04; Who Are You?

The Power of Love







Daehyun was standing in front of the window in his room that was overlooking the city, with the curtains drawn back. His hands were tucked into his pockets and even though he had his back facing Theodore, Theodore could tell that Daehyun was deep in thoughts.


“Sir, dinner is ready. The Elders are all gathered in the dining room.” Theodore said carefully.


“Theodore.”Daehyun called out. “Yes, sir?”


Daehyun swiveled around. “I’m the last Hybrid, right?”


Theodore nodded his head. “Yes, sir.”


“Then how could it be possible, for her to own three identities? I’m the only one out of all the Hybrids to own three identities.” Daehyun said, more to himself than to Theodore.


Hybrids are a special species of the OtherWorlds; they own two identities within them, or three identities in Soah’s and Daehyun’s case. It was possible for the child to obtain both the identities of their parents when OtherWorlds of different identities conceive a child.


“Sir, it will be possible if a Hybrid gives birth to a child with a regular OtherWorld, who only has one identity.” Theodore offered a possibility.


Daehyun nodded slowly. “I know that’s possible but the chances are very, very slim for the child to obtain all three identities.”


Daehyun sighed and a hand through his hair, not liking the new mystery he had on hand. Feeling his brain cells slowly being killed off, he gave up and decided to grab some dinner instead.


He strode out of his room with Theodore trailing behind him. Before Daehyun even reached the dining room, he could already pick up the voices of the rest of the five Elders. And the focus of their conversation was no other than Soah.


Soah Anne Lee. Daehyun tried out her name mentally, as if he was testing to see if the sensation he felt earlier on would flare up again. But there was nothing. A part of him felt disappointed, and the other felt relieved. Well, he was definitely feeling conflicted.


Youngjae and Himchan glanced up the moment they saw Daehyun entering but their conversation did not halt.


“She’s a Fey and a Soulmate. And a Vampire.” Zelo emphasized, although the rest of them weren’t aware of it.


“What’s a Fey though?” Jongup asked, looking up from his steak momentarily.


Yes, they were Vampires but their diets were not restricted to blood only. Varying from vampires to vampires, a few kinds of human food were still well received by their bodies. They were usually their favorite dishes when they were still human.


Yongguk snickered, “Aren’t you having your lessons on all the different kinds of OtherWorlds right now?”


Jongup shrugged. “Well, for one, the lecturer is really boring and secondly, I just wasn’t interested in it.”


By not interested, Jongup meant that he was absorbed and caught up in his own world. Again.


Himchan sighed and shook his head; he obviously can’t be bothered to help the poor guy catch up on all his missing knowledge. Youngjae watched the scene silently, while eating his food and glancing at Daehyun occasionally. The said guy that Youngjae was stealing glances at was just digging into his chicken quietly, as usual.


“A Fey is like a magical witch, except that they are not witches.” Zelo tried explaining but it only made Jongup even more confused.


Daehyun was cleaning his fingers with a wet towel that was provided when he spoke. “A Fey has a seductive and alluring side, which can be used to enchant a prey when needed.”


It wasn’t Daehyun’s explanation that shocked the 5 Elders that sat round the table with him but it was the fact that he actually spoke. Right after that particular incident occurred, Daehyun has never spoken more than 2 words to any of them.


Youngjae, who was the most taken aback amongst them, gawked at Daehyun openly.


Daehyun blinked at all the wide-eyed stares he was receiving and shifted uncomfortably. “What?”


“N-nothing, splendid explanation.” Himchan stuttered while trying to break the ice.


All of them smiled at his poor attempt and even Daehyun cracked the smallest of smiles.


I guess it’s already working. Youngjae thought while glancing at Daehyun.




Soah ducked her head as she walked down the hallways in the university, shielding herself from all the murmurs and the pointing of fingers she was receiving.


She dove into a hallway that was deserted and barely lit, leaning against the brick wall. She let out a sigh of relief and hugged the books that she held in her hands closer to her chest.


“Hiding from someone?”


Soah’s eyes snapped towards the source of the voice immediately. At that very moment, she felt it. She felt an attraction surge up from deep inside her and it was pulling her towards him. Little did she know that Daehyun felt it too.


“U-uh,” Soah stuttered. She didn’t know what to do, should she bow?


A snort was heard. “No, you don’t have to bow or whatsoever.”


Soah turned pink instantly, causing Daehyun’s eyebrows to pinch together. Vampires were not supposed to blush since their hearts weren’t beating anymore.


Daehyun perked up his ears and just like what he had expected, he heard it. Da-dump, da-dump. Soah’s steady heart beat.


Daehyun stepped out from the dark, revealing himself to Soah. He stood in front of her, leaving a good distance between the both of them lest she felt uncomfortable.


Soah swallowed, taking in Daehyun’s sharp jaw, dangerous eyes and his thick lips. Her eyes lingered on Daehyun’s lips longer than it should and she caught herself wondering how would it feel like to kiss those lips of his.


Her cheeks started heating up once again at the thought of it and she tore her eyes away from Daehyun’s lips instantly.


Daehyun smiled, an action that caused Soah’s heart to beat even faster. She cursed her heart mentally.


“Would you like to go on a date with me?” Daehyun asked out of nowhere.


“S-sorry?” Soah blinked, glancing up at Daehyun with wide eyes. Her heart was beating too fast and her cheeks felt like they were on fire. She needed to get away but damn, she was attracted to him at the same time. It wasn’t the usual kind of attraction, the attraction she felt for Daehyun was much stronger and deeper. It felt as though her heart, mind, body and soul were all attracted to him.


Daehyun clucked his tongue, aware of the effect that he had on her. He was secretly feeling happy about it, although his facial expressions did not show it.


“I’ll take that as a yes then. I’ll pick you up at your dormitory at 7pm tomorrow.”


Before Soah could even open to respond, Daehyun has already turned around and walked off. She stared at his retreating figure, how does he even know where my dormitory is?


She shrugged it off. Well, he was The King for a reason, right? But now Soah had another pressing problem on hand.


What was she going to wear for the date tomorrow night?


Soah felt her cheeks heat up again and she hugged her books even tighter. She started heading back towards her dormitory, with a huge smile plastered on her face. The murmurs and the pointing of fingers didn’t seem to bother her anymore. 




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Caramelatte019 #1
Chapter 21: Thanks for the double update! Dae hurry and save Soah
sapphire11 #2
Chapter 21: Omo...cant wait for daedae to save soah..
Chapter 20: Omg dubbel update :D thank you ♡♡♡♡♡
Buut whut happened to Daehyun :o
Caramelatte019 #4
Chapter 17: Oh no !!! Save Soah, DaeHyun
Caramelatte019 #5
Please update soon
Eunseo-ah #6
Authornim ~~ please update your story... I love it!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Caramelatte019 #7
I love this story so much **
Caramelatte019 #8
Please update soon authornim!!! Love you this story so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Kakepop #9
Chapter 14: OMG YESSS IM SO EXCITED. Unfortunately I'm not from Singapore, but I'm planning on going to the LOE2016 so we can fangirl while we wait for the dates to be announced ^^
AND I love your story. I just discovered it a couple of days ago and usually I'm not into the fantasy kind of stuff but I really like your storyline and characters so keep up the good work!
sapphire11 #10
Chapter 13: Omo...i love daedae and soah interact to each other...i want more authornim...