Change of Character

I'll be your dominant

'I didn't expect you to come.'

You placed down the bottle opener and turned around. Jiyong. Of course. 

'Neither did I to be honest.' you retort. After hearing what Taeyang just said, you don't know how to speak to him any more. You don't whether to be blunt with him, or to be kind and considerate. It just baffled you.

'You drink?' he asks. You look down at the bottle in your hand and turn around to get a glass to pour your drink. 

'Not usually, no, but I felt like there was no harm in drinking tonight.' you say to him, with your back still turned. Whilst you were pouring your drink, your hand was shaking. No matter what you thought of him or how you perceived him, you were still intimidated by him. That was clear. 

'And what have you done so far tonight then?' he says right next to you. You jump back, unaware of how sneaky he could be. Placing the bottle on the counter, you turn to face him and see him smirking. He sure loves to surprise you. 

'I've met your friends. Taeyang, Seungri, Daesung and Seunghyun. I was just getting to know them.' You point your glass in his direction, offering him some of your drink. He shakes his head and stands up straight.

'Right. I see. Nicceeee legs by the way.' he says, gesturing at your lower body. 'And what about your dark side. Will I be seeing that tonight?'

'I'll see you later Jiyong.' You pick up your drink, and head out of the kitchen, back to the other guys. You left not because you were offended by what he said. You just didn't know how to respond to him.


Sitting back down beside Taeyang, you heard them talking about the countdown to midnight and who everybody was going to kiss. Just then, all the guys start cheering and you turn to see why. Jiyong is making his way over. Great(!) You shuffle uncomfortably on your spot and keep your head down, avoiding eye contact at all costs. He greets a couple of the guys and sits down opposite you in a relaxed manner, acting as if he isn't phased by your presence. Maybe he isn't, and it's just you over thinking things.

'Hyung, where you been? We've been waiting to start partying with you.' says Seungri. Jiyong clasps his hands together and just shrugs his shoulder. 

'I was just upstairs with some gi....I was just sorting some stuff out upstairs.' he replies. It was obvious he meant to say girls, but refrained himself for some reason. Perhaps not to hurt your feelings? No... that was a stretch to far. Was it?

After that, you became disconnected from the conversations that went on. Instead, you decided to chug down the alcohol you had in your hand from sheer boredom. After finishing your cup, you would repeatedly go back to the kitchen to take some more. And every time you came back from the kitchen, and drank a little more, Jiyong would glance over at you with a stern but concerned look. It was almost like he was looking out for you. Drinking so much, in such a short period of time, subsequently lead to you needing the toilet urgently. Obviously being new to this house, you needed directions on where to go, and hence waited for Daesung to finish speaking before asking: 'sorry, but could one of you show me where the toilet is?'. And to your surprise, Jiyong jumped to that request instantly.

'I'll take you.' he says as he ushers you considerately towards the stairs. He watches you as you place a foot on the first step and wobble lightly, and so, sighs to himself and offers you his hand. And to be frank, you had no other choice but to take it. He carefully guides up each step whilst maintaining a safe grip of your hand. Once you reached the top of the stairs, he pointed towards a room at the end of the corridor and let go of your hand.

'It's that one there, on your left.' he says. 'I'll be waiting for you out here, so don't take long.' You enter the crisp clean bathroom and look at yourself in the giant mirror that is place in front of the taps. Your cheeks are scarlet red and your stomach isn't starting to feel too good either. Drinking that much really was a bad idea, especially on an empty stomach, and it was so not you either. Dabbing your palms in cold water, you attempt to revive yourself from this drunken state, but then, your stomach pulls in a painful way, and drags your hands to clutch your abdomen. 

You go towards the door and cast it open, but, see an annoyed Jiyong standing outside the door. When he hears the door open, he turns around, prepared to have a slight go at you but before he says anything, you grab hold of his arm and nuzzle into him. He looks at you bewildered, not knowing what to do. 

'___, what's wrong?' he asks apprehensively. He look down at you and can feel you shivering against him.

'I don't feel... good.' you mutter under your breath. 'My stomach hurts.' Jiyongs hand is hovering over your body, uncertain of what to do. After a few brief seconds, his hand pulls you into him for a warm embrace. He places his chin on the top of your head and rocks you back and fourth steadily. This side of Jiyong was so considerate and caring. And you actually felt safe in his arms. Nuzzling further into his chest, you sigh from relief, already feeling better in his arms. He places one hand on your head and starts your head softly whilst making quiet 'shhh' sounds. You could fall asleep in his arms like this. It was so peaceful that you couldn't even hear the loud blaring music anymore. It was just you and him.

'Come with me.' he says as he pulls away from you. You look up at him sorrowfully, unhappy to be dejected from his arms, but follow him down the hall. You pass several rooms before reaching the end of the hall and entering a small secluded room. He opens the door and escorts you in. The room is pitch black, but then, Jiyong turns on the light and you see a luxurious bedroom. It has a king size bed and several chest of draws, with random ornaments placed neatly on top. The walls are covered with contemporary pieces of art and several portraits of unknown people. He points towards the bed whilst getting some stuff out of his wardrobe. 

'Take off your clothes and get into bed.' he says. You look at him horrified. What was he implying? You gape open your mouth and stare at him. The cheek. He was going to take advantage of you in this vulnerable condition. You start moving your lips to vocalize a response. However, he turns around and drops some clothes on the bed.

'Put those on, and then get into the bed. You need to sleep this off.' He notices your offended expression from what he said before and scoffs gently. 'I'm not all that bad, am I?'

You look down at your feet, regretful at your quick judgement. This would be a great opportunity to apologize to him, but being the stubborn self you are, it proved a challenge. He drops his head, starts shaking it and laughs forgivingly. 

'It's fine, I get it. Just get into bed. The sooner you sleep the sooner you'll feel better. I'll leave you to it.' he says as he starts making his way for the door.

'No!' you cried. He turns to face you abruptly, confused. 'Please don't go. I don't want to be alone.' you say shyly. You didn't know what it was, but the few seconds he was hugging you, you didn't want those seconds to end. And from what you learnt, he made you feel at ease. He raised his eyebrow and shut the door. 

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Kelnj98 #1
Chapter 7: update
Chapter 7: wow, she's going to regret that in the morning.
side note: rocking a drunk person with a stomach ache is generally not a good idea, lol.
Chapter 5: hm...joon ki may have had good intentions, but boy was that the wrong way to go about it.
the chemistry between her and gd is interesting, look forward to seeing where it goes.
Chapter 4: ohwww...Joon Ki.... poor boy.... omg!!! cant wait for more updates!! <3 <3 <3
Chapter 3: new reader here!!!! kkkk...
Cant wait for the update!