Just fluff

Coffee shop

This was suppose to be an epilogue, some how it came out as a chapter. So, just the epilogue left and I'm done.

A small part in this chapter is for my new chingu. You should know which part and who you are~



Seunghyun brought Daesung back to his house.

'Welcome to my humble abode.'

'Humble? This place is huge! It's like a museum with all the art pieces!'

Daesung was in awe. And confusion.

'Why do you need so many chairs?'

'So that I can create art with you on every one of them.'

'So corny.'

'Accept it. If you want me, you have to take that part of me too.'

'So corny… But I'll accept it.'

Seunghyun led Daesung to a lover's sofa and took two glasses of wine. He then took out 'Love over coffee' and flipped to the first page.

Seunghyun snickered upon reading the dedication. He turned to Daesung, keeping his face tightly controlled.

'I'm precious to you, huh?'

Daesung knew what he was doing. If he was going to do this, then two can play the game.

'Yep, so precious that I would put it in my book and tell the world.' And Daesung took a sip of wine.

'And you are in love with me?'

Daesung almost spit out the wine, Seunghyun was too straightforward. He blushed and nodded his head.

Seunghyun missed that cute sight. How adorable is Daesung, being shy and blushing.

'I'm in love with you too.'

Daesung blushed harder and he used his hands to cover his face. Seunghyun puts down the book, pulled Daesung hands away and planted a peck on his cheeks.

'Don't cover your face. I want to see every expression of yours.'

Daesung leaned in and kissed Seunghyun's lips, surprising the latter. Daesung seemed so shy yet each time he was the one taking a step forward.

'Dae, how do you do what you do? Always taking a step forward, not knowing what's in front?'

'Because of what Lao Tsu once said. Being loved deeply by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. That's why. Fortune and love favors the brave.'

'Dae, you are full of surprises. Makes me wonder what you will do next.'

'I want to give you the world, but I can't do that. I'm just a lowly writer.'

'You already have. You are my world and I want all of it.'

'So it shall be.'

Daesung pulled Seunghyun against him and kissed him hard. Seunghyun kissed back with just as much force and pulled Daesung onto his lap.

And they kissed again. A kiss of pure need. A kiss of want.

They could feel the other's arousal.

'Come to my room?'

'Please hurry.'


'So. Do I look like an arrogant forty year old guy?'

Daesung asked while lying sideways, head propped up on his hand, on the bed with nothing on except the blanket covering his nether region.

'I was wrong, I'm sorry. You are a super y young man with a hot boyfriend to match.'

'What…? Choi Seunghyun I swear…'

'That I'm the hottest? Why, thank you very much. That's why I love you.'

Daesung collapsed on the bed with laughter.

Seunghyun suddenly remembered the message in the book that Daesung gave to him.

'Dae, you remember that message in that book?'

'Oh that. I wrote it for you. That book was my excuse to see you again. You intrigued me from the start. I was just less inclined to show you affection. But now I can.'

Daesung snuggled his currently boyfriend and lay a single peck on his chest, where his heart is.

'Choi Seunghyun, do I have all of you? Because, I swear that you have all of me.'

'Kang Daesung, you had me the moment you first smiled at me.'

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Just one more chapter to go. I have enjoyed writing this , even more so, the beloved readres' comments and response.


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Oh the way seunghyun proposes is so sweet!! And congratz on ji for finding another seunghyun
eunzai #2
Chapter 11: Ouh.. I like the story very much. It's simple but meaningful.
Thank you, author-nim. ;)
Hinatory #3
Chapter 12: This was a beautiful story!
Thank you very much for writing it
TitaHonduras #4
Chapter 12: Waaaaaaaaa I love this story! You are a wonderful writer and so beautifully designed.
Hope to see a secuel... thank you.
sayasayangtodae #5
Chapter 12: The proposal is so sweet... I m sad this end to sooon.can t getbenough of them
bigbanglover112 #6
Chapter 12: Aww it's finally ended, i feel kinda empty now haha. Thank you authornim for a warm and chill story with a happy ending.
I can't get over Daesung's boldness though haha
bigbanglover112 #7
Chapter 11: Dae has such a contradicting personality. Seunghyun's impression about him was cute and fluffy like a puppy and in this chapter he led like everything it's just hcidsoaiaiwhwuyryrtxnajakalqlw
Chapter 11: OWO SO CORNY <3 You adorable fluff muffin, I was giggling and blushing the entire time cuz ToDae fluff is very much loved and needed I just asdfghjkl-- <3 <3 <3 Ruvs ruuuuuu~~~ so good heheheheeeeee
Chapter 11: Thank you to the readers for helping me hit over a thousand views. So, if you see this, the first 3 who reply, i will write a drabble based on your prompt in 'Todae is a present'.