To love and loss

Coffee shop

'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. - Alfred Lord Tennyson

That night, he left with his heart aching, eyes burning with tears.

'Seunghyun, you fool. You fell in love by yourself and fell out of it by youself. You have no right to blame Daesung.'

He said that to himself all night, downing bottles of fine wines he collected, puffing away on cigarettes.

'Can I turn back time? I don't want to feel such pain. I want to stay with Daesung yet he doesn't feel for me the way I do for him. I wished I hadn't realized my feelings.'

Seunghyun buried himself in work. He even jumped at the offer to go overseas. Though it was only a short trip, a duration of a week, as long as it meant staying away, he would take that chance.

The pain in his chest would not subside. He couldn't sleep at night.

'It's okay, I will be fine. Time will eventually ease the ache, I might even be able to forget him.'

When he reached home, he picked up the courage to go back to the cafe. He hoped to catch sight of the adorable boy yet at a part of him doesn't. He still hadn't overcome his aching heart.

But Seunghyun misses Daesung.

He missed his bright smile, those crescent eyes, his shyness, his cuteness. Just him.

He knew that it must somehow be Jiyong's doing but it still hurts to hear Daesung telling Jiyong to take him. It hurt a lot more than he believed it had.

When he went in, Daesung wasn't there. He ordered his drink, to go, and looked at the corner where they always sat. He reminisced on the times they spent together.

Why is Daesung not there?

The table with two empty chairs looked so lonely.

'It's better this way. I chose to not see him. But I wanted to tell him my true feelings. It doesn't matter now. He might have already forgotten about me. And I will too, some day.'

When his order was done, a letter was passed to him along with the paper cup.

'What is this?' He looked at the barista in confusion.

'Your friend had requested me to pass this to you, should you come by. He's been here everyday but hasn't been since the day before yesterday. Sir, it's good to see you. You haven't been here for some time.'

'Thank you, have a good day.' And he left with the coffee and letter in hand.

When he reached home, he set the coffee on his coffee table, sat down on the sofa and looked at the letter.

His hand trembled as he opened the letter.

'Seunghyun, why do you stay away? Why do you not come here anymore? I need to see you, talk to you. Do you not want to see me anymore? Please, just, please come back.'

At the end of the short letter was his sign off. Seunghyun wanted to believe that the smudge was a tear stain and not water stain. But he didn't want to get his hopes up and then get smashed again.

He took out a piece of paper and wrote a reply.

Just so you know, Seunghyun is a stubborn man with a broken heart.

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Just one more chapter to go. I have enjoyed writing this , even more so, the beloved readres' comments and response.


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Oh the way seunghyun proposes is so sweet!! And congratz on ji for finding another seunghyun
eunzai #2
Chapter 11: Ouh.. I like the story very much. It's simple but meaningful.
Thank you, author-nim. ;)
Hinatory #3
Chapter 12: This was a beautiful story!
Thank you very much for writing it
TitaHonduras #4
Chapter 12: Waaaaaaaaa I love this story! You are a wonderful writer and so beautifully designed.
Hope to see a secuel... thank you.
sayasayangtodae #5
Chapter 12: The proposal is so sweet... I m sad this end to sooon.can t getbenough of them
bigbanglover112 #6
Chapter 12: Aww it's finally ended, i feel kinda empty now haha. Thank you authornim for a warm and chill story with a happy ending.
I can't get over Daesung's boldness though haha
bigbanglover112 #7
Chapter 11: Dae has such a contradicting personality. Seunghyun's impression about him was cute and fluffy like a puppy and in this chapter he led like everything it's just hcidsoaiaiwhwuyryrtxnajakalqlw
Chapter 11: OWO SO CORNY <3 You adorable fluff muffin, I was giggling and blushing the entire time cuz ToDae fluff is very much loved and needed I just asdfghjkl-- <3 <3 <3 Ruvs ruuuuuu~~~ so good heheheheeeeee
Chapter 11: Thank you to the readers for helping me hit over a thousand views. So, if you see this, the first 3 who reply, i will write a drabble based on your prompt in 'Todae is a present'.