Changing Yourself

I'll be your dominant

Stumbling through the club doors, you enter a completely different atmosphere than yesterday. Yesterday was dull and over exaggerated. But today. Today was electric and alive. You made your way to the bar and sat timidly from everyone else. Your stared at one spot on the ground and looked brainless or asleep, but in reality, your mind was running. 'Why did he kiss me? Maybe I was too harsh? No! NO! He was completely out of his mind. You don't cross that barrier with your friends.' you thought. Just then, you looked up and saw a familiar face sat on the second floor of the club. Mr Jiyong. Or as he likes to be called: G-Dragon. He was sat around a giant table with 4 other guys and 5 girls. But from what it seemed like, one of them had two girls to compensate for him. GD, however, was sat staring into space, cut off from the group. A sudden urge of confidence overtook your body. You stood up and walked assertively to their table. Whilst walking up the stairs, your knees felt weak but you had the determination. As you approached the table, some of the guys started looking at you and checking you out, G-Dragon however, was still not focused. GD could see a figure approach him, but he didn't know who it was. He looked up but just as he was about to speak, you grabbed his face and deeply kissed him, sitting beside him. The kiss was childlike because of your inexperienced past and you dared not open you lips. G-Dragons tongue was begging for entry and his hands worked their way to the side of your face, but the moment his tongue rimmed your lips, it reminded you of Joon Ki and your vulnerable state. You pulled away from the kiss, but G-Dragon's hands kept you inches from his face. 

He kept his eyes closed but started murmuring to you whilst caressing your cheek. 

'N-No, no, come on, baby, open your mouth. Open it.' he whispers. He his tongue against your bottom lip hungrily asking for permission....and you grant it. His warm tongue smoothly enters along with the sharp taste of alcohol. Cherry flavoured kerosene is what it tasted like. Your tongue sits there unsure of what to do but G-Dragons guides it seductively around both your mouths. Lust is drowning your body and heating you up, making you feel warm and excited inside. One of the boys behind you starts cheering and you instantaneously, which knocks your confidence and you detach your mouth off of GD's. The reality suddenly hit. This isn't you. This isn't what you're about. You briskly get up and leave the boys' private area, embarrassed and disgusted with your actions. You walk past the other guys and make for the stairs. You quickly turn around and see G-Dragon leaning back on the sofa, picking at his lip with a smug look on his face. He was conjuring something in his mind.


You thumbled in your bag for your phone and dialled the numbers for a taxi to come and pick you up. In hopes to avoid G-Dragon coming out and seeing you, you rapidly ran down the street, as far away from the club as possible. That is where you were waiting for the taxi. You slammed your hand against you face, shocked at your actions merely minutes ago. It was all spurred from Joon Ki making a move on you. Waiting anxiously on a bench, the moment you saw your taxi arrive, you jumped in, gave him your address and forgot the ordeal for the upcoming silent 20 minutes.

When you arrived to your apartment complex, you paid the taxi man with what money you could conjure out of your purse and headed for the back entrance of the building. You couldn't risk being seen by Joon. It would be tragic to have to face him now. Actually, no. You didn't want to see him. You didn't want to hear his excuses and well rehearsed explanations. Pushing open the heavy back door, you glance up at the cascade of stairs that led to your high floor and took a deep breathe. Pulling off your heels, you began running up the stairs with them in hand. Eight floors later, you clenched your stomach in pain and also with a sense of achievement after climbing multiple stories. Keys at the ready, you jammed them into the lock, twisted the key and slid yourself through the small crack that emerged. Being in your apartment brought back a sense of closure. No one could get you in here. Your only intentions now were to change into your pajamas, wipe off your makeup and wash off the dirty. 

Once you were changed and ready to go to sleep, you felt like sleeping in your living room because your bedroom felt kind of lonely now for some reason. Taking all your blankets and pillows, you lied down on the sofa and instantly fell asleep into a deep, heavy sleep.

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Kelnj98 #1
Chapter 7: update
Chapter 7: wow, she's going to regret that in the morning.
side note: rocking a drunk person with a stomach ache is generally not a good idea, lol.
Chapter 5: hm...joon ki may have had good intentions, but boy was that the wrong way to go about it.
the chemistry between her and gd is interesting, look forward to seeing where it goes.
Chapter 4: ohwww...Joon Ki.... poor boy.... omg!!! cant wait for more updates!! <3 <3 <3
Chapter 3: new reader here!!!! kkkk...
Cant wait for the update!