Chapter two: Keeping Your Demon A Secret

Taming Your Demon- For Dummies

Seungcheol shoved aside his exhaustion and pain for a moment, and turned back to Woozi. With a swift movement of his foot, he created a gap in the circle of salt, breaking the barrier. Woozi made a yelp of surprise when Seungcheol grabbed his arm roughly, pulling him along and shoving him into a wardrobe, which only had a couple of old jackets and a pair of shoes stored inside.

“What are y-” Seungcheol put a finger against Woozi’s lips, quieting him effectively. He backed up into the cupboard and didn’t make another noise as Seungcheol shut him inside. Seungcheol whipped around and attempting to act natural. (his idea of natural apparently being: grinning like an idiot and posing awkwardly against the wardrobe)

Jeonghan came down the steps quickly, with a concerned expression. He looked around at the mess in the room, and immediately knew something was wrong.

“Seungcheol?... Why… What happened?” Seungcheol’s fake smile faltered, stepping forward slightly to explain. The moment he lifted his foot up he watched his vision go blotchy. He collapsed onto his hands and knees, coughing his lungs out onto the concrete, and staining the grey floor in bright red splatter. Jeonghan rushed to his side, patting him on the back in an attempt to aid his coughing fit, his heart thumping in worry. “Seungcheol hyung, are you oka- Oh my god is that blood?!”

Seungcheol couldn’t hear what Jeonghan was saying, everything around him started to sound like echoed fuzz. He lifted his head to look at his friend, whose face was grey and blurry in his vision. weakly, he lifted the corners of his lips into a smile, as if to say ‘I’m fine, don’t worry,’ before losing consciousness, confirming the complete opposite. Jeonghan caught him before he could collapse onto the ground.

Jihoon leaned into the door of the wardrobe, peeking out curiously through a thin gap in the wood. He watched as someone-probably a woman, judging by the long hair- picked Seungcheol up into her arms and carried him upstairs, all the while calling his name and worrying over his unconscious body. Eventually the voice faded away, and Jihoon was left alone in the silent basement. He considered leaving his hiding spot for a moment, before deciding against it. There was a high chance of that woman  coming back down, and Jihoon had dealt with enough human drama for one day. He leaned back into the corner of the wardrobe, and hung his head sadly. His fingers trembled as he reached up to touch the sensitive skin around his neck, sighing in relief when he felt that his flesh had already started its rapid healing. He traced over the collar, noticing that there were divots in the smooth area on the front, some sort of lettering. with closed eyes in the darkness of the confining space, he felt each individual letter and concentrated. S… E…. U… N… G.. Was it a name? C… H… E… O… L… Seungcheol…? That kids name must be Seungcheol.

He sighed, hugging his knees closer to his chest. Great, he was officially branded by a human. When he gets back home, (if he ever gets back home) he was dead… His parents were going to kill him.

Jeonghan set Seungcheol down on the bed, his mind panicking. He wasn’t stupid, it was obvious what was happening here. The blood, the awful side effects, the demonic sigils; Seungcheol had been using black magic. He was his friend, his best friend, so obviously he couldn’t call the police, but that also meant he couldn’t bring him to the hospital; they would figure it out straight away. Jeonghan spotted a small area on Seungcheol’s shirt that looked singed, pulling it down to reveal an irritated red burn in the shape of a word.

What’s a Woozi?

God damn it Seungcheol, what the hell have you gotten yourself into? Jeonghan propped him up against the headboard of the bed, hoping this way he wouldn’t choke to death on his own blood, and turned to grab the first aid kit. Thankfully for this stupid boy, Jeonghan majored in healing magic. He cut a few stems of aloe growing on the bedside table, stripping it apart and laying the cool side of the plant over the burn on his chest. He then placed his palms over the plants and muttered a quick chant, causing the aloe to glow a light blue and cool down to a chilly temperature. It would help the burn heal more effectively this way.

Next he grabbed a small white pill from his kit, dropping it into a glass of water to dissolve it. He began to recite a line from his textbook, one he remembered would aid in internal healing. The drink began to glow a florescent color for a couple of seconds, before returning to normal.

He grabbed the glass and tilted into his friend’s mouth. It dripped into his parted lips before trickling down his chin. Okay, this wasn’t going to work.

Jeonghan decided instead to drink it himself, holding the bitter liquid in his mouth and leaning into his friends lips. He closed his eyes and pushed him mouth against Seungcheol, transferring the medicine to him. He made sure Seungcheol drank by massaging his throat lightly, their mouths sealed together.

After giving him all the medicine he had, Jeonghan pulled away and caught his breath, wiping the Seungcheol cooties off his face in disgust. This guy had better be damn thankful when he woke up, yuck. He sat on the edge of the bed, breathing out in relief when Seungcheol’s breathing began to steady. It would take about a night for the medicine to work completely, so Junghan let him sleep.

