Chapter 3

It Happened In New York

Nahla wandered on the sidewalk, thinking about her tragic story. She walked passed a book store that happened to be open.
She glanced at her phone to check the time.

"21:30 and it's still open?" She asked herself softly. She walked through the open door and found what seemed to be the owner packing books into an empty shelf.

"Good evening. Are you still open?" Nahla approached the tall figure and he seemed to be wearing a suit.

'How odd.' Nahla thought.

The man turned around and Nahla's heart fell into shock.

"Sorry the store is closed but I made a bit of a mess by knocking the shelf over." Nahla stood still, not knowing whether she should scream, cry or run away. Here she was standing with the star of her favourite tv show. Who on earth would imagine that she would walk into a book store and find T.O.P packing books?

"Oh." She managed to say after a long while of silence.

"The owner will be back tomorrow though." He stared at her features for a while and he too didn't know how to react. She look different, exotic and perhaps foreign.

"No I uhm just decided to see why the book store is open at this time." Nahla wandered in the store a little further.
For the first time in many years, she did not know what to do. She was stuck. How was she going to get an autograph without seeming like a crazy stalker?

"I love your tv show." She decided to just come out with it but she tried to sound as cool and collected as she could. Seung Hyun chuckled.

"Thank you." He said modestly.

"I'm sure you hear that a lot." Nahla dug in her bag for something she could use for an autograph.

"I do." Seung Hyun went back to packing the books that fell to the floor after he tripped and fell onto the book shelf causing it to fall to the ground. The owner had a dinner date so he offered to clean up so that the owner could get to his dinner date on time. Not one of his proudest moments but he tried to do the right thing by cleaning up what he messed. Nahla searched for a pen until she found one.

"I know you must be tired and irritated but would you mind signing this?" Nahla walked towards him slowly, not sure if she was asking too much.

"Sure." He placed the left over books on a nearby table and went back to retrieve the book and pen in Nahla's hands. He stared at the cover for a while.

"You have the limited edition of this book? I've been trying to find it everywhere. I've went to the USA and Japan but I could never find The Tales Of Genji." He stared in bewilderment, she has the book he's been searching for.

"It belonged to my dad."

"Are you sure you want me to sign this? It's a limited edition and your dad gave it to you." Seung Hyun secretly didn't want to sign the book but it wasn't his choice.

Nahla continued searching for a scrap piece of paper in her bag but just that same morning, she cleaned her entire bag out.
She too, didn't want her precious book that she has been carrying in her bag for the last few years to be ruined with ink.

"How did your dad manage to find it?" Seung Hyun also started looking for a piece of paper, he decided that he was not going to ruin this book.

"It's been a family heirloom for quite sometime." Nahla gave up looking as she finally realized she had nothing in her bag.

"I loved every bit of this book. I couldn't put it down." She continued while Seung Hyun went to the front desk, he knew he would surely find paper there.

"I found paper." Nahla walked gracefully towards the desk and handed him her pen.


"Nahla. That's N A H L A." Nahla stared at his facial features. He was so handsome and she loved that he had great taste in books. It was just her luck. She couldn't believe how amazingly lucky she was to be getting an autograph from one of her favorite actors.

"That is the most unusual name." He handed her the paper and stared at her for which would probably be the last time. They've been in that book store for over five minutes and he enjoyed every second of it. She was beautiful, smart and she had The Tales of Genji which he envied her for.

"Thank you." He noticed her smile as she said her goodbyes.

"Please look after that book." Seung Hyun didn't want to say goodbye but he wouldn't bring himself to ask her to stay a bit longer.

"I will. Thanks once again. Enjoy the rest of your evening." And there it was, he was alone once again and she was gone.

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ThatFanGirlA #1
Chapter 13: Why are men such idiots?
Chapter 13: Ugh, it is so frustrating those two =_=
Popkorn17 #3
Chapter 12: It's too bad that TY couldn't hang around any longer even just as her friend...
I'm really enjoying this story, please continue~
Chapter 12: Ugh he does not deserve that pep talk, but well I give Nahla credit for being nice to him still, ugh I want to strangle that Morgan B.+.h
Chapter 12: I cant help but feel t.o.p and nahla belong together :'( whenever they are together, it's perfect. Great update authornim ^^
Rusty22 #6
Chapter 11: ....Seunghyun level 1000 NOOB!!!! #Disappointed
Chapter 11: NO F YOU Seunghyun =_= ugh makes me so mad =_= I hope they break up and he begs for her forgiveness!!!!!!!
Chapter 10: Would it be mean for me to wish that Morgan gets hit by a bus? XD
Chapter 10: UGH WTF SO PISSSED OFF =_= ugh she should have said no to morgan =_=
Chapter 9: Taeyang was just amazing!!! I just don't want him to be a rebound :'( can't wait for the next update :D