
100% Because of you (on hiatus)
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Hanbin asked jiwon with a serious tone “where were you last night?”

jiwon answered him “nowhere.”

Hanbin asked him again “did you sleep with your girlfriend?!” that question makes jiwonn shocked and confused.

 He immediately look at the members who were right behind hanbin. They were signaling jiwon to zip his mouth and that no no gesture.

 Jiwon get with the situation and goes on with the members prank. “ahh yesterday I fall asleep at her room while waiting for her to stop studying and play with me..” more like a fact “she didn’t wake me up and let me sleep there and she was sleeping at another room” he added.

Hanbin looked at him suspiciously “so you didn’t sleep with her?” jiwon nodded. “then why did she answered your phone?” hanbin continued.

 Jiwon! think a valid reason, so the prank would go on “I guess she must have woke up early to study” what a valid thinking c’mon think think “she must have heard my ringtone and answered it for me. Probably because she saw me sleeping and don’t want to bother me” jiwon added.

 The members behind hanbin was dying holding their laughter.

 Hanbin just nodded “I see”.

Jiwon thought to himself “aigoo-ya why is it so easy to fool you hanbin-ah”.

 Hanbin suddenly turn his back facing the other members. They change their face to poker face as fast as lightning. Jiwon on the other hand smiling on he’s own and wave his hand to go to the class.

When jiwon was about to go hanbin suddenly pull jiwon’s bag which makes jiwon to stop. “when will you introduce her to me?” hanbin asked jiwon with a smirk on his smile.

Jiwon cant help but to smile “soon. You will know her soon”.

The members cringe and burst out laughing at the absurd reaction hanbin showed. Busted? Hahaha NO instead hanbin interpreted the situation the other way round and laugh with them.



Haesoo went to her homeroom class with the thought to sleep. As haesoo arrived at the class, it was empty and she walks her way to her desk. Haesoo put her head on her desk with her arm as her pillow and sleep.

Its not even 10 minutes she got to sleep when an unknown voice asking for attention kicking the table near haesoo’s desk.

“yah. Transfer student” Haesoo looked up and saw a girl with bob hair standing crossing her arm. Beside her was another 2 girl, one with long black hair and the other one with long blonde hair.

“yes?” you stand up to stretch your arm.

The girl with long black hair whisper to the bob hair girl “look at the muscle on her arm. I don’t think we can mess with her”

The long blonde hair girl also whispered to the bob hair girl “lets go”

“excuse me but why did you call me?” haesoo getting on her nerve when the girl that disturb her from her sleep didn’t even say a word after seeing her do some stretching.

“what’s going on?” a familiar voice heard. Jiwon came to the class room right on time.

“no no nothing.. Nothing is going on” the bob hair girl answered while stuttering.

“haesoo are you fine?” jiwon asked as he saw haesoo face. He can tell her sister’s angry face.

“nope. Im not fine. Jiwon-ah” haesoo calm her heart while gazing at the 3 girls

Jiwon rushed to haesoo. Analyzing her b

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Chapter 11: I hope you get a good score for your blog assignment. Just so u know... I never really tot abt chocs. I just eat them. ;)
alyssab4y4v #2
Chapter 9: Please update~~~!! I want to know what happened~~~
_meixing #3
Chapter 7: this is amazing!!
_meixing #4
Chapter 5: your story is great! keep up th good work! really love it!!!