Warmth and fluff

Coffee shop

When this came to me, it felt like just a filler chapter, yet it's important to their relationship growth.



For days Seunghyun had to work late yet he goes to the cafe faithfully despite the exhaustion. He didn't have the other's cell phone number. He was happy just to see the other. His smile and random explosion of cuteness rejuvenated his tired mind, even if it was only for an hour or two.

Seunghyun had slowly changed ever since he met the other. He smiled a little more each day, became a little less anti-social each day and just a little happier each day.

Today, he finished his work early and was glad that he had more time to spend with the other.

'What makes you think that D.S Kang is a man? He had never shown his face in public, not even on pictures. You don't even know his real name!'

'I don't know. The style of writing, maybe? It feels like a man's writting, at least to me.' Seunghyun thought for a moment, 'D.S can be a boy name, Dong Sun for example, meaning eastern integrity. Maybe from adopting a grand, meaningful pen name? Many writers do that.'

'What do you think he looks like?' The male was curious about his opinion.

'From his complicated writting, I guess someone who's around 40 years old? A man who holds his body posture well, maybe a little arrogant? Haven't you seen him before? There was a writtened message in your book.'

The other laughed heartily.

'That's harsh! It's a secret. For me to know and for you to find out. Oh, and anyways, I wanted to tell you that you are really good looking.'

'That was random. Why the sudden compliment? You flirting with me?'

'You wish! I was just saying that since we're on the topic of looks. You can keep the book.'

'Really? Thanks. By the way, I still don't know your name.'

'It's Daesung.'

'D.S too? Is it just a coincidence? You happen to have his latest book with his signature when no one else has?'

Daesung deflect his question with Seunghyun's words from earlier.

'Hey, I thought you said he's a man in his forties? And an arrogant man?'

'That's true. He's complicated and you are just you. I'm Seunghyun. I'm an arts curator. What do you do for a living?'

'I… freelance. I work at my own time.'

'Ah… That's why you can always turn up here earlier than me everyday and leave late. And you are cute.'

Daesung raised an eyebrow. 'You flirting with me now?'

'Nope, just stating the truth. I don't usually talk a lot but talking with you feels natural.'

'Shoots. Here I was thinking a handsome man wants to hit on me.' Daesung joked.

Seughyun felt a pang in his chest. He didn't know why he felt that way when Daesung said that. The idea of hitting on Daesung didn't disgust him, though he had only dated females in the past. He looked, really focused on that man in front of him. His hand suddenly itched to touch his hair, to pinch those chubby cheeks. He wanted that man to keep smiling, wanted to be the one to make him smile. He wanted to because… just because.

'Hey, quit staring! It's making me feel all weird.' Daesung swatted his hand at the air in front of himself.

'Oh, I was just thinking, that's all.'

'What were you thinking about to be staring at me? I have something on my face?' Daesung paraphrased Seunghyun's words from when they had first met.

It made Seunghyun laugh a little.

'No, just thinking how about how we met and how I really like to hang out with you.'

Daesung blushed and smiled shyly.

'Me too.'

Seunghyun liked the shy Daesung blushing.

Seunghyun really liked that Daesung smiled for him.

Seunghyun felt warm all over looking at Daesung.

Seunghyun did not know why he felt this way.

But he liked it. A lot.

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Just one more chapter to go. I have enjoyed writing this , even more so, the beloved readres' comments and response.


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Oh the way seunghyun proposes is so sweet!! And congratz on ji for finding another seunghyun
eunzai #2
Chapter 11: Ouh.. I like the story very much. It's simple but meaningful.
Thank you, author-nim. ;)
Hinatory #3
Chapter 12: This was a beautiful story!
Thank you very much for writing it
TitaHonduras #4
Chapter 12: Waaaaaaaaa I love this story! You are a wonderful writer and so beautifully designed.
Hope to see a secuel... thank you.
sayasayangtodae #5
Chapter 12: The proposal is so sweet... I m sad this end to sooon.can t getbenough of them
bigbanglover112 #6
Chapter 12: Aww it's finally ended, i feel kinda empty now haha. Thank you authornim for a warm and chill story with a happy ending.
I can't get over Daesung's boldness though haha
bigbanglover112 #7
Chapter 11: Dae has such a contradicting personality. Seunghyun's impression about him was cute and fluffy like a puppy and in this chapter he led like everything it's just hcidsoaiaiwhwuyryrtxnajakalqlw
Chapter 11: OWO SO CORNY <3 You adorable fluff muffin, I was giggling and blushing the entire time cuz ToDae fluff is very much loved and needed I just asdfghjkl-- <3 <3 <3 Ruvs ruuuuuu~~~ so good heheheheeeeee
Chapter 11: Thank you to the readers for helping me hit over a thousand views. So, if you see this, the first 3 who reply, i will write a drabble based on your prompt in 'Todae is a present'.