Fried chicken


”YAH! You bastards!” Seulgi was suddenly standing in front of me, facing the three men.

Why had I followed them in the first place? I knew I was naïve, but now I just felt dumb.

When I had struggled to free myself, Seulgi had finally appeared.

The thugs were obviously challenging Seulgi, and knowing Seulgi she wouldn’t back down from any challenge that included fighting. She had always been well-known for her fighting skills.

“Stand back Mali” Seulgi sounded so serious, I couldn’t help be a bit scared. It wasn’t the first time I had seen Seulgi like this, but it always made me anxious. I knew she kind of lost her mind while fighting. I now stood with my back against one of the walls in the alleyway, looking anxiously at Seulgi.

Within the blink of an eye, she had hit the bald man, who immediately fell to the ground with a bloody nose.

“Knock out, yeah!” Whoops, had I just said that out loud?

As Seulgi kicked the second black-haired man in the gut, more men appeared. How many were there? I couldn’t count them on one hand.

Seulgi’s expression didn’t change though, she was still looking as determined as ever. Seulgi never backed down from a fight. Four guys, including the last black-haired man, approached Seulgi and everything in front of me suddenly seemed to turn into a scene from one of those Chinese martial arts movies. Seulgi flew through the air, her leg raised high. It seemed like gravity had stopped working for her. It didn’t take long before the four guys were lying on the cold ground. Seulgi was huffing, still standing in a fighting pose. The fight was far from over. Really, where did all these people come from? Seulgi already had blood on her hands from the first knock-out. A guy came towards her, and somehow she managed to slip underneath him, going through his legs. She landed on her knees, and it obviously hurt, but she still continued fighting.

Soon all the men were knocked out. I began counting the men. One, two, three… fifteen, sixteen, seventeen. Seventeen men were scattered in the alleyway. Seulgi was sitting in the middle of the alleyway, almost looking like she was sleeping. Blood were covering her, mostly on her hands and knees.

I had to call someone. Taeyoon. Taeyoon would be the closest one, right? I called Taeyoon and she picked up her phone after a few beeps. I told her about the situation. She didn’t answer though, just hung up. I looked at the phone for a while. I felt like I had to call someone else, someone more “mature” than Taeyoon, but I knew I couldn’t call Seulgi’s parents. Mr. Min, Seulgi’s father, was a policeman. He was very friendly, but...

Ah! I knew who to call now. Jeon ahjussi was one of Mr. Min’s colleagues at the police station. A reliable guy. I think it was safe to tell him.

As I was on the phone with Mr. Jeon I noticed that Taeyoon had arrived. She was checking up on Seulgi. Seulgi, who had finally gotten to her senses. This was what I meant, when I said Seulgi lost her mind when fighting. It always seemed like she woke up from a nap, whenever she had fought. Why it happened, I didn’t know, but it was one of the things that made me nervous when Seulgi fought.

Jeon ahjussi was coming. It was nice knowing that an actual adult would come. I knew I couldn’t handle this myself. What if the guys woke up? I could feel my heart beating faster. I wasn’t the type to break down crying or anything, but my body was definitely in a state of shock or something. My legs were shaking. Things like this usually didn’t affect me. Maybe it did now, because I hadn’t experienced anything like this since that happened.

My call with Jeon ahjussi ended and I looked at my phone. The screen immediately went to the text message from Namjoon.  

“Hello?” a deep voice answered the phone. Wait. Why had I called Namjoon? What?

“…” Silence.

“… helloo?” Namjoon was definitely confused.

“Ehm… I’m sorry, I don’t know why I called you to be honest” I said, my voice shaking a bit, and Namjoon noticed.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“Do you have a first-aid kit?” I blurted out, not knowing what else to say.

“A first-aid kit? What for? Where are you? Are you hurt?” He sounded genuinely worried about me, but he didn’t know I wasn’t the one who were hurt.

“Well… it’s complicated.” I decided to tell him what had happened – about Seulgi and the fight.

“But you can’t tell anyone! I’m not even sure Seulgi will like the fact that I have told you” I ended the explanation. The other end of the line was silent for a moment.

“Do you know where our studio is? We have a first-aid kit there. Yoongi should be there right now. I’ll send you the address”

“Thank you. Really. It was nice talking to someone” I mumbled the last part, being embarrassed I actually said that. I was all about physical affection, but I had always had a hard time telling people when I actually felt genuinely grateful.

“Anytime” I could hear his smile in his voice. How was that even possible?

We ended the call and I ended up staring at my phone for a while. He really sounded nice on the phone.


A few minutes went by and it seemed like Seulgi had fallen asleep again, right there, in the middle of the alley. She was still sitting on her knees, her head bent forward and her chin almost touching her chest. How she was still able to look so beautiful was a mystery. Most people would get a double chin and sit with a half-open mouth, but not Seulgi.