But really, where the hell did Seungcheol get his hands on black magic? Seungcheol, sweet hearted Seungcheol, who hardly wanted anything to do with regular magic in the first place, would risk his life doing illegal spells? Junghan couldn’t wrap his head around it; Seungcheol couldn’t have done it on purpose.

But if he had, what had he used it for? When Jeonghan got down there, he had only seen the aftermath of the event, and nothing more. Jeonghan looked over to watch his friends face, who was sleeping peacefully, while Junghan worried over the ‘what if’s’ of the situation.

He poked his cheek in annoyance. “You dummy, what did you do?” There was a nagging feeling in his mind that he wasn’t going to get much sleep tonight.


Seungcheol opened his eyes slowly, cringing at the bright light streaming through the blinds and into his tired eyes. He propped himself up on his elbows, feeling his chest ache at the movement. His eyes looked around slowly, feeling confused. When did he get in his own bed?

He stretched his arms out, popping a few kinks in his aching joints, and rubbed his tired eyes. His eyebrows furrowed together in confusion, feeling wetness over his chest. Seungcheol lifted his shirt up to see two stems of enchanted aloe, which he removed slowly. The burn underneath was no longer swelling and bleeding, but it was still irritated. It looked strange though; it seemed to be a word?

 “Woo… Woozi?”

Seungcheol shot up into a sitting position, suddenly feeling wide awake. , okay so that wasn’t just a weird dream? Seungcheol had really summoned a demon last night? Oh , did Jeonghan know? Where’s Woozi? Seungcheol felt light-headed, a million thoughts racing in his mind at once.

“Morning, sleepy.” Seungcheol jumped up in shock, whipping his head around to look at Jeonghan, who was currently waking up under the sheets beside him, his long hair strewn over his pillows half-hazard.

“, Jeonghan you scared the out of me. Why are you in my bed?” Jeonghan squinted at him in annoyance.

“Yah, you could be a little grateful you know. I watched over you last night so you wouldn’t choke on your own blood, I barely slept at all.” Seungcheol rubbed his temple in frustration, trying to aid his quickly growing headache.

“S-sorry, thanks. Hey, Han…. Did I pass out?” Jeonghan was acting really oddly normal. Was Woozi still hidden? Is Seungcheol’s unforgivable criminal act still a secret? He watched Jeonghan closely, trying to find some evidence in his face that he knew.

 Jeonghan smiled at him innocently, something was definitely up. Did Seungcheol really think that he knew nothing? This idiot is going to get himself killed with that mindset. Fine then, Jeonghan can play dumb. If Seungcheol didn’t trust him enough to tell him about it, than he wasn’t going to bother to help him clean his mess. He can deal with his whole black magic fiasco himself if that’s how it’s going to be. “Yeah, must have been some tough homework, there was blood everywhere. How are you feeling?” He put his palm up to Seungcheol’s forehead, checking for a fever. He was a normal temperature, thankfully, though his face was beet red.

“Ah, yeah… I guess I was just tired, probably.”

“Maybe that’s it (This ing liar.) Do you feel up to going to school today, or do you want me to call you in sick?” If he stayed home his parents would hear about it, and he really didn’t think now would be a good time to have to deal with them.

“No, I think I’m fine… just a little hungry.” (that part wasn't a lie) Jeonghan got up quickly, smoothing out his half of the bed before walking off.

“I’ll go make some breakfast then. Have a shower, you smell bad.” Seungcheol waited for Jeonghan to leave down the hall, before taking a tentative sniff of his own armpits, retreating his nose quickly after and gagging in disgust. A shower was definitely a good idea.

After making himself smell like manly ocean depths and musk, Seungcheol exited the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist. He looked at himself in the mirror with a sigh. He looked like , honestly His eyes were puffy and red from lack of sleep, and the stress from yesterday seemed to have removed all the color from his face and made him look ghastly. (Or maybe that was the aftermath of using that spell? He wasn’t really sure) He traced the name on his chest gently, feeling the individual bumps and divots the name had marked into his skin… Woozi.

A realization hit him, and he looked up at himself with wide eyes. Woozi, he should probably go check on Woozi.

Seungcheol dried his hair swiftly, before throwing on his school uniform. He walked out into the kitchen, where Jeonghan was sitting at the table with two plates of pancakes. Seungcheol basically breathed them in, chugged his coffee, and started towards the basement. “Thanks for breakfast!”

“Where are you going?” He stopped in his tracks. He had been hoping Jeonghan wouldn’t question him, but of course he never got what he wanted.

“I, uh… downstairs. I’m going to go clean up my mess from yesterday.” Jeonghan stood up with the empty plates and put them in the sink, rinsing them off.

