
100% Because of you (on hiatus)
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After dinner, the iKON boys decided to take a rest at the living room. Haesoo on the other hand is doing her chores. Helping her mother with the dishes. Right after finishing her chores she run up the stairs like a lightning

Swoosh… (well not really)

“……..was that haesoo?” chanwoo who is experiencing a culture shock.

“she’s sprinting like usain bolt” donghyuk with an awe face

“hahahahaha she’s trying to get to her room and do her work on time” bobby crack a laugh

“eing?” jinhwan seems not to understand what bobby said

“and what was that supposed to mean?” ju-ne with the same reaction with jinhwan

“haesoo always keep her time on track. She doesn’t like to waste her time. She might be doing her homework right now. Racing with the time” bobby explained to s.

“and why is her brother’s personality is sooo vice versa to her?” hanbin asked bobby with a smirk.

The members blew their heads off with laughter.

“heh…she inherits my father while I inherit my mother” he whispered

They cant help but to laugh their off.


Haesoo finally finished doing her homework for about 2 hours.

“oppa. Jiwon-ah..” haesoo checked for jiwon at his room but he’s not there.

“aish where is he! Just the time when I need him to accompanied me to eat some dessert” haesoo mumbling to herself as she scans for jiwon once more at his room.

Haesoo went back to her room and she saw a sticky note at her bedroom door

“iKON and I are going to play basketball at the park infront of our house. I knocked on your door but it seems like you’re really concentrating hard with the ‘homework’. If you’re bored after finishing your homework, come and find me at the park. Ps/ share me your homework huhuhu – you know who”

‘I guess I’ll be going alone then’ haesoo sigh as she went inside her room to change.

Just a typical haesoo changed into her sports pants with t-shirt and her over-sized jacket for her finishing touch.

She climbed down the stairs

“where are you going young lady” as soon as she stepped down the stairs

“going to go for a night jog and to eat dessert and to catch up with jiwon” she answered

“be safe” her parents said with unity. They laugh

“nae.” Haesoo gave her salute obedience and went out of the house.


‘aaah what a nice brezee’ haesoo thought to herself.

“HAESOOOOOOOOO” woo-ing her name is her brother who saw her from far. (not that far. The park is right infront of their house)

She stand there. Froze like a statue but giving a dead glare towards her brother’s direction

“where are you going???” jiwon yelled

Haesoo just give him a signal while pointing to the left and started to walk without even answering properly.

“yaaah. Where???” jiwon being annoying

“CAFÉ” haesoo yelled back and started walking.



“wanna go?” jiwon suggested to his me

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Chapter 11: I hope you get a good score for your blog assignment. Just so u know... I never really tot abt chocs. I just eat them. ;)
alyssab4y4v #2
Chapter 9: Please update~~~!! I want to know what happened~~~
_meixing #3
Chapter 7: this is amazing!!
_meixing #4
Chapter 5: your story is great! keep up th good work! really love it!!!