An unexpected visit


Namjoon entered the room, carrying a plastic bag in one hand. He looked at me and smiled. Behind him were six other guys, who entered the room as well, one by one. I recognized them as the other guys who had been at Taeyoon’s party. Yoongi, Jimin, Jungkook, Hoseok, the brown-haired guy, whom I still didn’t know the name of and Taehyung as the last. All of them were carrying plastic bags similar to Namjoon’s except Taehyung, who were carrying three pizza-boxes.

“You’ okay?” Namjoon asked, still looking directly at me. I nodded, still very confused by the fact that seven guys had just entered the room. It suddenly felt much more lively compared to before. Namjoon placed his plasticbag on the table, which stood at the end of the room and the other guys did the same. I looked at Taeyoon and Seulgi who both looked confused as well.

“What’s going on here” I whispered to them, hoping the guys couldn’t hear me.

“Dunno…” Seulgi answered, while still starring at the guys.

Jimin, the guy who had slept in Taeyoon’s bathtub, was being noisy, which resulted in a scolding from the tall, brown-haired guy.

“What is his name?” I whispered to Seulgi, and tried to point discreetly at the guy.

“That guy? That’s Seokjin, he makes the best coffee~” Seulgi said, and from the look on her face, I could tell that she became very absorbed in the thought of drinking some coffee.

It didn’t take long before the atmosphere became quite awkward; you could almost see the tension between Taeyoon and Taehyung.

“What are you doing here?” Taeyoon broke the silence. She was staring at Taehyung, which made it hard to tell whether the question was directed at all the seven guys or if it was just Taehyung.

“We came to entertain the patient” Namjoon answered, obviously not caring about whom Taeyoon had asked. He emptied the plastic bag he had had with him on the table. It contained several cans of soda. He had even brought my favorite, the one with grapefruit flavor. Did he know it was my favorite? No, of course not, Mali, please get a hold of yourself, you’ve only met the guy twice and you have never told him what kind of soda you like. Looking at all the cans of soda, I realized that among many other things, I wasn’t allowed to drink soda because of my condition.

“I’m not allowed to drink soda..” I said, looking at my hands which were resting in my lap. I felt kinda sad, it was my favorite after all.

“I know, so we bought medicine as well” Namjoon grinned and pointed on the bag that the brown-haired guy, Seokjin, had been carrying.

“Or... it's sort of medicine... “ Seokjin added, when I looked at him.

“We bought ice cream as well...” Jungkook added, holding up a plasticbag.

Ice cream? I wasn’t allowed to eat ice cream either, but I couldn’t help but smile a big smile. I barely knew these guys, yet they brought me all this stuff. Heck, I hadn’t even known the name of Seokjin until a few minutes ago.

Just then Yoongi interrupted my thoughts.

“I have to go” he said, holding his phone.

“You sure?” Namjoon asked, looking a bit disappointed that his friend was already leaving.

“Yeah, I can't get today off....” he waved at everyone and then left the room.

When Yoongi was gone, Jungkook began pulling out small cups of ice cream from the plastic bag. Seokjin handed them out with small plastic spoons.

“Do you want some of this?” Namjoon asked me, showing me a cup of some kind of instant-soup.

Honestly, I really wanted ice cream, but I didn’t want him to feel like that was the only thing out of all the things they had bought, that I actually wanted.  Actually soup did also sound very tempting. I ended up sitting with a cup of tomato soup, while the other’s ate ice cream.

“Remember you played the bongo drums?” Seulgi asked Namjoon, who seemed surprised by the unexpected question, since all of his attention was on the ice cream at the moment.

He answered with a nod.

“Mali liked it a lot, right Mali?” Both Seulgi and Namjoon turned their attention towards me, who was sitting in the bed, a spoon in my mouth. I wasn’t prepared for the sudden attention.

“Mhm?” I mumbled with the spoon hanging out of my mouth. I took the spoon out.

“Yeah, I really liked it…” I said, smiling. That long dream had seemed so lonely, but it had really made me happy and less sad, when Namjoon had appeared, even though it was only briefly.

“What? Did you actually hear me?” Namjoon asked, looking very surprised. I nodded in response.

To be honest, I was as surprised as him. I still hadn’t been able to figure out how I had been able to hear something that had happened in real life.

