You Got The Wrong Twin


After recovering from a serious car accident, Lee Tae Yoon seems to have forgotten all about her past. Her parents have died in the accident, left with only herself to live her life with a fresh start. However, 3 years later, people from her past begins to enter her life again, making it impossible for her to start entirely anew. 


Three Years Ago:

"I was never even qualified to be considered in the first place, right? You know what- forget it. I don't care anymore. If you like Young Min so much, ask him out. I can guarantee you he will say yes."

I can't stop thinking about what Kwang Min said. Aiash- what's wrong with me? I must focus. I need to stop thinking about this. I never even said I like Young Min. I just- I don't even know anymore. This is so fustrating. I put the necklace Kwang Min threw at me back in my bag. I let out a sigh and looked out the car window. I breathed onto it and wrote the hangul character of Jo on the fog.

"Tae Yoon-ah? Kwenchannah?" I looked at the mention of my name. Umma was looking at me with a concerned face. I quickly wiped away the character and sat up.

"Kwenchannah." I assurred her and took a deep breath, hooking the hair in my face behind my ears. I smoothed down the back of my bob. I need to look perfect for this interview. I'm going to get into Incheon Institute of Classical Arts- the most prestigous music school in South Korea. It's not time to think about Kwang Min. I checked my watch. We definitely can't be late. "Appa, is the traffic really bad? I don't want to-"

I got interrupted. I don't know what happened, but everything outside the car window seemed like a blur. I was jerked to to the roof of the car making the top of my head drum in pain. I hear umma screech and appa call my name. I hear glass break. I see blood. I felt pain everywhere. Everything went still as if time have stopped. My breathing was shortening and my whole body feels numb and wet. It's dark and I can't move. I'm whimpering and everything gradullay turns deep dark red.


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inspiritangelbaby #1
Yeaaaah this story is good!! Please update!! :3
syazayu #2
wht gonna happen pls update
So great, thank you for the update!!! ^-^ *hugs* update soon please :D
Oooo kwangmin is in trouble xD<br />
whoa!! update! update! update! *chants* i love where the story is going so far.