“You can clean it up after school, we’re going to miss the bus if don’t leave now.” Seungcheol almost audibly whined, scratching his head in worry. He looked towards the basement door, and then to Jeonghan; who was eyeing him incredulously. A sigh of defeat escaped his mouth.

Sorry Woozi… “Okay, let’s go then.” He grabbed his things. His book was still downstairs, but Seungcheol decided it would probably not be a great Idea to bring a black-magic book with him to school. He was pretty pissed about losing his real textbook though, those things were expensive. Finding that, and getting rid of the black magic book, was a problem he would probably have to deal with later. He gave the basement one final apologetic look, before following Jeonghan out the door.


“Coups hey- whoa, you look like .” Soonyoung leaned into his face with his mouth agape, staring at him in surprise. Seokmin stood next to him, with an equally startled expression.

“Why do you look dead, what happened?” Seokmin shoved his hand into his pocket, unable to look away from Seungcheol’s ghostly appearance.

Seungcheol sighed, rubbing his hands over his face with annoyance. “Don’t ask, I’m just tired.”

Soonyoung leaned back with a goofy grin, staring at him expectantly. “Too tired for our wild house party tonight?”

, he had forgotten about that, . “That… that was tonight?” The two of them laughed in sync. When Seungcheol didn’t join in and joke along, Soonyoung gasped.

“What, you forgot already? We planned this yesterday, Coup’s. Everyone’s coming: Junsui, Jisoo, Wonwoo, Mingyu… Ah, and Minghao convinced that American kid Hansol to come along!” Seungcheol looked away in worry, feeling his palms getting sweaty at each new mention of a name (or a potential witness to his crime, in his mind.) “You’re not canceling on us, are you? It took me forever to figure out a day when we were all free, come on hyung.” Soonyoung grabbed Seungcheol’s hands in his own, looking into his eyes with a pout.

Seungcheol really had to work on being more assertive. With a heavy heart, he nodded. “Okay, fine...” Soonyoung’s face brightened instantly, pulling Seungcheol into a tight hug, which coerced strange looks from various people in the room.

“Settle down everyone, class is starting.” The three of them turned towards the familiarly husky voice of one Mr. Lee, each student in the class collectively losing their last shred of hope at his appearance. “Mrs. Im is taking a sick day, so I’m filling in for her history class."

Soonyoung turned back to Seungcheol with a pittying look in his eyes, placing a comforting hand on the boy’s shoulders. “Good luck, I’ll see you tonight.” Seungcheol watched as he and Seokmin made a hasty exit from the classroom, leaving Seungcheol to his doom (An hour of Mr. Lee's boring ramblings). He opened his history textbook and prepared to zone out everything his teacher was about to say, twirling a pencil between his fingers and staring out the window in thought.

“Turn to page 103 of your textbooks and take a look at the WW4 writings. I know that in your last class, Mrs. Im went into details about the development of defensive magic within the army, so today we are going to expand into that and talk about the use of black magic.” Seungcheol quirked his head up at that, turning to the page in his textbook, and reading through curiously. “In 2019, when the fourth world war broke out due to North Korea’s attack on The US, Magical users were scouted by the US government to aid them in the war. At first it had been fair game, the US government and their allies -South Korea, Canada, the UK, other European countries-, gathered an army of strong magical users who were trained specifically in combat, and swiftly pushed North Korea back, despite the fact that they had been winning the war previously. North Korea quickly realized after this, that they would need to fight on equal terms if they had any chance of winning this war. North Korea and their allies gathered a magic army as well, but decided against fighting fair, and aimed for darker techniques. The North Korean forces showed up at the boarder of the US with both an army of humans, and an equally sized army of demon familiars. The battle that started that day, January 31st, 2019, lasted for about a week. It was obvious that North Korea was winning; Their Army was double the size of the US army, and had the aid of couple-thousand rabid demons at their beck-and-call.”

Seungcheol quirked an eyebrow, listening carefully to his teacher for the first time in his life. It was rather strange to him, knowing he could relate to the fourth world war with his own vaguely similar predicament. Another one to cross off the ol’ bucket list.

“The North Koreans were on the brink of victory, which would have been a tilting point in the balance of power in the world, at that time. It seemed hopeless, until hell intervened. When I say this, I’m not insinuating that anyone from hell is good; they have done awful, unforgivable things in the past, which we will go into depth about in a later class. The king of hell, more popularly known as Satan, was angered by the dropping numbers of his citizens, who had been summoned away from his kingdom and forced to abide by human commands without his permission.” Seungcheol gulped. “He displayed his wrath in an enormous show of demonic power, effectively killing each individual human on the battle site, America’s army, North Korea’s army, and innocent bystanders included. It is unknown to us whether or not the demons were killed as well, since no trace of them was ever found, but historians have found it safe to assume that they were. It just goes to show how evil they are, as he only stepped in because his subjects were aiding someone other than himself. The war did not necessarily end after this, North Korea continued their attacks, only without the use of magic, since they feared a similar incident would occur again. Now, if you’ll turn to the next page, we’ll talk about the non-magical utilities of the world war.”

