

Rose was standing in the doorway wearing so little clothes, I felt cold just by looking at her. A short dress and fishnet stockings. The only thing that looked vaguely warm was the beanie she was wearing.

I guess you had to sacrifice comfort to look good.

“You look cute!” I told her and took her arm, dragging her with me into the living room.

“Everybody, Rose. Rose, everybody” I quickly introduced her to Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok, who were still hanging out in the couch. They could tell her their names themselves.

Just as I had said that, I noticed how Seulgi left the room quietly, walking up some stairs. Rose was staring at the guys in the couch and after a short while she left too, quite quickly. I looked at Taeyoon, who looked confused, but not as confused as I felt.

The guys, on the other hand, looked shocked, as if they had seen a ghost. Yoongi rose from the couch and left the room. After a while Hoseok left as well.

I was left alone with Namjoon – or as alone as you could get at a party. I didn’t know any of the other people, who were scattered in the room, so I might as well be alone.

“What’s wrong?” I asked him after a while of silence.

“Well… it’s complicated” Namjoon answered, “honestly, I’m not quite sure myself”


“To simplify it, Rose used to go out with Hoseok, but there was a fight or something. Yoongi had broken up with his girlfriend. I know that Hoseok and Yoongi were fighting at a party and that Rose left Korea maybe a month afterwards to go to the US, but other than that, I don’t really know anything.”

“Oh” I mumbled. That explained the awkwardness.

Jungkook came into the living room with a worried Seokjin behind him.

“Guys! You can’t let him have any more to drink” Seokjin said and tried to hold onto Jungkook, who were making his way to the couch and the table which still had several bottles of soju standing on it.

It was too late though; Jungkook had already taken a bottle and had started to gulp it down.

I stared at him with big eyes. It was plain soju, which I honestly didn’t like. I had to be very drunk before I could just gulp it down like that and he had just gulped down half a bottle. Namjoon looked just as surprised, though I also saw a hint of a smile. Seokjin groaned and sat down in the couch.

Behind me laughter could be heard and I turned around and saw Jimin who was almost bending in half because of laughing too hard.

“Noonaaaaa” Jungkook called from the couch, “you have to drink with me”

Before I knew it he had put a shot of soju into my hand and dragged me down onto the couch.

The other three guys looked at me, as if expecting me to decline. I even think I heard Seokjin mumbling something about how irresponsible it was to let minors drink. I shrugged and quickly downed the shot, ignoring the taste the best I could.

“Mali, I don’t think you should-“ Namjoon began, but Jungkook interrupted him.

“Hyung! You have to drink too! Jimin too!” he said and looked at Namjoon and then Jimin.

“You rascal, I’m a hyung too!” Jimin said, trying to sound offended, but he was still smiling, his eyes just two thin, black lines. He sat down in the couch next to me, which made the couch feel very crowded. Namjoon sat down in a chair one the other side of the small table in front of the couch. I could feel how he was watching me and I tried to avoid eye contact. I knew I shouldn’t drink, but…


I didn’t know how much I had had to drink. It wasn’t as much as I was used to, that much I knew, but I was still feeling wobbly and it felt like I didn’t have any control over my mouth either. I could faintly remember having tried to call Seulgi a couple of times, but she didn’t pick up her phone. I ended up telling the guys the most random things ever, like weird things that happened in kindergarten or what I had had for breakfast or the fact that I really should have brought a water bottle with me.

The little bit of consciousness I had left, told me over and over that I was being embarrassing, but my drunk self didn’t listen.

“I have to peeeee~” I said, making a pouty face, resulting in Namjoon and Jimin laughing.

Ignoring them I stood up from the couch and looked around for a door which might lead to a bathroom. I noticed how Namjoon had stood up as well. Just then Seulgi came down the stairs.

“I’ve been looking for you! Where the hell have you been for such a long time?” I slurred, trying hard to keep my balance. Maybe I shouldn’t have left the couch?

“Toilet…” Seulgi answered matter-of-factly

For some reason I found this bit of information extremely funny.

“Did you take a dump?” I asked, my drunk self determined to find out what she had done on the toilet.

“Yeah…” Seulgi replied.

“So that’s the reason you didn’t pick up your phone?” I once again asked. I tried to sound serious, but I couldn’t help but laugh, which made me almost lose my balance.

Namjoon grabbed me by the shoulders and I suddenly felt much safer. Well, obviously because I now had someone to keep me from falling.

“I suppose… Exactly how much have you been drinking” It was now Seulgi’s turn to ask me questions. I didn’t get to answer right away, since Namjoon had decided that I had to sit down. With the help of Seulgi, he led me to the staircase and helped me sit down.

I began to think about Seulgi’s question. How much had I been drinking? Again, I had been drinking less than usual, but I hadn’t felt this drunk in a long while. But it still wasn’t much, I decided with myself.

