An Unexpected Night

I'll be your dominant

It was a Friday night and you were sat by yourself in your apartment. All your friends were getting ready to go clubbing, meet some guys and get drunk. But you weren’t going. You never did. Needless to say, you enjoyed your own company more than that of drunk, needy men. You had just made yourself a drink and sat down to read a book. This was nice. Everything was calm and relaxed. You were in your own environment and not being pushed out of your limits. About a third of the way into the book, your phone began buzzing, and the name of your friend came up.  

'_____, have you had anything to drink tonight?....Oh God! Silly me, I forgot, you don't drink.' said Hyun Eun. You rolled your eyes feeling aggravated at your friend. 

'And I'm guessing you have. What's wrong? Why are you calling me?' you tone of voice was concerned with a hint of annoyance. Knowing Hyun Eun and your friends, you probably didn't even need to ask what happened. They most likely have had too much to drink and need someone to pick them up. 

'Well..... we had a bit too much to drink so-'
'I'll be there in 20 minutes' you interrupted. Yup, just like you predicted. 

You folded the page you left off at, grabbed your keys, coat, and made for the door; book in hand. This was a typical friday night. And in all honesty, this wouldn't be a Friday night if you didn't have to act as a taxi service for a couple of hours. Classic. You headed for the elevator, and patiently hummed while you waited for it to arrive on your floor. Due to your irritation of it taking too long, you went for the stairs instead. You were quickly springing through the steps, circling each turn and doing it with ease. Reaching into your pocket, you got your headphones out but- THUMP! You crashed into somebody and fell back in shock. Rubbing the sore spot on your head, you opened your eyes and saw that it's Joon Ki you crashed in to. 

'Oh my god, Joon Ki, I'm so sorry!' you plead. Standing up, you offer a hand to him; he grabs it whilst sniggering at you. You and Joon Ki have been bestfriends for as long as you could remember. He was just like you, in the sense that he didn't rely on going out every week to be happy. He had the same interests as you did and you two would share book recommendations every now and again. He really was someone you cherished a lot. When you bravely decided to move out from your town into the big city of Seoul, he offered to follow you and help you set up. Ever since then, he lives in the same apartment complex as you and you two remain good friends up until this day.

'You know, everytime we run into each other, I'd appreciate it if we didn't actually 'run' into each other.' says Joon jokingly.  

You giggle cheerfully looking at Joon Ki. 'Well, I would like that too but it just seems it's not in my nature' you say merrily as you walk away slowly. 'I'll see you later Joon, and hopefully before I run into you!' A few steps later, you were on the bottom floor, heading for your car.


You were sat in your car outside the club and could see a few people making out by the entrance and back alley. Rolling your eyes, you reached for your phone and called Hyun Eun multiple times only for it to go straight to voicemail. Sighing, you got out of your car and made your way into the club. This wasn't nice in the slightest. The music was loud and thumping and the entire place smelt like it had been drenched in ethanol. You entered the main area and searched the crowd of people for your friends. Just when you lost all hope, you saw a dark haired girl in a red dress by the bar. Yup. That was her.

You approached her and tapped her shoulder. She turned her head and screeched like a bird when she saw you.

'Ahhhh! You came! This is great, come on lets have some fun' she says as grabs your wrist.

You look at her sternly in the eyes. 'Hyun Eun, I came to take you home, not to party, go get the others and I'll take you-'

'NONSENSE' shouts Hyun Eun over the blaring music. 'Just stay for a couple of minutes, then we'll leave.' She grabs your wrist tighter than before and pulls you through the dancing crowd to the table everyone was sat by. You could see that some of your friends must've met people tonight as most of them had a new guy by their side. As soon as everyone saw you, they started cheering excitedly. Even the potential one night stands start cheering. They all stand up and make space so you could sit down. To your luck, you sat down by New Mystery Guy number 3. Great(!)

It must've been well over an hour that you were sat there awkwardly watching your friends make out around you. Once they heard a song play that they all liked, they all stood up and stood around the edge of the dance floor; drinks in hand. You looked around for Hyun Eun so you could go home and then spot her talking to a guy not too far from your table. The guy looks uninterested in her and what she was saying. She kept putting her hands on him and being very touchy, but his response was just....bland. You carefully analysed their actions and then notice them coming over to the table. Hyun Eun introduces the guy to the group and from what you heard, his name was G-Dragon. 'Ha! That must be his nickname' you thought. G-Dragon respectfully bows to everyone and then Hyun Eun leaps at him, putting herself all over him. From the look on his face, he looks uncomfortable and quite honestly, turned off by Hyun Eun's actions. You're still intently analysing their actions and you notice G-dragon making eye contact with you. This is so uncomfortable for you. You don't know whether to keep looking or to look away. A desperate Hyun Eun clutches onto G-Dragon's body but he pushes her away. Instead, he starts making his way towards you, staring deeply into your gaze. You don't know what to do. You sit still with wide eyes confused. He sits himself down next to you and casually takes out a cigarette. 

'What's your name sweetheart?' he asks arrogantly as he lights his cigarette. '____' you respond quietly. G-Dragon takes a drag of his cigarette and whilst he exhales, he says ' Beautiful name for a beautiful girl. I'm Jiyong by the way, but you can just call me G-Dragon'. You look over at Hyun Eun who looks just as shocked as you do. 'Pleasure to meet you Jiyong' you say.

'You don't look too comfortable here ___' says GD smoothly.

'I'm not big on this scene, the clubbing scene'- Just then, Hyun Eun storms over to you two and looks helplessly at you. 'Come on ____, we need to go home, remember?' she says resentfully. 'Ahh yes yes, of course, yeah.' You look over at G-Dragon and he nods at you. 

'See you later gorgeous' he says smugly. 

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Kelnj98 #1
Chapter 7: update
Chapter 7: wow, she's going to regret that in the morning.
side note: rocking a drunk person with a stomach ache is generally not a good idea, lol.
Chapter 5: hm...joon ki may have had good intentions, but boy was that the wrong way to go about it.
the chemistry between her and gd is interesting, look forward to seeing where it goes.
Chapter 4: ohwww...Joon Ki.... poor boy.... omg!!! cant wait for more updates!! <3 <3 <3
Chapter 3: new reader here!!!! kkkk...
Cant wait for the update!