

The ceiling in my room had become much more interesting all of a sudden, as I lay there in my bed trying to sleep.

I was still thinking of a way to answer the text Namjoon had sent me. How long had it been now? I looked at my phone. 11:16 pm

I had gone to bed early in the evening, but it was already this late. It had to be at least two hours since I received the text. I had never been good at answering texts and I would often end up ignoring texts, but not on purpose though. My phone would be filled with drafts of texts, because I couldn’t figure out what I wanted to say. Like, how would this or that person react to this text and what would this person expect me to answer. Even to something as simple as ‘Are you free tomorrow?’ could make my mind go completely blank. It didn’t help that the person asking was Namjoon.

It wasn’t until around midnight when I finally figured out what to answer. I considered waiting till the morning, but I didn’t really know what he wanted to ask me, so I decided it would be better to just answer now.

I’m free tomorrow. What did you have in mind?

My reply was as simple as possible. I was surprised when my phone lit up only a couple of minutes later.

Want to show you something. I’ll pick you up at your school (^^)

Really, what was up with those smileys? I couldn’t help but laugh a little at the text.

I guess I knew what I was doing after school tomorrow then. Now if I could just get some sleep. I pulled the duvet up to my chin, enjoying the smell of newly washed bedlinen. I had to remember to thank my dad the next time I saw him for always making sure my bedlinen was clean.


For once I woke up early in the morning. It wasn’t because I wasn’t feeling tired – I was tired as heck, but it was impossible to sleep anymore. My brain wouldn’t let me. It was working on overdrive, trying to find out the possibility of me getting through the day without embarrassing myself. Big surprise, my brain’s conclusion was that the possibility of not embarrassing myself was zero.

Was this a good idea? I could still cancel, right?

But if I cancelled, Namjoon would probably be disappointed. He had seemed so excited – or at least that emoticon made him sound very excited.

With a sigh I sat up in bed, pushing the duvet to the side and swinging my legs over the edge of the bed. The wooden floor was cold under my bare feet.

Weak streaks of sunlight made it into my room through the thin curtains. It was enough for me to be able to see the features of my room and I made my way to the small hallway that led to my bathroom. I still had a couple of hours before I had to leave for school, so I had plenty of time to take a shower.

As always, I ended standing underneath the warm water completely lost in my own thoughts.

It was nice to feel my body get filled with warmth, and I dreaded every moment when I had to turn off the water to use my shampoo or shower gel. At those moments it felt like my body was turning into ice and my hands began fumbling with the bottles, trying to get everything done as fast as possible.

It was a relief when I could finally let the water make its way out onto my already shivering limps.


When I finally exited the shower, half an hour had passed already. It was no problem though, I still had plenty of time to get ready.

I plumped onto my bed, when I had changed into some loose clothing – as if I was going to wear my uniform now, when there still was an hour before I had to go. After rolling around for a bit, trying to get comfortable, I finally settled on lying on my stomach. Ugh, couldn’t I just lie here for the rest of the day?

The inventor of the mattress should be held responsible for all the classes and appointments which people had missed because of a way too comfortable bed. Seriously. I could already feel my eyelids grow heavier, just by lying here.  The more I tried to keep my eyes open, the harder it seemed to get.


A faint beeping sound kept growing louder. It was as if a giant horde of bees where chasing me, constantly getting closer to me. I tried to run faster but it didn’t help. At some point I just had to turn around and let the sound surround me completely. When I finally let it surround me, it seemed like my eyes opened from some kind of darkness and I was looking up into the ceiling of my room. The annoying beeping sound, which had continued even outside of my sleep, came from my phone which was lying beside my pillow.

I reached out for it and looked at the screen that had already lit up. Jeon Jungkook was the name that appeared. Jung Jungkook? Why was he calling me?

Not really registering what I was doing, I slid my finger on the phone screen and held the phone up to my ear.

