Two more and I am a mother

My Boys
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  ~ Minah POV ~

I hear giggling and hands shaking me gently, I just let out a small smile, they patted my face and I then smile and open my eyes.

"Umma! Morning."- They say and I smile and kiss their heads.

"Morning babies."- I say and they smile, Kris went to my chest and I hug him and pull the others to me.

"Today we are going to your auntie bakery and we are going to eat some sweets."- I say and they cheer, making me smile, I got up and they followed me, we walk downstairs, they walk to the living room, while I walk to the kitchen, when the door bell rung, I started walking out, when Xiumin, Kris and Luhan came to me looking a little afraid, I just smiled at them, I open the door and look to see the same car as yesterday leave, and I have a guess who is driving, so I just wave and look down to see to little boys looking at me with big eyes, I smile, making them relax.

"Hello, you guys must be my new babies, come on in, I just going to prepare breakfast, you guys are ok?"- I ask, looking them over and they nod shyly, I chuckle softly and let them enter.

"Babies, your brothers are here."- I yell, Xiumin, Luhan and Kris then come running my way and hug their little brothers, one of them came to me and gave me a letter, I smile and pat his head in thanks.

"Guys, why don´t you show your brothers, their room and help them unpack, umma is going to make breakfast, ok?"- I say and they all nod, they started walking, Xiumin giving them a tour by pointing by the doors and I just shook my head with a fond smile. My new kids are so cute, I can´t believe my babies are so handsome, when they grow up they will will be many heartbreakers.

I walk to the kitchen and sat on the stool and open the letter.

"Hello again Miss Choi, it seems you pass the first round, it was very shocking that the protective brothers, called you umma very quicly but I am very happy, you are a very caring person and I am more sure that you the mama of Exo. Now into your newest children.

You have the first pair of twins, they are 5 years old. Kim Joonmyeun or Suho the oldest, he calls himself the guardian of the brothers, I guess he feels like he is the leader, he is very smart for his age, he is also very gentle and very comforting. Then he is younger twin, Kim Yixing or Lay, he really likes unicorns, he is also smart, but he is also a music prodigy, he loves taking care of other and doesn´t speak much, they will be probably the easiest to deal, they are also a little weird but don´t need to worry, also Lay likes milk before bed, so he doesn´t have nightmares, sometimes but when he wants he will ask you. He will be probably help you a lot with the others brothers.

Please love them all, till next time, Miss Choi." - I sigh, this man.

I stood up and started making the breakfast, when I hear the boys coming down, I hear laughing and smile, I then started putting the table, I then felt someone patting my leg and look down to see one of my new sons, I smile and crounch down.

"Hello, I am Minah, and you are?"- I ask with a baby voice, making him giggle.

"Lay...umma please take good care of us."- Lay said, I smile and pick him up cuddling him to my chest.

"I will Lay but be good boy to umma."- I say and wink at him, he smile and a dimple showed up, making me kiss his cheeks.

I put him on the ground and walk to the kitchen, while he went to calls his brothers, I then started putting the food on the table, when I hear the kids coming, I look behind and smile at them and then at Suho.

"Suho, I am Minah, you can call me whatever you feel comfortable, ok."- I say and he nods with a grin, I pick him up and put him on his seat, then put the food on their plates, and sat down, and we all start eating, Lay and Suho faces lighten up as they ate, making me chuckle. 

"Umma, the food is good."-Suho said and I smile.

"Thank you."- I say and kiss his head, making him grin, I finished first, got up and got my plates to the washing mashine, then Lay finished and carry his plate to me, I pat his head and put it on the mashine, then the other plates.

"You guys can go play in the playroom, just be careful."- I say and they all nod, Suho and Lay following the other 3, I shook my head and after cleaning the table and the rest of the kitchen, I walk to my room.

I took a shower, shaving my legs and amrpits, then put a towel a round my body, and walk to my room, I put some body lotion and put my underwear, and then dress, put my makeup and jewelry and look into the mirror, nodding. ( Minah look).

I got my bag, walk downstairs and put it on the living room, then went to the basement, and walk to the playroom where I saw my babies all playing.

"Babies, come on, you need to get ready, we are going to eat out and then visit aunty Yoonji."- I say and they nod. The kids run upstairs, except Lay and I grab his hand, he walked with a smile next to me.

We walk into the triplets room and I smile, when I saw them quitely sitting looking at Kris who was looking into the closet.

"Now, Xiumin, Luhan and Kris you don´t need a bath, but your going to wash, I want your teeth well washed, I will put your clothes here, then umma is going to give a bath to Suho and Lay, be good ok."- I say and they nod, walking to the bathroom, Suho and Lay sat on Luhan bed, since it was the lowest, and I went to the triplets closet and choose their clothes, and put them on their beds, then grab Suho and Lay hand and we walk to their room.

"Be carefull, umma can´t be wet, since I already washed."- I say and they nod, I help them undress, then fill the bathtub a little and started giving them a bath, on the contrary on their oldest brothers, their weren´t e

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Chapter 10: Exo as babies TT ♡
Chapter 9: Author-nim you're story is Daebak!! I know I have subscribed to your story weeks ago but I didn't get to read it yet due to busy school days. . but now I have read every Chapter and it really got me interested!!

Oh my god EXO are very cute here aww their personalities just blend in right away . . Do your best in writing the story . . . I give you my full support . ..FIGHTING!!
Chapter 7: I love your story I cant have enough even if I read again and again it. I'm really happy to see all babies Exo arrive and I can't wait to know who is her mate!! I hope u will soon update again I will he here waiting (~_^)