I also remembered how I had been looking down into the hospitalroom from above and seen Taeyoon, my father and Namjoon sitting beside my bed.  Had that happened in real life too or had that just been my imagination?

“Wait a moment... did you play bongo drums for a girl in a coma?” Seokjin sent Namjoon a confused look.

“Yeah... It's not very manly... I know...” Namjoon mumbled, looking at his hands. No, it was actually pretty cute. No, what are you thinking. I forced myself to return my attention to the cup with soup in my hands. I didn’t want to think thoughts like that, especially not with Namjoon in the room. It was too embarrassing. The soup didn’t keep my attention for long, though. They were asking Namjoon whether he had stolen the drums from some kids. Namjoon denied, but Seokjin didn’t believe him.

“I think it’s rather cute” Jimin said, voicing my thoughts.

“I’m not cute, Jimin…” Namjoon replied and he made a pouty face while doing so. Was he kidding? Saying he’s not cute and then making the cutest face ever… Really?

“Hyung... stop it you're embarrassing!” Jimin laughed, making both Hoseok and Taehyung laugh with him.

“I didn’t steal it though” Namjoon tried to be serious. No way, he was too cute. I tried really, really hard not laugh, holding my stomach, as if that would make it easier to not begin. It didn’t help that Jimin’s laughter was pretty contagious too.

“I borrowed it, and I even returned it to them… they were such nice kid” Namjoon added, still looking serious. I couldn’t help but remember the dream, it was too funny. The drums and the hat too.

“Next time please wear one of those Mexican hats and a poncho....” I grinned. I left out the fact that I was referring to the dream I had had. Namjoon looked at me. He obviously couldn’t keep that serious expression anymore and was soon laughing with the other three guys, who hadn’t stopped laughing yet.

Seulgi, Taeyoon and the guys hung out in my room for a while, until a nurse entered and told them they had to leave, because ‘they were too loud’.


My mother visited me every day, while I was hospitalized. As always, we didn’t talk much. She was mostly busy with work, trying to catch up with all the different things, she had had to put on hold, while she had been worried about me.

Now that I had woken up, she wasn’t paying as much attention to me. Most of the time, she would sit with her laptop and type loud and fast.

Surprisingly, the nurses hadn’t told her about the visit from seven guys (not that I didn’t appreciate that they hadn’t, I was actually rather grateful) and how they had ended up being thrown out of my room, because they had made too much noise.

Namjoon had looked genuinely sad, as they were being thrown out, which, I realized, kinda had made me sad as well. But happy too, somehow.

Today, I was sitting alone in my room. My mother had already paid her daily visit and had left when her phone had called. She walked out, still on the phone, mouthing a “I’m sorry, it’s important, I have to go”. Since then I had only been disturbed by a nurse who had come in to do a check-up. My dad didn’t have the time to visit me, but he had made sure that the nurses would update him about my condition every hour of the day. Since I was laying in an expensive V.I.P. room, the nurses fulfilled his request. To be honest, I thought it was a bit embarrassing – my condition was, after all, stable at the moment, but on the other hand I liked the hourly visit from the nurse, the one who had been there the first morning. She was still smiling brightly whenever she entered the room, making me feel less awkward sitting there in the bigger-than-normal hospital bed.

I was sleeping most of the times she came by though, since the medicine basically made me a living corpse. Actually, the thought of sleeping didn’t seem that bad right now. I leaned back in the bed, closing my eyes.

The door to my room opened and the nurse entered.

“Ms. Ahn, you have a visitor. Should I let him in, or should I tell him to leave?” she asked, only partly opening the door.

“Oh… no, you can let him in” I answered automatically, not knowing what to reply to the question. I wasn’t expecting anyone. Him? If it was a ‘him’, it could be my dad, but at the same time it probably wasn’t – my dad would have just walked in and the nurses would have allowed it.

“You can enter, Mr. Kim” the nurse told the person standing in the hallway.

A blonde-haired guy appeared behind the nurse, looking happy, but also slightly nervous.

I could feel my face turn red. Namjoon. Was he here alone? Well, if Seulgi and Taeyoon were to be believed, this guy had visited me almost every day while I had been in coma. Why should he stop, just because I was awake now.

“Hi” he said as he entered the room. He didn’t seem as confident as the last time, when Seulgi and Taeyoon had been here and he had had his friends with him. At that time he had just casually walked into the room, as if he was living there too.

