Chapter 3

Wait(Book 2 of TNDDAP)

Sujeong's P.O.V

I woke up with sunlight shining on my face.Ugh,it's too bright.I sat up and looked at my side.Yein wasn't here.I heard laughter from the other side of the door.I looked at the time on the clock.1pm!?Wow I slept for...12 hours?Or more?I'm guessing Lovelyz were already outside.

Last night's thoughts came back to me.The treasure box...the treasure box!I'm sure it's with me!I just need to dig around...

I looked under my bed and saw a shining lock.I reached my hand in and pulled out the box.Thank goodness it wasn't locked.I opened it and there was the treasure box!I picked it up and observed it carefully.So that's how it looks like in real life... 

Besides the treasure box,there was another thing in the box.A flower,a rose.Huh!?Why would I keep a rose!?I closed my eyes as I tried to think back to my lost memories...

I see someone!I think it's the same person with the treasure box!He was bending down on one leg and holding me a rose.I heard some words.Was this a confession.I see myself taking the rose from him and hugging him.

The flashback ended.Who is this man?He was my boyfriend!?I'm kind of falling for him...he seems so nice and fun in my flashbacks.But at the same time...I like Taehyung...wait what am I talking about!?Nonononono I'm not falling for anyone.At least not now.I put the rise and treasure box back into that box and stashed it under my bed.

I washed up and changed into a big white shirt that had a dog on it and some shorts.I walked out of the bedroom,only to see Lovelyz playing a game.They were sitting in a circle,and the bottle was in the middle,spinning.It started to stop rolling,and was pointing at Mijoo,but it moved a little and pointed at Yein at the end.


Yein whined as the rest of the girls cheered.

I chuckled lightly at the sight.

"What's happening?"

I asked while approaching them.

"It seems that sleeping beauty is finally awake!"

Jisoo unnie said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes while  she chuckled teasingly.

"Long story cut short,you woke up late,you go to get groceries with Yein"


Before I could say anything or protest,Kei put a crumpled fifty dollar note in my hand.Jiae came and passed me another fifty dollar note too.

"Buy meat!And ice cream too!Plus fruits!"

At first,I thought this amount of money was too much.But after thinking that our group actually eats a lot,plus all the frozen pizzas and other necessities,we actually spend a lot.Before I could ask whether we could change first,we were being pushed out by BabySoul and Myungeun.Soon,it was just Yein and Me,outside of our dorm,dumbfounded.

"Well,better get going now,unnie"

Yein said as she walked ahead of me,leaving me there,rooted to the ground,lazy to move.

"Hey!Wait for me!"

I shouted as I caught up to her.Luckily,the grocery shop wasn't that far and we reached there in no time.We stood in front of the gigantic mart,just looking inside when we turned to look at each other.We,being the troublemaker maknaes of Lovelyz,always thought alike since we were like kids.We stared at each other before saying at the same time,

"Snacks Section"

We rushed to the snack section,and I pulled a trolley over.

"Alright!We can only choose three snacks!Since unnies would probably nag at us for getting too much when we weren't even supposed to buy snacks!"

I said to Yein as she nodded her head in approval.She grabbed her choice,and I chose mine.Now we only have the last one to decide on.And of course,we will never end this on a good note.We were both currently bickering about whether we should get spicy salsa chips,or sour cream chips.I was on team Sour Cream while Yein was on team Spicy Salsa.We probably looked like little kids quarrelling now.

"Sour Cream!"

"Spicy Salsa!"

"Sour cream!"

"Maybe both of you should just get the original"

We turned behind to see who was instructing us.There were two men,and they were wearing masks and sunglasses.Geesh only idols would wear that.Well,Lovelyz are idols but we don't wear masks yet.And we don't even have make up on.I looked closer at one of them.Just who were these idol-wannabes?His body frame looks familiar.I stared at him for a while until I realized it was him.



Yein exclaimed beside me.


We lowered our voices.