“Only a little bit” I finally told her, trying to show her how little it was by holding up my thumb and indexfinger. I tried to focus on my two fingers, but for some reason found it incredibly hard. Instead I decided to lean on the railings of the staircase

I was suddenly being pulled up and noticed Namjoon and Seulgi on either side of me.

The next thing I noticed was a nice, comfy bed. With my eyes closed I searched for a duvet and when I found it I pulled it up to my chin and curled up underneath it. It was warm and I could feel my body calming down. It almost felt like the bed was absorbing me and I was sinking into it.

The bed-linen smelled like it had just been washed and I couldn’t help but take a few deep breaths, because wow, that was a nice scent.


When I woke up, I could still feel the dizziness. Where was I? I looked around the room and saw a huge desk. A blonde-haired guy was sitting on a chair in front of it with his back turned towards me. I could hear the sound of fingers pushing buttons on a keyboard, so he was probably playing around with a laptop or something.

“Wh… What?” I asked, confused, as I sat up in the bed.

Namjoon turned around in his chair and looked at me, while smiling.

“You’re too drunk. You should sleep”

“But… I can’t sleep when everyone else is partying!” I exclaimed “For how long have I been sleeping?”

“Hmm” Namjoon looked like he was thinking. He turned around to look at a wall clock hanging above the desk.

“For about thirty minutes. You really should go back to sleep” he said as he turned around to face me again.

Only thirty minutes? That explained why I was not feeling any less drunk than before.

“Why are you still here?” I asked. Shouldn’t he be partying with the others?

“I thought it would be better if there was someone to watch over you. Besides, I had something to do” he smiled and moved his chair, so I could see the laptop on the desk.

I tried to convince him to go downstairs with me, but he wouldn’t let me, saying I was way too drunk and I shouldn’t have any more to drink or I might throw up. He was right though, I really felt like I might throw up. But… the party.

“Noooooo” I said and plumped down into the bed again, my face hitting the pillow. I found myself inhaling the smell of clean bed linen once more.

“I want to partyyyy” I mumbled into the pillow.

“What?” Namjoon asked and began laughing. He obviously couldn’t hear what I had said.

Namjoon stood up from the chair and walked the few meters to the bed, where he sat down beside my legs. I couldn’t see him, but I could feel the bed moving and the warmth his body emitted.

Instinctively I moved closer to him and the warmth, still with my face facing the pillow.

I turned my head and tried to look at him, but it didn’t work out quite as I wanted, so I ended up just turning around so I was lying on my back. The movement made me a bit dizzy even though I was lying down.

“Are you going back to sleep now?” Namjoon looked me straight in the eyes.

“No!” I pouted. I stared back at him, observing his reaction. He was still smiling, which made his dimples show.

“Why are you so cute, it’s not fair!” I groaned and turned around once more, though only halfway, so I was facing the wall opposite of the side of the bed on which Namjoon was sitting.

“What are you saying, I’m not cute” he laughed and pushed my legs with his hand, making me turn around so my face was once again facing the pillow.

I could feel his hand still lying on my calf, but it suddenly began moving up, slowly, towards my upper body. When it reached the back of my knee, I couldn’t help but giggle. For some reason I was feeling extremely ticklish and the slow movement of his hand didn’t make it any better.

“What are you doing?” I giggled into the pillow.

Namjoon didn’t answer but continued to move his hands and as it reached my upper thigh, I turned around and pulled Namjoon down towards me. He ended up being on top of me with a surprised look on his face as if he hadn’t just been touching my leg in the most sensual manner.

“Are you going to sleep with me?” I looked him directly in the eyes. I could feel my expression had turned serious, but I didn’t know why.


“Are you going to sleep with me?” I repeated, “like that time at Taeyoon’s place?”

Namjoon’s face lit up as he understood what I meant.

“Do you want me to?” he asked, smiling again.

“I guess” I answered. I could feel my face heat up. My cheeks were probably already a bright red from all the alcohol, but now I could feel it in the rest of my face as well.

“Are you going to sleep if I stay here?” he then asked.

“I don’t think so” I mumbled. Namjoon sighed.

“I’m sorry. I don’t know why I’m this drunk”

“It’s the medicine” he answered, looking at me with a worried exression.

“Is this your room?” for some reason, changing the subject seemed like a good idea and as I had asked my question I sat up in bed, making Namjoon sit up as well.

“It’s big” I said, not waiting for an answer. The size of the room was nothing compared to my room, but it was still quite big.

Other than the huge desk in the corner of the room, there was a closet just beside the door. A black hoodie was hanging on the back of the chair in front of the desk as if someone had just lazily thrown it there. I immediately recognized it as the ‘Rap Monster’ hoodie I had given him. I couldn’t help but smile.

