No one to Trust

I'll be your dominant

Everyone slowly poured out of the club and made their way to your car. You were still dumbfounded after what just happened. That guy just completely ignored Hyun Eun and chose you over her. Not that Hyun Eun cared, as she found herself another guy on the way out of the club. Everyone packed themselves into the tiny car and to conserve space, a couple of the girls sat on some of the guys' laps. Driving everyone to their individual destinations took almost an hour and the moment you dropped off the last person, you drove to the nearest coffee shop, ordered yourself a drink and sat in an isolated crevice of the cafe. Slowly sipping your drink, you pondered on the thought of you and your non-existent dating record. You liked some guys, but were too shy or insecure to take it somewhere. Anywhere. The moment a guy showed some interest in you, you would become uncomfortable and distance yourself from them. It's why you were so fond of Joon Ki. He was capable of maintaining a friendship with you without acquiring feelings of attraction. You sipped the last of your drink, composed yourself, and drove back home. 

Falling asleep that night proved to be a challenge. Your mind couldn't stop running. 'Did that guy say 'see you later'? I wonder what he meant?' you kept thinking to yourself. The thought of seeing him again made you feel uneasy. But when you managed to fall asleep, it must've been 8 am so you could only manage to squeeze in a maximum of 3 hours sleep. You woke up feeling groggy and hazy. The low amount of sleep made you feel uncoordinated and unsteady. Getting out of bed, you put on your running shoes and gym clothes. Doing exercise was always the best way for you to de-stress. As you made your way out of the apartment complex, you noticed Joon Ki standing by his car. He must be heading off to work. 

'JOON!' you yelled. His head instantly turned and he waved at you smiling. You ran towards him and hugged him lightly. 

'So, where did you go yesterday? I knocked on your door but you weren't in.' He asks curiously.

'Ahhh' you say, rubbing the back of your head. 'Drunk taxi service' you retort laughing. 

'Seriously? You're still doing that. Don't you get tired of it?' asks Joon.

'I guess, but I don't mind, really, it's better than them not having a way to get home.' you respond kindly. Joon rubs the back of his neck gently and opens his mouth in an attempt to form words. 

'L-L-Listen, I need to go to work now but, I was going to ask you if you wanted to go for a meal tonight? Maybe. I don't know, I mean it's up to you. I can't drag you there haha' He laughs nervously. 

You smile gently at him. 'Of course. It would be nice to go out for a meal as friends, we haven't done that in such a long time' 

'Yeah.... friends' says Joon awkwardly. 


After your run, you decided to head home and get ready for the night with Joon. You took a lengthy shower to wash off  the lurking thoughts of last night. Once you got out, you dried your hair and started preparing yourself. Once your hair was dried, you sat by your mirror and looked carefully at your face, examing you facial structure and fine details. You felt the need to wear some makeup tonight, even though you didn't really ever wear makeup but tonight should be a special occasion, seeing as you haven't gone out with Joon for a long time. After carefully applying your makeup, you put on an elegant dress with black strappy heels. You felt really pretty whilst looking at yourself in the mirror. Just then, the door bell rang and you ran to see who it was. It was Joon! You opened the door and ushered him in. He was in utter shock.

'____, you look.... stunning' he said in awe. His mouth had dropped to the floor. You blushed and playfully slapped him, not knowing how to respond.

'Thank you Joonie' you respond, mocking him with his embarrassing childhood nickname.

Joon took you to a really nice restaurant. The whole night you laughed and joked and had a really great time. You spoke about your memories growing up and the time when you had to sing in front of the whole school but burst out crying instead. When it was nearing the end of the evening, Joon and you were walking back to his car when he suddenly stopped.

'What's up Joon? Why have you stopped?' you ask him. He shuffled on the spot, with his hands in his pockets and his head down. 

'Hmmm' he mumbles quietly. '____, we've been friends for over 10 years now, right? And I think somewhere along the line...I started liking you in another way.'

You slowly start backing away in disbelief at what you had just been told. 'Ahh Joonie-Joon-Joon Ki, sorry sorry, Joon Ki. Don't do this. Come on. You know it won't lead to anything go-'. Your sentence was stopped by an intrusion to your mouth. Joon had grabbed your head and forced his mouth onto yours. It took you a few seconds to comprehend what just happened. Joons tongue was forcing its entrance into your mouth, but your lips were tightly sealed. The feel of his wet tongue trying to bleed through into your mouth made you shiver with disgust. You violently ripped back from his face and forcefully slapped him. 

'What the hell is wrong with you!?!' you bellowed. You could see the instant look of regret on his face.

'___ I'm sorry, it was impulsive.' he explained. But you weren't having any of it. You threw your hands in the air and grunted with an array of mixed emotions. You had to get away from him. You didn't feel safe near him anymore. Turning your back on him, you stormed off down the street with him standing in the background.


After walking for some time around the streets of Hongdae, the streets started to look familiar. You were here last night. You could see the same corner shops, markets and karaoke bars. And of course, you could hear the loud, deafening music of the same club. And then suddenly, fueled by all your emotions, you made your way into the club, not anticipating what would happen next.

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Kelnj98 #1
Chapter 7: update
Chapter 7: wow, she's going to regret that in the morning.
side note: rocking a drunk person with a stomach ache is generally not a good idea, lol.
Chapter 5: hm...joon ki may have had good intentions, but boy was that the wrong way to go about it.
the chemistry between her and gd is interesting, look forward to seeing where it goes.
Chapter 4: ohwww...Joon Ki.... poor boy.... omg!!! cant wait for more updates!! <3 <3 <3
Chapter 3: new reader here!!!! kkkk...
Cant wait for the update!