Let's Celebrate

I'll be your dominant

G-Dragon's hand starts making it's way down the side of your body very slowly. You might have been left in awe from what just happened, but that doesn't mean you've lost all sense. 
You go to turn towards GD and interrupt his intrusion, but as you turn, his hand cups the side of your face and pulls you in for a kiss. His lips press against yours almost like a jigsaw piece. He keeps repeatedly puckering his lips against yours, but after the third time he does so, he latches onto your lips and skilfully enters with his tongue. From the previous disgust of him tracing your body, you spitefully bite his lower lip.

'What the f**k?! You bit me. I can't believe you bit me' he says, whilst touching his bottom lip surprised. 

You glare at him with your burning eyes. 'Why did you come hear?' you spit at him, with your nose flared. He takes a moment to tend to his sore lip before responding to you.

'Firstly, ouch. Secondly, I'm having a party tonight. You know, to celebrate new years eve. I came to invite you.' he says as he hands you a piece of paper with an address written on it.

'I'd like to see you there, and if you do come, I'll be wanting to see more of that dark side of yours.' he remarks smugly as he brushes his finger over your chin.


It's been over 5 hours since G-Dragon left. His departure was smooth and well times with his actions. But, he was once again rude, unpleasant and disrespectful. But then again, he did stand up for you when Joon Ki had said those awful things to you. That was nice of him, at least. Staring at the piece of paper he had previously handed to you, you pondered on whether you wanted to go or not. Your new years eves usually consisted of being alone in your living room, counting down to midnight and then going to bed, promising yourself that you'll make an attempt to not be so lonely next year. This was your opportunity to do something different for once. The party started at 9pm so you still had 1 hour to get ready. Closing your eyes for a second, you took a deep breath and made up your mind. 'You're going' you said to yourself. This was certain. 

You headed for your bathroom and to take a brisk cold shower. Now you're fully awake. After you washed your face, you carefully applied some makeup. Usually when you applied makeup, you would mess up at least 4 times, but this time, you didn't mess up at all, not even once. This had to be a sign.

Standing in front of your bedroom mirror, you looked through the clothes that you laid out for yourself. Everything was either too flashy or just showed you were trying too hard. After a brief moment of thought, you decided on a jumper dress and knee high boots. This was pleasantly comfortable and didn't show that you were bothering too much. You brushed through your hair and decided that it didn't need too much doing to it. You checked yourself in the mirror one last time and smiled with a satisfied grin. Glancing at your phone, you saw that it was already half 9 pm; it's always good to be fashionably late, you thought to yourself. After calling a taxi, you head downstairs to your apartment parking lot to wait for your taxi. On the way down, you passed Joon Ki's door and stared at it for a few seconds.

'Jerk' you said to yourself quietly and carried on down the stairs. You stood outside for few minutes with your arms folded to maintain your heat and the moment your taxi arrived, you leapt into the back seat and handed him the paper. You heard the driver scoff and mumble something incoherently to himself. Oh well. The ride must've been well over 30 minutes and every road the driver took, was unfamiliar to you. This was probably why he was bothered when you gave him the address. You must be in the Seoul suburbs now. All the estates around here were large house with giant security gates. Your driver took a final turn and you saw a row of enormous house, mansions almost, and at the end of the street there was a brightly lit one with music blaring. That must be it. You generously paid your driver and got out of the car. You glanced up at this house in awe. This house in huge. And there must be several rooms here too. WOW.

Leading up to the front door is a flight of stairs. You clutched your bag and climbed up the stairs carefully. Once you reached the front door, you could hear people screaming and laughing inside. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10. You rang the door bell and waited anxiously for someone to come. You heard a commotion inside and after a few seconds, the door swung open. The man infront you looked familiar. Ah! He was one of the guys sat with GD yesterday at the club. He smiled at you weakly, obviously slightly drunk. 

'Hey!' he shouted, raising his glass to the air. 'Come in, come in' he says whilst gesturing for you to follow him. You politely hop past him and enter. The house is filled with gorgeous girls in short dresses and some well pampered guys. This must be G-Dragon's clique. Speaking of, where is he? You scoured around the room quickly, trying to spot him, but he's nowhere to be seen. You hear the door shut behind you and the guy sticks his hand out. 

'Seungri' he states randomly. You raise your eyebrows at him questioningly. 'My name is Seungri' he repeats. You blush a little bit, embarrassed at your dopiness. 

'Oh sorry, nice to meet you Seungri. I'm ____.' you say as you shake his hand.

'Nice to meet you too. Come with me ____, you can sit with me and my boys.' he tells you.

'Urm...sure, thanks' you say uncertainly. 

He wraps his arm around your shoulder and you both walk further into the house.

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Kelnj98 #1
Chapter 7: update
Chapter 7: wow, she's going to regret that in the morning.
side note: rocking a drunk person with a stomach ache is generally not a good idea, lol.
Chapter 5: hm...joon ki may have had good intentions, but boy was that the wrong way to go about it.
the chemistry between her and gd is interesting, look forward to seeing where it goes.
Chapter 4: ohwww...Joon Ki.... poor boy.... omg!!! cant wait for more updates!! <3 <3 <3
Chapter 3: new reader here!!!! kkkk...
Cant wait for the update!