

I had always enjoyed long walks. The calming feeling I got during those walks was almost addicting. I’d never bring anyone with me. This was my way of charging and I preferred to walk alone.

This evening I was walking along the busy Han River, taking my usual route on the southern part of the river. The sun had already gone down, but the weather was still warm and humid as per usual during the rainy season of summer. Luckily, it wasn’t raining, but that also meant that the parks and paths along the river were filled with people. It always amazed me how people seemed to hang out during all hours of the day – right now it was almost midnight. Seoul was indeed a city that’s never asleep. Having only moved to Seoul a couple of weeks ago, I hadn’t yet gotten used to the amount of people, and especially not the noise, which was always present, even during my late walks. It wasn’t exactly calming, but I honestly really liked it, as long as the people and noise didn’t interfere with my feeling of calm and solitude.

I hadn’t been walking for long before I reached the first park. As expected, it was swarming with people. Mostly couples, who were either strolling along the several paths or sitting on picnic blankets. Some couples were even throwing frisbees to each other, trying to dodge the randomly scattered trees and the couples sitting on blankets. One guy actually failed at catching the Frisbee his girlfriend had thrown and fell backwards onto a couple who were relaxing on the grass just as I passed by. The scene in front of me was quite entertaining and I couldn’t help but laugh, causing the couple on the ground to look at me weirdly, while the guy who fell was standing in front of them, apologizing and bowing several times. I could feel my cheeks turn red and I quickly turned around, while quietly mumbling an apology. Being social had never been my best skill.

Since I had arrived in Seoul I hadn’t exactly gotten any new friends and I must admit that I was feeling rather lonely. I used to travel around with my mom a lot, because of her business. Because of different circumstances, my parents had divorced. My mom had then decided to bring me on her different business trips, all around the world, but mostly in the US. I had gotten some friends the different places, but because of our constant moving around, I never really got any close friends.This was also part of the reason I had decided to move back in with my dad, who still lived in Seoul after the divorce. I had some good childhood friends back here, but I had only told one of them that I had come back. The other one I wanted to surprise. Her surprised face was really the best and I had to see it! But still, I had hoped to make friends with just someone, even though I knew I was kind of an awkward person – something I hated to admit, but had just somehow come to terms with anyways.I sighed and took out my phone and plugged my headset in. The music began playing and I instantly felt a soothing calmness make its way through my body. The awkwardness and loneliness I had just felt moments before were instantly swept away and I could feel my footsteps grow lighter and more jumpy.  

Eventually, I reached a path – it was poorly lit though, but with much less people. As I was walking I could faintly hear the sound of someone approaching me. I never really was the type to look up when I walked – especially not when I knew someone was coming towards me. I was very awkward like that. I had always been good at dodging other people when walking, and walking through the different parks this evening had been no different. There surely was no reason for me to look directly in front of me. The only time there was any problems, was when people didn’t know how to dodge people themselves. The footsteps were getting louder, and it sounded like someone running. As always I didn’t bother looking up and as I tried to step out of the way for the person to run past me, the person decided to step right in front of me. I fell backwards onto my back as the person running slammed right into me. I could feel all the air in my lungs be knocked out and I was pretty sure I had hurt my head too. Apparently the person whom had bumped into me had also hit their head, because I could hear quiet, muffled groans. My phone were lying on the ground. The screen had lit up due to the fact that the headset had disconnected from the phone. I looked up at the person, who obviously sounded like a guy, and saw a tall, hooded figure. Because of the poor light I couldn’t see his face clearly. He was wearing running tights and an oversize hoodie. Was he wearing a medical mask too? He reached out his hand to me and I hesitated for a moment, but took it in the end.

“I’m sorry, are you okay? I didn’t see you”, the guy said, as I got up on my feet.

“Ah, it’s okay, I didn’t really look in front of me, sorry” I mumbled awkwardly and forced a smile. 

The guy bent over and picked up my phone.

