay or straight way to wear clothes.
YG: I called Jongup he's coming. Jongup was their little brother. They didn't have sisters, they were three brothers.
DH: You called him only for that ? 
YG: No he texted me before, he has something important to tell us. Jongup was working as estate agent for rich people. He was the last of the family, living with his two stupid brothers was a hell for him. When he had the age, he was the first to leave the family house, even before his lazy brothers.
YG: About earlier, what I mean is the type of homouals you work for are the feminine ones or bottom. And you are obviously a manly man, a ing top. Daehyun was lost. What is tight shirt has to do with the top thing.
DH:They want my abs ? He asked stupidly.
YG: Maybe they like to feel a real man's body when they've been . 
DH: How do you know about the top and bottom thing? Are you ing men. Daehyun heard about this. How his brother knows so much about this. Yongguk just shrugged it off.
JU: Hey s what's up ? Jongup entered Yongguk's flat without knocking.
DH: Yo spoiled brat we got a question for you. Jongup made himself comfortable, taking a drink in the fridge.
YG: Does Daehyun look gay for you ? Jongup shook his head with exasperation. He always knew he was brighter than them, but not at that point. He took a long sip of his drink before letting out a sigh.
JU: Guys you know you talk about ordinary people and most important human being ? The elders nodded furiously. You're into stereotypes bros. Do I look 'gay' to you. He imitated his brothers' voices.
YG, DH: No. They answered at the same time. He was in his clean suit, his hair perfectly styled. He looked like a married man with wife and kids.
JU: I am though. That's what I wanted to tell you, I have a boyfriend. Their mouth opened. Surprise uh!?
DH: ing stereotypes, it's the last time I believe in them. But what with the tight shirt thing, I still don't understand?
JU: What tight shirt? Asked Jongup.
YG: I told him the way he wore his shirt attracted men. Well gay men. Explained the older.
JU: You two really like saying I see. His shirts are normal, it looks the same on you Guk. Daehyun laughed at that. It reminds Yongguk of something.
JU: But why did you want to know ? He suddenly remember the main subject.
YG: You know I'm training this model, Himchan. I don't know if you know him but I think he's gay too. He keeps complimenting me on my body. Told the older brother, ignoring the question.
DH: I know who Himchan is, Youngjae hates him. How can it help me with my problem? Why bringing Himchan into this?
JU: You didn't answered my question. Cut Jongup.
YG: Oh yeah, Because Daehyun is madly in love with Youngjae. Yongguk answered Jongup's previous question.
JU: Youngjae as in Yoo Youngjae ? Jongup asked astonished.
DH: Yes it's him and I'm not madly in love, I may like him or just want to make naughty things to him. The younger patted his thigh.
JU: Seriously ? I'm dating his friend Junhong. Just ask him out. Daehyun looked at him like he was crazy.
DH: I don't know if I really like him or it's just a ual attraction. I'm still unsure about being with another male. The idea of dating someone of the same gender never crossed his mind. And it was still weird for him. Except Youngjae he didn't feel attracted or anything like that to men.
JU: So you're the manager Youngjae was trying to get. I heard so much about you without knowing it was you. Jongup said much to himself. Man he's so into you.
YG: I got an idea ? The not so quiet man jump off the couch. Try him. He said. If you ask him out, I ask Himchan out.
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Chapter 14: Great storyyy..i love model youngjae..all of bap members can pass being a model..well,look at them
Chapter 14: I love this so much thank you for this story author-nim.
Chapter 14: geayyy!! I'm finished read this. I love this ff. To cute and fluffy!! Jasonn!!wrong timing, wrong timing. why did you come... hahahha. I hate john tho.
daebaby93 #4
Chapter 14: i really liked the story XD im so happy they ended up together <3
favorite line tho "am i the only one who doesnt have a piece of Jung?" haha so funny XD
JulyChans #5
Chapter 14: Everything is too much cute, finally they are together as a couple, they deserve to be happy <3 i loved this episode but if scary me a little with the part of the attempted to Youngjae ;O; Thank you for update!
Chapter 14: I'm so glad that they are together now ㅠㅠㅜㅜ

I really like this ff!!

Thanks you so much for the chapter~~ :)
Chapter 13: Oh my!! That interesting moments.. •_•
Please become clear to each other,Daejae! ^^
JulyChans #8
Chapter 13: Omg, this story is so good, i can't believe that Jason said something like that, just when they were finally well, is so unfortunate ;;;; i hope that DaeJae can talk and clarify things, thanks for update!
Chapter 13: LOL JASON!!! WHY U DO DIS