“Yeah?” I mumbled into the phone, my voice still obviously affected by the nap I had just taken.

“Noona, where the heck are you? I want ice cream!” an obviously disappointed and annoyed Jungkook said on the other end of the line.

Not understand whatever he meant, I asked why he had called me and I also couldn’t help myself from scolding him a bit because of his impoliteness.

“It’s lunchbreak” he began explaining “You’re not here in the class. I’m standing right here looking into it and Haeun is all alone by her desk. Did you go to eat ice cream by yourself? You’re so cruel! You shou-”

“What?” my voice still obviously sleepy and hoarse from just waking up when I interrupted Jungkook’s whining. I was late, there was no denying that. Completely forgetting the fact that I was still on the phone with Jungkook, I jumped up from my bed and pulled my uniform off the hanger on which it neatly hung. Within half a minute I had put on my uniform and packed my bag.

As I ran through the kitchen I grabbed an apple and hurried out the door. I could always buy some food at school.


When the class finally ended, I hurried out the door of the classroom. Usually I wasn’t the first to leave class – I liked taking my time and avoid the rush of the other students who were eager to leave the stuffy classroom.

This time was different though. It didn’t take more than three seconds from the teacher had dismissed the class till I was out the door, books packed, backpack on and jacket hanging on my arm.

I couldn’t help but find it weird that I was in this much of a hurry. A small smile played on my lips as I walked down stairs. Had I ever been this excited to meet another person?

From the main entrance of the school there was a clear view of the gate and street outside. Just beside the gate a tall, blonde guy was standing looking at his phone and occasionally gazing over the crowd of people walking past him, obviously looking for a certain person.

Knowing that the person, he was looking for was me, made my face turn warm. A hot, slightly stinging feeling soon followed on my right cheek. I had actually slapped myself. Mali, please stop being so obvious. After quickly shaking my head to snap out of it, I walked out of the entrance and towards the blonde guy.

As soon as his eyes fell upon me, his face turned into one big smile, deep holes forming in his cheeks. I could feel the edges of my mouth moving up towards my ears. Damn, why was his smile so contagious, it was not fair.

“Maliii~” Namjoon called out when I had almost reached him.

I managed a small, quiet ‘hi’ and waved my hand a bit. I suddenly felt way too self-conscious, removing a strand of hair from my face with one hand and flattening my skirt with the other.

When I came up on the side of Namjoon, he made a weird gesture with his hands, which I couldn’t really interpret. It seemed like he was asking me to turn around… or something?

Namjoon noticed my confused expression and with a smile he carefully turned my backside towards himself and took my backpack off my back. Before I could protest he had already slung the bag over his shoulder and had begun walking. It reminded me of that time when we went to get ice cream with Jungkook and Namjoon had taken my bag as well. Was I ever going to be allowed to carry my bag myself? Not that I minded him carrying my bag – but I still stood there, flabbergasted for moment, before I ran up to him once more and adjusted to his pace.

“So” I said, “What did you want to show me?”

I looked at him and tilted my head slightly.

“It’s a secret” he grinned.

Without looking at me he held out his hand in front of me. Even if he didn’t say it out loud, I knew he was inviting me to hold his hand and I gladly accepted the invitation.

His hand felt warm and soft and his thumb gently caressed the top of my hand. I would be lying if I said that the butterflies in the pit of my stomach weren’t going crazy at the smallest touch from this guy.

Being completely lost in my own thoughts, I didn’t notice we had arrived at our destination, before Namjoon waved his free hand in front of my face, while laughing.

“Was school that hard on you? Would you rather take a nap? I think we can arrange that” he managed to say without laughing. Was that a wink he sent me?

“No, I was just thinking…”

“What were you thinking about?” his dark eyes were staring directly into mine now.

“No-nothing” I said, trying to avoid his gaze, as if a simple look into my eyes would tell him exactly what, or rather who, I had been thinking about.

