Return, The Will and WHAT???!

My Boys
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Grandparents house

                ~ Minah POV ~

( clothes) I just left Yuri in her apartment and I was driving to my grandparents house, to hear their will. My grandparents passed away, I was in New York, working when I receive the news, of course I was devasted, I had taken a day to myself, to get myself together then got 2 planes tickets one for me and another for Yuri and here I am.

I don´t know how my grandparents died at the same time, uncle say it was sudden dead, since they were somewhat healthy but I guess their old bodies couldn´t take the age and they always say that they wanted to die at the same time.

I park in the drive way and got out, I pick up my bag and lock the car and walk inside my garndparents house, smiling at the memories I have here, I walk to the my grandfather office or study and enter, I was greeted by the lawyer, Mr Lim, Miku the maid and Hyunwoo the butler of my grandparents and by my family, except Suji, who just glare at me and look at her phone, I just ignore her, since I don´t want another headache.

"Well we are all here, so we will star."- Mr.Lim said and we nod, I sat in between my older cousin Sungjae and uncle. Mr.Lim got a closed letter and started opening and then started reading it.

"I am so sorry for leaving, I just want you to know that me and your grandfather will be watching over you all and protect you, I wrote this instead of your grandfather since he is being lazy and you could say that we knew that one day we would both die, don´t be sad, we died together and we are together in heaven. I will start this will, by giving 10 thousand dollars (I will use US money) to our kind maid Miku and faithful butler Hyunwoo. I hope you guys have a good life and enjoy the money we gave you."- I smile, grannie and grandfather are so nice, Miku and Hyunwoon had wide smiles, but I saw the kindness in their eyes.

"To my youngest grandchild Suji, I hope your studies are going well and I hope you have a nice job and a stable life, try to change you attitude or you will ended up alone. I will give you Suji, all of my money on my bag and your grandfather wallet, also the makeup products on the bag to"- Suji squealed and went to grannie purse and took a wad of money and her beuty products and then to grandfather´s wallet and took his money, I just shake my head at her.

"To my son Sowon, I know you are one of the directors of the Choi Empire and you will continue being, but I put you as the right hand of the future chairman, also I open a bank account at put there 20 million dollars for you and your wife, enjoy, also you and Seohyun can have mine and your dad´s cars."- Uncle smile, and aunt Seohyjn hug his arm in a conforting way. How I wish to have that love.

"To my oldest grandchild, I give you the Choi Empire, I think you are up to the expectations and me and your father know that you are ready, also your father will be your right hand, so he will help you, I also open a bank account for you and put there 15 million dollars, enough for you, continue making me and your grandfather proud and treat well the Choi Empire."- Mr.Lim read and I hug Sungjae oppa, happy for him.

"Congratulations oppa, you deserve it."- I say and he smiled, hug me back with a chuckle.

"Then to my middle grandchild, Minah, me nor your grandfather hid that you are our favorite, I guess is because we raised you as another daughter, just know that me and your grandfather love you and don´t be sad about us leaving and going to heaven. To you Minah, I gave you all of mine and your grandfather money, it´s already on your name, we also gave you the house and Mr.Lim has a letter but you should read when your alone. Now you can only use the money and the house when you donate atleast 10 thousand dollars to an orphanage...Ah, I forgot, dear, when you were in America I did some remodelations in your house and bought groceries, making Miku and Hyunwoon help. I hope yo

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Chapter 10: Exo as babies TT ♡
Chapter 9: Author-nim you're story is Daebak!! I know I have subscribed to your story weeks ago but I didn't get to read it yet due to busy school days. . but now I have read every Chapter and it really got me interested!!

Oh my god EXO are very cute here aww their personalities just blend in right away . . Do your best in writing the story . . . I give you my full support . ..FIGHTING!!
Chapter 7: I love your story I cant have enough even if I read again and again it. I'm really happy to see all babies Exo arrive and I can't wait to know who is her mate!! I hope u will soon update again I will he here waiting (~_^)