“How the hell did this happen? I thought she had finished doing such things?” Jeon ahjussi sounded completely furious when he arrived.

He knelt in front of Seulgi, touching her hair.

“You okay?” he asked and Seulgi nodded.

“What happened” Jeon ahjussi sounded more worried than angry now. He helped Seulgi up on her feet.

“I think I clicked…” Seulgi whispered, sounding very tired.

“I'll fix this... Mali will follow you home... and for once.... stay at the main roads, will you?” Jeon ahjussi said. I put my arm around Seulgi’s waist, as I wasn’t entirely sure she wouldn’t just collapse on her own.

I wasn’t going to follow Seulgi home though. On my phone, a text messaged popped up, telling me how to get to the studio. We had to do something about Seulgi’s knees, as they were bleeding profusely. Taeyoon decided to stay behind to help Jeon ahjussi out. There was a lot to clean up – including seventeen beat up men. Seulgi kept on mumbling incomprehensible words while we walked down the street.


Yoongi looked at us, clearly confused, as we entered the studio. Hadn’t Namjoon told him we were coming? Probably not.  I had entered confidently, because I had found the place on my own, but as soon as I had entered the studio with my arm around Seulgi’s waist, I realized I didn’t actually know where the first-aid kit was. What now? Yoongi was lying in a sofa, his hair wet.

“I was told you have a first-aid kit here” I said, as I helped Seulgi take of her shoes.

It seemed like Yoongi finally noticed the big, bloody patches on Seulgi’s knees. He got up from the sofa and rummaged through several boxes before he found a first-aid kit. I decided to go look for a bathroom while Yoongi helped out Seulgi. It was funny how things like this could make you completely forget about things like eating and using the bathroom.


As I came back from the bathroom, Seulgi was sitting in a chair and Yoongi was kneeling in front of her, cleaning the wounds on her knees. It actually looked kind of… cute?

“May I ask what happened?” Yoongi had finished putting band-aids on both of Seulgi’s knees.

“I clicked” Seulgi answered. I could see how she didn’t want to tell Yoongi about the fight.

“Clicked?” Yoongi asked, sounding confused.

“She got angry, it happens when she’s tired” I couldn’t help but interrupt. Seulgi looked at me and I could tell how she was thankful she didn’t have to say anything herself.

‘The Imperial March’ suddenly started playing from my pocket, and I took out my phone, but not fast enough – the ringing had already stopped. Weird. The caller had been Taeyoon and it didn’t take long before at text came.

Have you brought Seulgi home?

Jeon ahjussi went to work, can you come help out?

I sighed. Well, I couldn’t just let Taeyoon clean up the mess all by herself, especially not when she had not even been involved. But what about Seulgi? Yoongi could probably follow her home or something. I excused myself and left the studio.


What time was it now? It was still dark outside. The streets were lit up and street vendors were showing up on every corner, selling fried chicken and rice cakes. My stomach began rumbling. It was very tempting to just stop, sit down and enjoy some delicious streetfood, but I couldn’t leave Taeyoon waiting. What if the men hadn’t left yet?  I doubted it, but there was a possibility, since she hadn’t really mentioned anything about them.

I took out my phone, found Taeyoon’s number and dialed it.

“What?” Taeyoon simply answered.

“Have the men left?” I asked, while staring at some really delicious looking fried chicken with melted cheese. Oh my god, I could eat anything right now. No! Stop! I forced my feet to move, walking away from all the different street vendors.

“Yes, it’s just me right now. Where are you? Hurry up, yah” Taeyoon sounded very tired.

“Yeah, stop nagging, I’m on my way loser” I laughed.

It was late, but there were still a lot of cars. The road I had reached was one of the busiest and it was often hard to cross, especially during rushhour. Right now it wasn’t extremely bad though. Luckily, a gap opened in the continuous flow of cars. Still holding my phone by my ear I crossed the road. Taeyoon was still talking - mostly about things I really didn't care about, like how she thought Taehyung was really y.

A very loud honk came from my left side. I looked, but it was too late. The last thing I remember was blinding lights and then everything went black.

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Chapter 16: 01:20am.
Totally worth it.
kateun #2
Chapter 4: HAHA yeah this is cool you guys decided to collab it is it the same author with a different accounts idk
kateun #3
Chapter 2: it's called white note but I think this one is in another perspective
kateun #4
Chapter 2: this story somehow sounds familiar to one I read
Number2elf #5
Chapter 13: Yooo i was in the middle of reading :/. Lol its ok. Do whatever edits or whatnot you need to do XD
taedragonjpg #6
Chapter 13: So good I'm gonna cry. Like,
Number2elf #7
Chapter 1: What did you update today? The last chapter is still the same for me
Number2elf #8
Chapter 10: I like this story :) keep writing!
Chapter 7: Oh my lord, so deep. I wanted to cry with Namjoon, because ow, my heart. Ow
Chapter 5: Author-nim, your story is really funny!