Talking to YB

Coffee shop

Jiyong had waited in the cafe for Daesung to turn up. He knew that Seunghyun was still at work.

'Daesung, I have been waiting for you.'

'Jiyong, I have nothing to talk to you about. Leave me alone.'

'Not happening. You can keep your silence, I will do the talking. Stay. Away. Or I will…'

A hand clapped down on Jiyong's shoulder. Jiyong jumped a little and turned to see Youngbae and Seunghyun.

'I finished work early today and brought Youngbae here with me. I had a feeling you won't go away so easily.'

'Nope, not me. I will go away when he does.' Jiyong nodded in Daesung's direction.

Daesung immediately turned away, seeing Jiyong standing there crossing his arms annoys him to no end.

'Ji, you need to stop being so spiteful. You expect to win Seunghyun's affection this way? Not going to work, sorry bro.'

Youngbae flicked at Jiyong's forehead with a loud 'tock'.

'Ouch! What the frick, Bae?!' Jiyong held his rapidly reddening forehead.

Seunghyun went over to Daesung, slinging an arm over his shoulder and spoke quietly, 'You okay? Did he do anything to you?'

Daesung smiled brightly at Seunghyun. Looking at Seunghyun's worried face had him almost forget about Jiyong's existence. Almost.

'No, I'm glad you're here. Jiyong makes me nervous.'

'That's why I brought Youngbae here. Between the three of us, he's the one always doing damage control. That's why we can survive this friendship for so long.'

Daesung laughed. It sounded beautiful to Seunghyun.

Before the party of four entered the cafe, Youngbae pulled Seunghyun aside.

'Seunghyun, can I talk to you in private?'

'Bae, I really don't want to leave the two of them alone. You didn't see how upset Jiyong made Dae last night.'

'I'm here, he won't do anything stupid. I need to ask you something. Just for a while.'

'Fair enough, ask away then.'

Seunghyun motions for Jiyong and Daesung to go in first. Youngbae waited till the two of them enters the cafe before asking Seunghyun.

'What does Daesung mean to you?'

Seunghyun was thrown off by that sudden question. It was a thought that hadn't cross his mind.

'Bae, do you feel anything when you look at Dae? When he smiled just now? Or when he laughed?'

'What do you mean? He's as cute as a kitten but that's about it.'

'I know right? So cute, so frigging adorable that I just want to keep him safe from anything harmful, to protect him.'

'Erm… nope. Maybe I don't know him as well as you?'

'No, no. I feel like petting his his head or ruffle his hair or just pinching his cheek. I especially like to make him blush. He's really too cute.'

'Woah! Chill, dude. Sounds like you have a major crush on him.'

'What? No! I don't know. I don't understand it myself. I don't know what I want. I don't know what he means to me. I hadn't thought about this.'

Seunghyun ruffled his hair, took out a cigarette and lit it up. He inhaled the smoke deeply and puffed it out, hopefully it would calm him down. Youngbae kept his silence, giving Seunghyun some time to arrange his thoughts.

'Bae, last night when I hugged him, I felt like I never want to let go. He's a man, Bae. I know I don't swing that way but I've never felt like this before.'

Seunghyun took in a few more puffs. He was coming to terms with his feelings.

'I think I'm in love, Bae.'

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Just one more chapter to go. I have enjoyed writing this , even more so, the beloved readres' comments and response.


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Oh the way seunghyun proposes is so sweet!! And congratz on ji for finding another seunghyun
eunzai #2
Chapter 11: Ouh.. I like the story very much. It's simple but meaningful.
Thank you, author-nim. ;)
Hinatory #3
Chapter 12: This was a beautiful story!
Thank you very much for writing it
TitaHonduras #4
Chapter 12: Waaaaaaaaa I love this story! You are a wonderful writer and so beautifully designed.
Hope to see a secuel... thank you.
sayasayangtodae #5
Chapter 12: The proposal is so sweet... I m sad this end to sooon.can t getbenough of them
bigbanglover112 #6
Chapter 12: Aww it's finally ended, i feel kinda empty now haha. Thank you authornim for a warm and chill story with a happy ending.
I can't get over Daesung's boldness though haha
bigbanglover112 #7
Chapter 11: Dae has such a contradicting personality. Seunghyun's impression about him was cute and fluffy like a puppy and in this chapter he led like everything it's just hcidsoaiaiwhwuyryrtxnajakalqlw
Chapter 11: OWO SO CORNY <3 You adorable fluff muffin, I was giggling and blushing the entire time cuz ToDae fluff is very much loved and needed I just asdfghjkl-- <3 <3 <3 Ruvs ruuuuuu~~~ so good heheheheeeeee
Chapter 11: Thank you to the readers for helping me hit over a thousand views. So, if you see this, the first 3 who reply, i will write a drabble based on your prompt in 'Todae is a present'.