“Hello” I smiled at him, trying not to think about how my face and hair looked at the moment.

“I’m sorry about last time, they were too noisy” he apologized and sat down in the chair beside my bed.

“No, it’s okay” I mumbled.

“That’s a relief” Namjoon looked at me, but as soon as our eyes met, he looked down at his hands.

I didn’t know what to say. Why did he visit me alone? Was it out of niceness or something else?

According to Seulgi, Namjoon was a nice guy. A nice guy would visit people in the hospital, just as a friendly gesture, right? Right?

Just then, I couldn’t help but remember the party at Taeyoon’s place. He had definitely been hugging me, while we slept, and I couldn’t deny the fact that I had actually enjoyed it. On the other hand, I had been drunk and so had he.. probably. It could just be the normal I’m-drunk-I-don’t-know-what-I’m-doing thing and there wasn’t actually any meaning behind it. Did I want a meaning behind it, other than him being drunk or being a nice guy? Honestly, I didn’t know, I had never really experienced anything like this. I felt like hitting my head against the wall, but that wouldn’t help me recover any faster. Namjoon had been silent for the few minutes I had been lost in my own thoughts, but now he decided to break the awkward silence.

“I brought some more soup” he smiled slightly, and pointed at a small plastic bag he had been carrying.

“Oh… thanks” I said and returned the smile, resulting in Namjoon smiling an even bigger smile, showing off the deep dimples on either side of his face.

For some reason, my body decided that it didn’t know how to break eye contact with this guy.

I suddenly realized that I didn’t know anything about this guy, other than I found him cute and knew he was good at rapping – other than that I didn’t know anything. I had actually only found out about his last name a few minutes ago when the nurse announced that there was a visitor. What was his age again? He didn’t know anything about me as well, or at least that’s what I thought. Who could know how much the others had told him the few weeks I was in a coma?

It was as if Namjoon had read my thoughts, because just then he asked me what I liked to do.

“That’s a hard question” I thought out loud. Namjoon grinned at me.

“Well…” I was thinking hard, “I really enjoy going for long walks? Does that count as something?”

“I guess it does” he pondered.

“It’s very relaxing, you know?” I said, hoping he didn’t think I was too weird.

“I know, I like to run too” he smiled at me.

“Wow, so you’re all athletic and stuff?” Somehow I had a hard time imagining that, but at the same time, I wasn’t really that good at figuring out people and their personalities.

Instead of answering Namjoon just began laughing. Had I said something funny?

I couldn’t help laugh with him Just the sound of his laugh made me happy. I soon stopped and from the look on Namjoon’s face, I had showed how much it had hurt. He was soon standing up, holding a hand on my shoulder. He looked like he might call a nurse or something.

“It’s okay, I’m okay” I said while holding onto my stomach with one hand, as if that would ease the pain. The other hand I had unconsciously moved to Namjoon’s hand on my shoulders. As Namjoon sat down in the chair again, I noticed that my hand was still holding his, which was no longer resting on my shoulder. Holding hands was something I usually did with Seulgi and Taeyoon, because it always made me feel comfortable and relaxed. I decided to just embrace my awkward self and keep on holding on to it. It was just as relaxing as when I held onto Seulgi or Taeyoon.

“Actually, I brought some music for you. I find it very calming and thought you might as well” Namjoon said and pulled his phone out of his pocket with the hand that wasn’t holding mine.

Soon, a woman’s familiar soft, calm voice came into my ears. The only instrument playing was a piano. The singer’s voice had an airy feel to it. It was the singer ‘Oohyo’.

“I know this song, it’s one of my favorites.”


“Yeah, I listen to it when I walk my late night walks” I smiled. When was the last time I had went for a walk? I had been before the accident, which meant that I hadn’t been for a walk for at least a month, if not more – I had a hard time keeping track of time, since all I did was to lie in this bed.

The last time I had taking a walk was the night before Taeyoon’s party. I suddenly remembered how I had bumped into that one guy, and how my head had actually hurt a lot the day after. I was positive I had had a bump on my forehead on the day of Taeyoon’s party. My hand let go of Namjoon’s and unconsciously moved to my forehead, trying to find a bump. There wasn’t anything there, which wasn’t really surprising considering how long it had been since then.