“Do you wear it a lot?” I said and pointed at the hoodie.

Namjoon followed my finger with his eyes.

“Yeah” he smiled

“So you call yourself Rap Monster now?” My voice sounded a bit too teasing.

“Actually” he said and looked at me, “I’ve been calling myself Rap Monster for almost a year now”

“Huh? What?” I asked confused and looked at him intensely. If he had called himself Rap Monster for almost a year that meant that he had called himself that name before he met me.

“That was the reason I noticed you in the first place actually” he said and smiled at me.

For some reason I could feel my cheeks turn warm as he said how he had noticed me. I wasn’t really used to people noticing me. Namjoon had and he hadn’t stopped. In fact he had showed me so much affection and I didn’t know the reason why. Thinking about it made it feel like butterflies were flying around in my stomach.

We sat in the bed for a while, both of us thinking our own thoughts. My thoughts were a mess though, as I was still pretty affected. I couldn’t find out were my mind wanted to go, it was just all over the place. Maybe it would be a good idea to just sleep, right?

I decided to lie down in bed again. Namjoon looked at me as I lifted the duvet, inviting him to lie down beside me. He lifted an eyebrow, as if he wasn’t sure what I was doing.

“Weren’t you going to join me?” I tried to look at him with a disappointed look on my face. I didn’t know if I succeeded or not, but either way he began laughing. When he were done laughing he laid down beside me. I had begun freezing, even though I was covered by the duvet. It just wasn’t warm enough.

“I’m cold” I whined with my characteristic drunk, way-too-light voice.

“What are we going to do about that?” Namjoon snickered. I could feel his hand move up along my side to the top of my arm, probably to rub some heat into me.

“You could always do me…” I mumbled, not really knowing what I was saying as I already felt sleepy. As my slowly reacting drunk brain realized what I had said, I moved my hands up to my face covering my mouth, hoping he hadn’t heard what I had just said.

“Do you?” he actually looked shocked, “Mali… I don’t feel like you’re old enough to say something like that”

“What, I’m probably older than you” my drunk self answered, trying to sound tough. I knew he was older than me, and he probably knew that as well. How wouldn’t he?

Namjoon laughed, clearly finding my answer way too funny. Couldn’t someone just lock me up in a room until my drunkenness had disappeared and I wasn’t acting embarrassing anymore? Please.

“I think we both know that I’m older than you” Namjoon sighed.

I tried to calculate how old I would have to be to be older than him. How old was he? If I wasn’t wrong he was younger than Seulgi.

“I’m 20” I lied. Wait, why did I even want to be older than him? I felt like my mind was being sidetracked, but I was already focusing too much on this lie now, it was the only thing I could think of.

It was wasted effort though, because Namjoon didn’t believe me of course. He began teasing me about my lie, laughing, and asking me why I had lied.

Instead of answering him I moved closer to him until the tip of my nose almost touched his.

With a serious expression on my face I finally answered him.

“I think I like you”

I leaned in closer, hesitating at first, but then I decided to just roll with it. My lips touched his, just a small peck and then I pulled back, wanting to observe his reaction. Once more he looked shocked.

Wait, was this a bad idea? What if he didn’t like me as well? Maybe he just saw me as a friend. Should I have asked him first? Oh my god, I really shouldn’t be allowed to be with other people when I was this drunk. Namjoon still looked shocked, as if he didn’t really know what to do.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t ha-“ I whispered, but I was interrupted as  Namjoon returned the kiss. His lips were soft as they touched mine and I could feel him sliding his hand into my hair. My hand went to his waist, pulling him closer to me.

Just then someone knocked on the door.

“Hyung! We need you downstairs” a familiar voice called from outside the room. Taehyung?

Namjoon ended the kiss and groaned. He got up from the bed and went to the door. Just before opening it he looked at me. I sent him a smile and he sent one back, his dimples showing. 

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Chapter 16: 01:20am.
Totally worth it.
kateun #2
Chapter 4: HAHA yeah this is cool you guys decided to collab it is it the same author with a different accounts idk
kateun #3
Chapter 2: it's called white note but I think this one is in another perspective
kateun #4
Chapter 2: this story somehow sounds familiar to one I read
Number2elf #5
Chapter 13: Yooo i was in the middle of reading :/. Lol its ok. Do whatever edits or whatnot you need to do XD
taedragonjpg #6
Chapter 13: So good I'm gonna cry. Like,
Number2elf #7
Chapter 1: What did you update today? The last chapter is still the same for me
Number2elf #8
Chapter 10: I like this story :) keep writing!
Chapter 7: Oh my lord, so deep. I wanted to cry with Namjoon, because ow, my heart. Ow
Chapter 5: Author-nim, your story is really funny!