Namjoon continued to stare at me for a few seconds, before he turned his attention to the door in front of him. I looked at the door as well and something about it felt familiar, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. It definitely felt like I had been here before.

Namjoon lightly placed his hand on the small of my back before he opened the door and lead me through.

As soon as I had taken in the room before me, I remembered it. It was the small studio that the boys used to record their music. Last time I had been here, had been just before my accident, when I had taken Seulgi here to get a first aid kit. At that time only Yoongi had been present.

Right now there was just the two of us.

“Welcome to our studio” Namjoon said and send me a bright smile.

“So what you’re going to show me is in here?” I said as I took of my shoes.

“Yup” he simply replied, still not telling me exactly what his surprise was.

After checking something on his phone, he went into the room, and I followed closely behind him. He sat down at a desk with a computer and began clicking away. After a few seconds stopped and turned around in his chair. While pointing at a couch, which was standing against the wall, he told me to sit down and make myself comfortable. Screw being comfortable. How could I be comfortable in the presence of this guy? It simply wasn’t possible. I awkwardly made my way to the couch and sat down. Namjoon had turned around and was once more facing the computer. Looking at the back of his head, I couldn’t help but wonder how I had ended up here. Like, why was this guy interested in me? It was not like I was even remotely interesting. Did he even find me interesting? I remembered how I had drunkenly confessed to him in his bed and how he hadn’t directly answered. He had returned my kiss, true, but he had never told me he liked me. Was this how relationships began? You just kissed and then both involved knew that you were together? A thing? I suddenly felt like a complete beginner at everything.

I looked at my hands which were lying neatly in my lap. Now if I could just think about something else or my face would be a tomato when Namjoon looked at me again.

My fingernails had actually become quite long lately. Maybe I should shorten them before they break?

My poor attempt at distracting myself didn’t help. I was already thinking about Namjoon again, my eyes wanting to look at him but at the same time not. I managed to keep them locked on my hands.

It didn’t take long before the sound of the mouse clicking stopped and before I knew it Namjoon plumped down beside me. From the speakers of the computer, a calming and kind of slow melody began playing. After a few moments the beat sped up, but it still had a somehow calming effect on me.

I listened, concentrated on the different elements of the melody. I could feel Namjoon’s eyes on me, probably observing my reaction. The melody reached its before the beat slowed down a bit and then it ended, just like that.

“Did you like it?” Namjoon asked excited.

“Yeah” I answered, smiling at Namjoon who smiled back.

“It was only the verse and the chorus. Yoongi helped me make the melody. And of course there is going to be a rap too, but I’m still working on that” he continued, still sounding overly excited.

“I bet it’ll sound amazing when it’s done, the melody is already this nice”

“It’s for you” Namjoon muttered, a slight blush coloring his cheeks.

At the sight of this I could feel the warmth filling up in my face, until it felt like I had two hot, red circles right on the apples of my cheeks.

I somehow managed to reply a small thank you, not knowing what else to say. What did you say when someone gave you a song – although it was not finished, it was still going to end up as something.

After a minute or two of silence, where neither of us said anything, Namjoon suddenly mentioned the time. It was already getting late, considering that there still was a day of school tomorrow.

“I’ll follow you home” he said and helped me get up from the couch. “I bet Yoongi-hyung will return soon too”


We had ridden the subway in silence, Namjoon holding my hand during the entire ride. The blush in my cheeks had been quite obvious, I think, and I had been so nervous that my hand would get all sweaty. It didn’t though – for some reason my hands were drier than usual.

The last time Namjoon had followed me home, we had parted ways outside the apartment complex.

This time he insisted on walking to me to my front door, which I agreed to, because why not?

Just after entering the lobby of the building, Namjoon let go off my hand, mumbling something about being careful and something about my dad. I didn’t quite get it, so I just shook my shoulders and went to the elevator.

“Hello Ms. Ahn” a voice greeted.

