
100% Because of you (on hiatus)
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It was quiet. A quiet hallway to be exact. A familiar figure can be seen. But he was accompanied by a girl. And they were intimately kissing.


Like a glass that was dropped on the floor. Haesoo’s heart were torn and scattered into pieces. Tears unwillingly flows drop by drop from her eyes. Ju-ne who was standing was shocked looking at the behavior of his trusted leader. He remembered about haesoo who’s currently standing like an ice right next to him. Ju-ne don’t know what to do. Hanbin broke the kiss when he saw Haesoo and ju-ne standing few meters away from him.

Haesoo and Hanbin’s eyes met each other. Haesoo turned around and run away from the place. Ju-ne glared at hanbin disappointedly and he tried to catch haesoo up.

Haesoo reached to the end of the building at the staircase as she doesn’t have her energy to run so she just cried there. Ju-ne unexpectedly catches haesoo up and he sit  next to her and patted her shoulder as he heard the pain from her crying.

 “im sorry” ju-ne apologize to haesoo. 


“Haesoo!” a voice surfaces “get your hands off her Koo Ju-ne!”


Ju-ne stepped up releasing haesoo from his embraces. He come up close to hanbin “THE HELL WERE YOU DOING!” he said angrily

“WHO ARE YOU TO MEDDLE WITH MY RELATIONSHIP” hanbin replied with a serious yet a very angry tone

“IF YOU KNOW YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND, YOU SHOULDN’T DO THAT!” ju-ne said what he supposed to say

Hanbin was boiling with anger when ju-ne said that to him. He abruptly throw his fist to him which makes ju-ne fall down the stairs. Thank god the stairs where he was standing was a few step to reach the base.

“JU-NE!” haesoo yelled as he saw ju-ne fall down the stairs.

Haesoo run towards ju-ne to checked if he’s okay or not.

She suddenly speaks up “I HAD ENOUGH OF YOU KIM HANBIN” she give hanbin a deadly glare with her red eyes, deadly enough to make hanbin loss his words. Hanbin stood like a statue as he just look at haesoo helping ju-ne.

“im fine haesoo-ya” ju-ne said

“shut your mouth up” haesoo said to ju-ne as she helped him up.

“don’t you ever talk to me again kim hanbin. I make this clear” clear enough to make both of the guy at the situation shocked with her statement.



“go to the rooftop. I’ll be going to my locker to get the aid kit. I have one.” Haesoo said after calming herself

“But..” ju-ne tried to speak but haesoo stopped him “don’t say anything. Just do as I said”


Ju-ne make his way to the rooftop while haesoo make her way to her locker to get the aid kit. After that she went to the cafeteria to get some ice for ju-ne’s swollen face.



As haesoo enter the cafeteria, she saw her brother with his group and hanbin sitting there with his face looking like there’s no problem.

“Yah! Haesoo!” jiwon yelled her name. but haesoo just went straight to the counter  to buy some ice.

“what happen to haesoo? and where the hell is ju-ne?” jinhwan speaks up “she looked like a possessed person with her serious face” yuhyeong continued after jinhwan. Hanbin suddenly stands up a

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Chapter 11: I hope you get a good score for your blog assignment. Just so u know... I never really tot abt chocs. I just eat them. ;)
alyssab4y4v #2
Chapter 9: Please update~~~!! I want to know what happened~~~
_meixing #3
Chapter 7: this is amazing!!
_meixing #4
Chapter 5: your story is great! keep up th good work! really love it!!!