I have my ways

I'll be your dominant

'HUH!' you jumped out of your sleep to hear someone knocking on your door. You scratched your head confused as to who was trying to see you this early in the morning. Sitting up, you collected your thoughts from last night, trying to figure out who it was. After a few seconds, you groan sorrowfully as you remembered the events of last night.
'Oh no. It's Joon Ki. Argh! Why is he here?' you say to yourself quietly. Leaning back against the sofa, you concluded that you won't open the door and will just wait for him to leave.  *KNOCK KNOCK*   It seemed like he won't budge. You took a deep, strong breathe, rubbed your face lightly and headed for the door. Standing by the door, you solemnly counted to ten, grasped the handle and pulled open the door.

As the door slowly opened, you squinted awkwardly and breathed in saying 'Joon Ki, it's nice to see you...'. But it's not Joon Ki. It's not the mail man, or the building manager or even the cleaning lady. It was G-Dragon. He tilted his head playfully at you, hands in his pockets, and grins at you. 

'What a pleasure to see you this morning! Especially after our little get together yesterday.' he says. You blushed a scarlet red and hid your self behind the door. But G-Dragon grabbed onto your wrist and said ' Ahh, ah ah! Where do you think you're going?'. He pulled you back out from behind the door and angled his head in the direction of your apartment, asking for permission to enter. Nodding hastily, you let him walk past you and into the living room, whilst trekking slowly behind him. He rotated around the room, analysing your interior, then, turned to face you.

'May I sit down?' he asks. Once again, you nod hastily, moving your blankets and pillows aside to make space for him to sit and sitting yourself down in a chair opposite him. Firstly, he is sat back casually with his legs crossed, looking around your lounge. But then, his eyes land on you. You were sat with your hands on your lap, staring straight at GD, expressionless. G-Dragon spreads his legs, sat forward and put his hands together between his legs. He is staring back at you.

'Who's Joon Ki?' he questions you cheerily. You snapped back into focus and widened your eyes at him, asking him to repeat the question with your gaze. 'Joon Ki' he says. 'Who is he?'. Leaning back, you ponder on who he actually was to you now. The friendship you once had was gone. There was no salvation of that relationship anymore. 

'Umm....' you began ' He's just somebody I know. A friend!' you shout, trying to sound as convincing as possible. G-Dragon drops his head and laughs gently.

'Hah, you're trying to tell me you greet your friends that way? I'm glad I'm more than just a friend then.' he says coolly. You blush red at his statement. 'This guy sure has confidence' you think to yourself. But then you're struck with a thought that hasn't crossed your mind until now. 

'Wait! H-How did you find where out where I live?' you mutter awkwardly, not knowing how to react in the situation. G-Dragon scoffs cynically. Running his hands through his hair, he leans back, jerks his head slightly and responds 'I have my ways.'

You open your mouth to protest at his utter disrespect of privacy, and he smirks ready to retaliate, but both your heads turn when you hear the door bell ring.

You jump up from the chair and shuffle leisurely towards your front door; G-Dragon not too far behind. Opening the door you expected someone like the mail man, or one of your neighbours, but it was Joon Ki. You jumped back in horror when you saw him standing on your door step. He pulled an apologetic smile and glanced at you with his deep eyes. Your heart softened up at this gesture and you felt the urge to speak to him. 

'Look, Joon, about yesterday-' you say as you're rudely cut off. 
'____, it's fine you don't need to apologize. To be honest, I thought you would've jumped at that attention since you don't get it often. I guess I should apologize for offering too much to you! Haha. Anyway, do you want to give tonight another try, seeing as last night didn't go the way I planned?' he spits out narcissistically. You gape open your mouth, angry and hurt at his words. This is so destructive coming from one of your best friends. You clench your fists and fight back the urge to cry; prepared to rip off his head instead. As you clear your throat to speak, a hand wraps itself around your waist and pulls you into the side of a male body. G-Dragon comes up from behind and opens the door a little more, staring at Joon Ki straight in the eye. 

'Me and ___ had plans tonight. I guess you'll need to find something else to do, buddy.' says G-Dragon sarcastically. Joon Ki glares at you in disbelief. There's no way you had a guy. The unknown little nerd never had anybody at her side like this. Joon scoffs bitterly at you both with concealed anger and leaves without saying a word. 

You stare into your open hallway, unsure how to feel about the events that just unfolded. But then, the grip around your waist tightens and GD starts trailing his hand lower down your body.

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Kelnj98 #1
Chapter 7: update
Chapter 7: wow, she's going to regret that in the morning.
side note: rocking a drunk person with a stomach ache is generally not a good idea, lol.
Chapter 5: hm...joon ki may have had good intentions, but boy was that the wrong way to go about it.
the chemistry between her and gd is interesting, look forward to seeing where it goes.
Chapter 4: ohwww...Joon Ki.... poor boy.... omg!!! cant wait for more updates!! <3 <3 <3
Chapter 3: new reader here!!!! kkkk...
Cant wait for the update!