"What are you doing here?"

"Getting groceries,durh"

Taehyung answered with sass.Ish.Yein and...that other guy,what was his name?Ah,Jungkook,were like staring into each other's eyes.They looked like they had met each other after a long time or something.I was about to break them apart when Taehyung pled me away.

"Hey!Why did you leave them alone?"

"We'll shop for groceries together,and you'll know why sooner or later" 

"But it's not fair!Yein should shop-

I got cut off again as Taehyung shoved a small sample of a piece of meat in my mouth before moving his finger side to side.

"No questions!Lets just shop!"

I didn't get to protest and had no other choice but to follow him to the 'Vegetables and Fruits' section with our trolleys.The piece of meat was good though.I shall buy that later!


Yein's P.O.V

",how are you?"

I asked Jungkook.Its the first time we're face to face meeting each other after a long time.Sure,I missed him,but I was stil unsure if he misses me.He wrote it on that small piece of paper yesterday,but maybe the rest of Bangtan forced him to write it.Maybe he doesn't miss me after all,maybe he likes another-

He pulled me in a hug.He hugged me really tight.I didn't want to let go,but if I didnt,I can't breathe and would die.I guess he noticed this since he loosened his hug by a little.That was when I realised this was a public place.

"Jungkook,stop hugging me!This is a public place!And you know that we're both-

"Just a little while more"

I stayed still.Luckily,there weren't any people around this area.I stayed there for a while before I slowly pulled away,staring at the floor,blushing.He ruffled my hair.

"Still cute as always"

I heard him mutter as I blushed harder.



I stared into his dark orbs.

"I missed you"

I said cautiously,still scared of his reaction.He broke out in a smile,showing his bunny teeth.

"You know my answer!"

He grabbed the two packets of chips that Sujeong and I were fighting over for,and walked fast to find Sujeong and Taehyung.

"Hey!Wait for me!"

I yelled as I chased after him.Like old times.

I missed them.


Sujeong's P.O.V

"Ohhhhh how I love them for buying us these chips!"

I exclaimed as I grinned and popped another stack of chips into my mouth.Yein and I were currently walking home.Yein rolled her eyes teasingly.I chuckled and suddenly remembered the treasure box.Yein was closest to me,so I decided to ask her.

"Yein-ah,you know about my past right?"

She looked at me curiously and hesitated a little before nodding her head.

"Then do you know anything about a treasure box I had?I found it this morning under my bed in a box along with a rose"

She looked a little confused.

"It also had the initials T and H on it!"

Yein pondered for a while before her eyes widened.She avoided my gaze but eventually looked up to me.

"Umm,nope!Doesn't ring a bell!"

She said quickly.I was rather skeptical,but she was saved since we reached our dorm,and the Lovelyz members rushed to us once we reached home.

"Sujeong!Come join us!We're watching a movie!"

BabySoul yelled with ice cream in .I chuckled and replied,

"I'm coming!Let me just head to the washroom first!"

I went to the washroom in Yein and I's room to wash my hands.I went out and ran to the living room.Just when I was about to run over Yein's bed at th side,I tripped on something.I let out a small squeal and grabbed the wardrobe to balance myself.I huffed.That was close.What was that anyway?Probably came from under Yein's bed.

I picked it up and observed it.

"An album?"

I observed it more carefully.

"The Banglyz photo album?"

What is Banglyz?I thought to myself as I flipped the book open to the first page...

A/N:Cliffhanger!Kind of!Haha!So I'm back with another update!And news of Bangtan's comeback!But it's on November 30th!Still so far away...and what about our Banglyz interactions!?Huhuhu...I hope there's more interactions!Until the next chapter,bye!

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ndhia72 #1
Chapter 3: Update please!!
Well I think they will attend The Show I just watched the preview on 3.11.15 I think..
florame97 #2
Chapter 3: Update sooner!!!
Chapter 1: YAYY! Can't wait for next update