Sehun and Lay check-up & Appa!

My Boys
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  ~ Minah POV ~

I reach the hospital and smile at the boys, Lay smiles and Sehun giggles, I walk out and got the baby carrier and put Sehun on my chest, got Lay out and put my bag on my arm, lock the car and grab Lay hand, he smiles showing his dimple and walks closer to me, Sehun was looking around in my chest, not moving much, both of them were quiet, I guess in some way they took some of my quiet personality, but probably my mate is also quiet, we reach the main entrance and we walk reception and I put Lay in front of me, he hugged my legs, I smile at the lady.

"I have an appointment for Choi Sehun and Choi Lay with Dr Moon."- I say and the lady nods with a smile, she started to look into her computer while I start to take Lay and Sehun medic files out, she asked for them and I gave it to her.

"Ok, Sehun is here, where is Lay?"- She ask and I pick Lay a little and he waves his hand shyly, she smiles nodding and I put him on the ground again and he grabbed my leg.

"Ok, Mrs Choi, I will tell the doctor you are here, you can go to the waiting room that he will call you when it´s your turn."- She says and I nod.

I put the files on my bag and grab Lay hand and we walk to the waiting room, I found us a seat and sat Lay first then I sat beside him, I look at Sehun and he giggles, Lay put his head on my arm and I wrap my arm around him.

"Is the doctor mean?"- Lay ask and I look at him.

"No, doctors are very serious but they make sure that you are safe and alright, they fix everything."- I say and he nods, Sehun to and I chuckle.

"But umma, I don´t need to be fixed..."- He says.

"No, the doctors is just gonna make sure that you and baby Sehun are ok."- He nods and I smile, I got my tablet and put a kid game, and Lay started to play it, Sehun was watching him, bouncing on my legs, when a woman with a kid, older then Lay sat by us, I send her a smile but continue focusing on my babies.

"Miss, I sorry for interrupting but I just wanna say that you have very handsome babies, they have your fair skin and bone struture."- She says and I smile.

"Thank you, but my 3 year old is like a male copy of me, these two only got my skin, some bone struture and this little man my dimples and my shy personality."- I say and she smiles with wide eyes.

"Three kids and you still such a gorgous body, I am jealous."- She says and I smile, nodding. I glance at Lay and Sehun then with a sad glint in my eyes, the truth is that I din´t give brith to them, they are mine and have my genes, but I didn´t gave birth to them, and I don´t have 3 kids only, 12 actually but I will leave that out.

"Choi Lay to the gabinet number 3, I repeat Choi Lay to the gabinet number 3."-I hear and stood up, I turn off the tablet and put it on my bag and got Lay out from his seat.

"I am sorry, doctor calls. Nice to meet you."- I say bowing my head and she bows to with her kid, I then walk off, Lay squeezed my hand and I smile down at him, we then walk to the pedriactric hall and I saw gabinet number 3, but I felt something weird in this floor, but I shrug it off and knock on the door, I hear a come in and open the door to see an handsome but older doctor (

I bow my head, Lay bowed his to and Sehun nodded his head, making me and the doctor chuckled, he stood up and shook my hand and smiled at the boys.

"I am Dr Moon, from now on your pediatric doctor. So who is Lay?"- He ask and Lay put his hand up, I sat on the chair and Lay sat beside me, I took Lay file out and gave it to Dr Moon, and he nods accpeting it.

"So today is just a check-up since Lay has a week immune system."- He says and I nod.

"Who is the baby, my next patient?"- Dr Moon asks and I nod.

"Yeah, like Lay, Sehun has a week immune system and his physical development is slower, so I wanted to a check-up to check everything is ok."- He nods.

"Ok first Lay, come here buddy."- Lay nods and I help him down of his chair, then he and Dr Moon walk to the bed.

He put Lay on it and he checked Lay heart, breathing, he checked his weight, height, sight, hearing, throat, then it was time for drawing blood, for blood examination, I took Sehun out of his carried and put him on the chair, leaving him playing with his toy and walk to Lay, He sat on my lap, I put his head to the side, hidding from the niddle and hold him close to my heart, he felt the needle and whimper a little.

"It´s okay baby boy, umma is here...shh..."- I say and he calmed down on my lap, but was still shaking, I pat his back and Dr Moon, nods, putting a poporo sticker on Lay´s arm.

"How strong you are buddy, see you didn´t even cry, so now, this is for being strong."- He says and gaves a candy to Lay, he smiles and says thank you politely, I kiss his head and put him on the chair.

"Ok, since Sehun was next and I already have him here, let´s do his check-up now. But before, with Lay. Everything seems well, he was a weak immune system but to help him, you can give him lots of fruits to bring his system up and milk for calcium, also in the future he could have anemia problems, but only with the blood results we will be sure, I am going to give to a nurse and she is going to take it to lab, while we wait, let´s check on Sehun."- He says and I nod, a little worried about Lay condition, a nurse enter and he gave her the blood and walk out.

Dr Moon then pick up Sehun and put him on the bed and started doing a normal check-up, the same with Lay, Sehun was a good boy, lettting the doctor doing his work.

"Everything seems fine, but Sehun needs his shot for his immune system, also we need to perform a physical exam and I need to ask you about your diet on him."- He says and I nod, I told him what I feed him and his naps, how many hours he sleeps and how is a little slower physically.

He nods and I left Lay playing on table and walk to Sehun, I put Sehun on my chest his head on my heart, and hid his face from the neddle, Dr Moon gave him the shot and Sehun cried out as a reflex, but after me cooing at him, he started to calm down and cuddle to my chest.

"Ok, Sehunnie, now you need to do what doctor says."- I say and he nods, I undress him and Dr Moon, started moving Sehun arms and legs, then put him on the ground, Sehun stayed on his feet for about 5 seconds but the fell on his , I pick him up and kiss his head, then it was walking, I put him on his feet and grab one of his hands, we started to walk, but he was a little unstable but reach Dr Moon, I then pick him up and dress him again.

"Ok, Sehun is in fact physically slower, but don´t worry, some kids are a little slower then others, Sehun needs to strenghten his legs, so everyday for about 10 minutes walk with him and don´t let him rest, also let him crawl, be independent. about everything he seems fine, his immune system should be stronger after the shot and like Lay feed him lots of fruits and milk."- He says and

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Chapter 10: Exo as babies TT ♡
Chapter 9: Author-nim you're story is Daebak!! I know I have subscribed to your story weeks ago but I didn't get to read it yet due to busy school days. . but now I have read every Chapter and it really got me interested!!

Oh my god EXO are very cute here aww their personalities just blend in right away . . Do your best in writing the story . . . I give you my full support . ..FIGHTING!!
Chapter 7: I love your story I cant have enough even if I read again and again it. I'm really happy to see all babies Exo arrive and I can't wait to know who is her mate!! I hope u will soon update again I will he here waiting (~_^)