"Oh, that's a nice song you're listening to." he said, and showed me my phone, before handing it to me. The song playing on my phone was by Oohyo, one of my favorite singers at the moment.

His hand went down in his pocket and I could see how he fumbled to find something - his phone. He pulled it out, unlocked it and showed it to me. On his phone the exact same song was playing.

"Oh, you too." I said, smiling.

"I mean, you too, as in you're listening to a nice song as well" I quickly added. God Mali, why did you have to be this awkward. 

I noticed his eyes squinting, because of, what I guessed was, a smile. After all, he was wearing a mask. 

“Well… if you’re alright, then… I’m gonna get going”, the guy said. He walked past me and then he began sprinting really fast. Once again I couldn’t hold back a laugh, but fortunately it didn’t seem like he noticed. He was already several meters down the path. Wow, he really ran in a funny way though.

I sighed. I really disliked how I always seemed to end up in these awkward kinds of situations. Honestly, it was nothing more than a talent to be this embarrassing.

Whenever things like this happened (and it happened a lot) I would always find comfort in the fact that I would probably not meet those people ever again. If I didn't do this to calm myself I don't think I would be able to live my life properly.


It was well past midnight when I returned home. I didn’t expect anyone to be home, because I lived alone with my dad and he was always busy with work, mostly staying at his office.

“You’re home late, Mali”, I heard a voice say from the kitchen.

“Yes, I know”, I said, “sorry dad.”

I had taken off my shoes and walked into the kitchen.

“What were you doing”, he asked, but not in a judging tone, he just sounded curious. He wasn’t looking at me though, but instead he was looking at his laptop standing in front of him on the dinner table.

“I was just out on my usual walk. It was a bit longer than usual, because the night scenery was so beautiful.

“Hmmm”, he mumbled, having returned his focus completely to his work.

“Don’t stay up too late dad”, I said in a I’m-a-cute-daughter kind of voice, as I turned around, heading for my room.

“Yes~, goodnight”

He finally looked at me and gave me a bright smile, which I returned.

As soon as I reached my bed, I plumped into it. My legs ached a bit after my long walk, and it felt nice to finally rest a bit. I looked up at my wardrobe. On the closet door, a black hoodie hang with the words ‘Rap Monster printed on the back. It was a gift from my childhood friends and it was mostly meant as a joke. The words ‘rap’ and ‘monster’ did in no way fit me. Still, it was one of my most treasured belongings, and I had made sure to keep it safe on all my travels. I was going to meet my friends tomorrow for the first time since my arrival in Seoul. I once again smiled at the thought of seeing Seulgi’s surprised face. I looked at the clock hanging on my wall. It was almost 3 AM and I had promised Taeyoon to buy breakfast for the three of us, even though we had to meet a 4 PM. Who ate breakfast this late? Oh right, my friends and I did.. Knowing me, I would probably sleep til way past 4 though, if I didn't set an alarm. I really ought to go to sleep. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and when I returned to my bed, I was so tired, I only bothered removing my pants before I once again dropped onto my bed. I fell asleep before my head even hit my pillow.

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Chapter 16: 01:20am.
Totally worth it.
kateun #2
Chapter 4: HAHA yeah this is cool you guys decided to collab it is it the same author with a different accounts idk
kateun #3
Chapter 2: it's called white note but I think this one is in another perspective
kateun #4
Chapter 2: this story somehow sounds familiar to one I read
Number2elf #5
Chapter 13: Yooo i was in the middle of reading :/. Lol its ok. Do whatever edits or whatnot you need to do XD
taedragonjpg #6
Chapter 13: So good I'm gonna cry. Like,
Number2elf #7
Chapter 1: What did you update today? The last chapter is still the same for me
Number2elf #8
Chapter 10: I like this story :) keep writing!
Chapter 7: Oh my lord, so deep. I wanted to cry with Namjoon, because ow, my heart. Ow
Chapter 5: Author-nim, your story is really funny!