
Coffee shop

Two years have passed since Daesung managed to win Seunghyun back. Sure, they had fights but through these fights, their bond grew stronger.

Sitting in the cafe, Seunghyun stared at Daesung while he typed away on his laptop. Even after two years, Seunghyun still doesn't get tired of looking at Daesung. Every expression that Daesung showed still fascinated him. He really adores Daesung.

A thought hits him. This time, he will be the one to make the move.

'Will you move in with me? You don't have to sleep in the same room as me. I just need you near me.'

Daesung stopped typing and looked up.

'Did I hear you wrong? Do you really mean it? Because I will take it for real.'

'I'm serious.'

'Then I will do it.'


Waking up in the morning, knowing that Seunghyun would always be nearby, doing stuff like cooking for Seunghyun, watching tv together or just spending a quiet night on the balcony with Seunghyun's arms wrapped around him, everyday passed blissfully.

For first time, Daesung felt this kind of happiness. Happiness of living together with one he truly loved.

Daesung found two stalks of intertwined red roses on his pillow as he woke up one morning.

Searching up the meaning of the flowers, he was almost moved to tears. His heart raced in his chest, he felt like it would explode.

Seunghyun was out working, so Daesung went to the flower shop to pick out a flower for Seunghyun.

That same night, Seunghyun found on the middle of his bed, a single stalk of soild yellow colored carnation.

He was overjoyed.

Daesung had met up with him at the cafe and went home together, that must meant that he picked that flower out when he was working and returned home before going out again to the cafe.

He went to Daesung's room and found him already undressed, lying in his bed, waiting for his lover.

Seunghyun wasted not one second.

'Thank you, Dae. I really do love you.'

Daesung wrapped his arms around Seunghyun, welcoming him into his embrace.

'I do too, Seunghyun. I already love you to the point of no return.'


Today, Youngbae joined them in the cafe.

'My, don't you two look happy?'

That moment, Jiyong strutted though the cafe's entrance. Behind him followed a man, dark eye rings looking awfully like a panda.

'Hey guys! Let me introduce my new boyfriend, Seunghyun.'

'Eh?!' All three of them surprised.

'Lee, his name is Lee Seunghyun. You think that there's only one Seunghyun in the world?'

'Hello, I'm Lee Seunghyun. I'm aware that there's another Seunghyun here, so you can call me Seungri. '

'I'm over you, Seunghyun. Besides, he's more receptive to my sassy self than THE Choi Seunghyun.'

Looking away from Jiyong, Seunghyun and Daesung shared a secret smile.

'So?' Youngbae prompted, referring to his previous question before Jiyong had interrupted.

'Yes, Bae. I've never been happier.'

Seunghyun held out his left hand for Youngbae to see. On his ring finger was tattooed 'D.S K'.

Youngbae looked over at Daesung's hand and saw a similar tattoo but his was 'S.H C'.

'Congrats, you lovebirds.'


They found love in that quaint cafe.

A cozy corner, a small window, a cup of americano, a cup of earl grey, they wore their hearts on their sleeves.



 The maknae finally makes his appearance! Just a tidbit for Nyongtory shippers~

That's it folks. It a bit lame but that's the end. Thanks for staying with this story through its 12 chapters and the 13 days it took from start to finish. I am truly grateful.



*Two roses entwined together communicate "Marry me"

*a solid colored carnation means 'yes'

*yellow colored carnation also means happiness.

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Just one more chapter to go. I have enjoyed writing this , even more so, the beloved readres' comments and response.


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Oh the way seunghyun proposes is so sweet!! And congratz on ji for finding another seunghyun
eunzai #2
Chapter 11: Ouh.. I like the story very much. It's simple but meaningful.
Thank you, author-nim. ;)
Hinatory #3
Chapter 12: This was a beautiful story!
Thank you very much for writing it
TitaHonduras #4
Chapter 12: Waaaaaaaaa I love this story! You are a wonderful writer and so beautifully designed.
Hope to see a secuel... thank you.
sayasayangtodae #5
Chapter 12: The proposal is so sweet... I m sad this end to sooon.can t getbenough of them
bigbanglover112 #6
Chapter 12: Aww it's finally ended, i feel kinda empty now haha. Thank you authornim for a warm and chill story with a happy ending.
I can't get over Daesung's boldness though haha
bigbanglover112 #7
Chapter 11: Dae has such a contradicting personality. Seunghyun's impression about him was cute and fluffy like a puppy and in this chapter he led like everything it's just hcidsoaiaiwhwuyryrtxnajakalqlw
Chapter 11: OWO SO CORNY <3 You adorable fluff muffin, I was giggling and blushing the entire time cuz ToDae fluff is very much loved and needed I just asdfghjkl-- <3 <3 <3 Ruvs ruuuuuu~~~ so good heheheheeeeee
Chapter 11: Thank you to the readers for helping me hit over a thousand views. So, if you see this, the first 3 who reply, i will write a drabble based on your prompt in 'Todae is a present'.