I looked to my right where I saw one of the suit-wearing men working in the lobby bowing in my direction.

“Ah.. hello” I answered and quickly bowed back. I noticed how the man was eyeing Namjoon suspiciously. Namjoon on the other hand didn’t notice anything as he was too busy looking around the lobby.

“Do you know if my father has come home yet?” I quickly asked the man.

“No, Ms. Ahn, he has not returned yet” the man answered and bowed once more.

“Okay. Thank you” I said before taking Namjoon’s hand and pulling him towards the elevator.

“So your father is not home?” Namjoon asked when we were inside the privacy of the elevator.

“… No” I replied, looking at him with a surprised expression. He wasn’t thinking of-

“It’s not because… I wasn’t thinking of... doing… anything...” Namjoon interrupted my thoughts as if he had read my mind. He was avoiding looking at me and once more I could see the hint of a blush on his cheeks and felt the familiar feeling of a blush coming in, in my own cheeks. Hadn’t my face just been a constant tomato ever since I met Namjoon? Was that a good thing?


“So... This is where I live" I mumbled, as we stood in front of the door and I entered the code for the apartment on the door handle. The door made an unlocking sound and I turned the handle.

I walked through the doorway and Namjoon followed closely behind.

I wasn't sure how far I was going to take him into the apartment, as he had only said he wanted to follow me all the way home this time. How far into the apartment did we have to go before it was all-the-way, I wondered. Would he tell me?

My body decided that the front door was not far enough though; as we had taken off our shoes, my hand instantly grabbed his, and I began walking, leading the way into the apartment. It had actually begun to feel normal to hold his hand, comfortable even.

I could feel my arm stretch out and I looked behind me to see Namjoon trying to take off his jacket. For some reason it looked like he thought he could do it without letting go of my hand.

“You know that’s not going to work” I said and let out a laugh while my hand slipped to my side, letting go of his.

“It was worth a try” he said with a dimple smile as he hung his jacket on the coat rack.

My eyes instantly flew to the shirt, or rather hoodie, he was wearing. It was the black Rap Monster hoodie I had given him. A smile grew on my face. I could faintly remember how we had talked about the name ‘Rap Monster’ when I was drunk in his bed and he had told me that he had been calling himself that even before he met me.

“Did you ever tell me the story of how you got the nickname ‘Rap Monster’ or was I just too drunk to remember?”

“No, I don’t think I did. Do you really want to know?” Namjoon said as he grabbed my hand and we continued our small walk into the big kitchen area which connected to the living room.

“Sure, tell me”

The reason I had gotten the name ‘Rap Monster’ had been really silly and I had been wondering why Namjoon had gotten it. Had he done something weird or? Well, he most definitely had amazing rapping skills.

 “The other guys and I were at a competition for about one year and a half ago. I thought it would be cool if we all had a stage name. There are so many famous rappers and singers with stage names, so I wanted us all to have one as well.”

“So you came up with the name yourself?”

“Yes. Not to brag, but my rapping skills are quite awesome”

I couldn’t help but snort as he answered; he had had that characteristic goofy smile of his, which, for some reason, never failed to make me laugh.

Out of nowhere Namjoon had placed his hands on either side of my face and I got feel myself getting that what-the-…-expression where my lips parted a bit and I probably looked dumbfounded as hell.

“You’re really cute when you smile” Namjoon said while looking directly into my eyes with an intense stare. Without breaking eye contact, he slowly leaned closer and placed a small, soft kiss on my dry lips. As his plump lips touched mine, it felt like my whole body begun melting and I leaned against him, my arms wrapping around his neck. A scent of cologne mixed with a bit of sweat reached my nose and before I knew it, I had managed to push Namjoon towards the couch. The warm sunshine shone through the big windows of the living room, making my body heat up even faster than I thought was possible. With a last, small push, Namjoon sat down on the couch, breaking our kiss. For a millisecond I looked into his eyes – they looked somehow different than usual, but I couldn’t quite figure out how. He looked like he could eat me whole if he wanted to.