“What’s wrong?” Namjoon asked, looking a bit confused.

“Oh, it’s just, before the accident, I bumped into someone on my walk and hit my head. I’m pretty sure I got a bump on my forehead, but of course it’s gone now” I mumbled.

Suddenly, Namjoon looked like he was thinking very hard.

“This question might be really weird” he finally said, looking kind of embarrassed.

“But when you bumped into that someone, were you listening to this song you’re listening to right now?”

I looked up at him. He wanted me to try to remember that far back? Really? The coma had definitely ed up my brain and because of that I didn’t really remember details like that. I remembered how the guy had looked at the music on my phone, but not what song had been playing. Still, I decided to try to remember. The song was still playing on Namjoon’s phone. It wasn’t impossible for me to have been listening to this song. Oohyo was a singer whose songs I listened to often after all.

After thinking for a few minutes I couldn’t help but wonder why Namjoon wanted to know this and I ended up asking him.

“I bumped into someone too, while I was running along the Han River. She was walking alone and listening to this song.” Namjoon said.

“No way” I mumbled “There’s a big possibility, that that was me, but I find it somehow... unbelievable?” I said, not knowing how to choose my words. I didn’t really believe in words like “fate” and “destiny”. It seemed impossible for me to have met Namjoon twice before I was actually introduced to him properly.

“The reason why I remember is just because it made an impression on me. Usually when people walk on the path where we bumped into each other, they will not be walking alone and then you were listening to this song as well. I thought you were an interesting person...” Namjoon explained.

“Then, can you show me some more music?” I asked. “I feel like you might have a great taste in music” I added teasingly.


As soon as I had made Namjoon talk about music, he wasn’t able to stop. That didn’t bother me though; I enjoyed listening to his deep voice. He sounded so happy and energetic. He also began telling me about the music he made himself. His sic other friends were also either singers or rappers, just like him. In the beginning I thought that Taehyung was a rapper too, because of his very deep voice, which I thought must be perfect for a rapper. But no, my guess just made Namjoon laugh very hard.

“He can’t rap for the life of him” he had said in-between laughs.  

I could feel my face turn slightly red. Luckily I managed to guess who of the other guys were singers and who were rappers – the only rapper, apart from Namjoon and Yoongi, was Hoseok.

“By the way” he said, and turned around in the chair, one hand pointing to his back “I’m wearing the hoodie”. Just then I noticed what Namjoon was actually wearing. The black (and kinda worn) ‘Rap Monster’ hoodie. He turned around again, obviously wanting to see my reaction.

“I actually like that name” he added, pulling on the edges of the hoodie’s sleeves.

“No way” I laughed “It’s way too cheesy”

Namjoon began laughing as well.

“Then! I’m going to call myself Rap Monster from now on!” Namjoon declared, maybe a bit too loud.

Just then my nurse entered the room.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Kim, but Ms. Ahn has to rest. You have to leave” she said firmly.

Namjoon looked surprised at first, but then he got up from the chair.

“It was nice talking to you. I’ll leave the soup” he said and bowed slightly. He suddenly sounded so formal compared to before. It was probably because of the fact that the nurse was waiting in the doorway. When he left the room he smiled at me, but he still looked a bit sad.

I couldn’t help but find the situation funny. My room had been so quiet for so many weeks, so my nurse was probably surprised she suddenly had to throw people out because they were too loud.

The funniest thing however was Namjoon’s confused face when he realized he had been thrown out two times now. 

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Chapter 16: 01:20am.
Totally worth it.
kateun #2
Chapter 4: HAHA yeah this is cool you guys decided to collab it is it the same author with a different accounts idk
kateun #3
Chapter 2: it's called white note but I think this one is in another perspective
kateun #4
Chapter 2: this story somehow sounds familiar to one I read
Number2elf #5
Chapter 13: Yooo i was in the middle of reading :/. Lol its ok. Do whatever edits or whatnot you need to do XD
taedragonjpg #6
Chapter 13: So good I'm gonna cry. Like,
Number2elf #7
Chapter 1: What did you update today? The last chapter is still the same for me
Number2elf #8
Chapter 10: I like this story :) keep writing!
Chapter 7: Oh my lord, so deep. I wanted to cry with Namjoon, because ow, my heart. Ow
Chapter 5: Author-nim, your story is really funny!