Then that millisecond passed and I had placed myself on top of him, straddling his lap.

“And you’re incredibly y when you do this” Namjoon managed to say, his voice sounding hoarse, before I placed my lips on his again, silencing him. He placed his hands on my waist and I could feel his fingers gently massaging my skin, before his hands moved down my back until they rested on my .

Not being used to this feeling, I ended up smiling against his lips. As my hands moved to his soft, blonde hair, a loud cough made me break our kiss and look behind me.

In the entrance to the kitchen my father stood, looking tensed and kind of embarrassed.

“D-dad!” I stammered before jumping off Namjoon’s lap as fast as I could – If only I could be this fast when I had to get up early in the morning.

“Good evening” my dad said and gave a nod in the direction of Namjoon.

“Good evening Mr. Ahn” Namjoon said and bowed. I noticed that his cheeks had the color of peaches and I could feel a smile tugging on the corner of my lips. Not that my face was any better. If I wasn’t wrong, my face probably looked as red as a firetruck right now.

“Are you staying for dinner?” my dad’s voice sounded a bit strained. From what I had been told by Seulgi and Taeyoon, my dad had been talking quite well with Namjoon during one of his few hospital visits while I had been in coma, but he probably hadn’t been expecting to walk in on his daughter sitting on top of the blonde haired guy.

“Ah… no, I was just leaving actually” Namjoon muttered.

“Oh... let me follow you out” I mumbled and quickly headed for the doorway where my dad was still standing. He let us pass and in a flash, Namjoon had managed to put on his shoes and jacket. I opened the door for him and followed him out on the other side.

“Well that was awkward” I said, when the door closed behind me.

“I think we can agree on that” Namjoon said, grinning.

In an instant he had moved his face to mine and placed a soft kiss on my lips.

“I’ll be going then” he smiled at me and walked towards the elevator.

“Y-yeah, uh, bye” I stuttered.

When I had entered the apartment again, it didn’t take long before a text ticked in on my phone.


Thank s for hanging out with me today. Hope you enjoyed the surprise \( ̄)

A smile played on my lips as I read the text. He hadn’t mentioned the encounter with my dad, which I kinda appreciated. The thought of his kiss and my desire to continue what we had begun made me blush once more. 




Hello! I'm finally back with a new chapter! Yay!

I'm sorry it took this long. I released 15 chapters in like 1,5 month? and then I stopped and didn't release anything for the past two months. 

The reason for this is because I started attending a kind-of boarding school and I've been busy with that - making new friends and getting used to my new subjects (which include taekwondo and korean wuhuu). I haven't felt inspired to write most of the time - the one time I got really inspired was just a few hours before I managed to get myself a concussion, so there's that... and the fact that I haven't been hanging out with my friends (authors of A White Note and Addiction) who are usually the ones to inspire me to write.

Well, enough about that, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'll try to update more frequently! \(^o^)/

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Chapter 16: 01:20am.
Totally worth it.
kateun #2
Chapter 4: HAHA yeah this is cool you guys decided to collab it is it the same author with a different accounts idk
kateun #3
Chapter 2: it's called white note but I think this one is in another perspective
kateun #4
Chapter 2: this story somehow sounds familiar to one I read
Number2elf #5
Chapter 13: Yooo i was in the middle of reading :/. Lol its ok. Do whatever edits or whatnot you need to do XD
taedragonjpg #6
Chapter 13: So good I'm gonna cry. Like,
Number2elf #7
Chapter 1: What did you update today? The last chapter is still the same for me
Number2elf #8
Chapter 10: I like this story :) keep writing!
Chapter 7: Oh my lord, so deep. I wanted to cry with Namjoon, because ow, my heart. Ow
Chapter 5: Author-nim, your story is really funny!