Okay, that’s enough listening for one day. Seungcheol took in what he had just heard, feeling stressed. Surely Satan wouldn’t rain his wrath upon him for (accidentally) summoning just one of his subjects? He looked out the window beside him, sighing at his own distracting worries. What could Woozi be up to right now?


Jihoon opened his eyes slowly, only to be greeted by more darkness. He sniffed the air in confusion, getting a nice whiff of old shoes and genuine oak. Right, he was still in that dumb wardrobe, wasn’t he? He sat up and stretched his arms out as much as the confinements of the wardrobe would allow him, rubbing his tired eyes. What time was it? It was difficult for him to decide how long he’d been sleeping, since the time he’d spent stuck in this dumb wooden box had felt like an eternity. He peeked through the crack in the wardrobe, looking around to see if anyone was there. There was no-one, to his relief.

Surely Seungcheol wouldn’t mind him leaving the Wardrobe for just a second? He really just needed to stand up and stretch out a bit. Cautiously, he opened the doors of the wardrobe, crawling out onto the concrete ground and looking around fearfully. The place was still a mess, so no one had come down to clean while he had been asleep, obviously. He stood up on jittery legs, holding his tail between his hands and petting the fur on the end to calm his nerves. As far as he could tell, there was no one home right now. The scent of humans was lingering in the air faintly, so they must have left for something a couple hours ago... probably.

If he was alone, maybe he could take a look around? Just for a second, and then he’d go right back into the wardrobe and wait until Seungcheol returned.

Jihoon stepped past the supplies littering the floor, which sent him back to the unfortunate accident yesterday and made his head hurt. Each step up the rotting wooden stairs creaked dangerously; causing Jihoon’s heart to beat wildly in his chest. When he finally reached the top, he opened the door with a cautious hand and whipped his head back-and-forth to ensure that the coast was clear.

The rest of the house, to Jihoon’s surprise, was much nicer than Seungcheol’s basement. It was furnished nicely, everything was tidy, and the air smelled faintly of baked goods. He stepped around the room; basking in the natural daylight that was feeding through a window, and feelt himself relaxing a bit. The sun was set low in the sky, so it was either early in the morning or late in the afternoon, Jihoon couldn’t tell. Being forced to sleep in a cold, dark cupboard after that traumatic event yesterday had really done a number on his psyche. It reminded him vaguely of the time his father had made him sleep in the hound-house for reasons he’d rather not get into. Jihoon had plenty of fond memories of his dad being a , but now probably wasn’t the best time to think about that. He instead found himself distracted by what appeared to be a thin black box hanging on the wall. It was an odd decoration, though Jihoon generally found humans odd anyways. He reached forward and touched it hesitantly, running his fingers over the edge. His hand pressed into a bump on the side of it, making him jump back in fear when the surface lit up and began to play moving pictures. Jihoon was fascinated, but also completely terrified. It was moving, and the sound coming from it was really loud. He ran around in a circle of panic, before lunging forward and pressing every bump he could find, in a frantic attempt to turn it back off. (Which only made the situation worse. The sound got louder, and the picture changed into a scene displaying a hectic human battle.)

Jihoon felt his heart stop completely when he heard the familiar sound of a door opening.

There was the terrifying sound of muffled chatting coming from down the hallway, which was slowly approaching the room Jihoon was currently standing in like an idiot. He had to think, quickly, but his mind effectively froze on the spot when he needed it most. The basement door was loud, so anyone in the house would hear him if he tried to escape back downstairs, so his only other choice was to hide. He scanned his surroundings momentarily, before jumping into his best bet and hoping for the best, with his tail gripped tightly in his shaking hands.

Seungcheol kicked his shoes off, feeling fear growing in his gut at every next person entering his quaint home. “Go ahead and make yourselves comfortable in the living room, I need to go clean something up downstairs.”

“Oooh, secret stuff? Want me to help?” Soonyoung winked at him slyly, coercing an eruption of laughter from the rest of the occupants in his house. Seungcheol chuckled awkwardly.

“Nah, I’m good. Don’t steal my stuff while I’m gone.” He and the others walked towards the living room, Seungcheol turned away from the group and headed for the basement, feeling jittery.

“Hey, why’s the TV on? I was sure I had turned it off before we left…”


He turned his head and looked around the room in concern. There was no demon out in the open, as far as he could tell, so maybe Woozi was still downstairs? He opened the door to the basement and headed towards the wardrobe, feeling just a little ironic as he prayed to god that Woozi was still there.

“Woozi?” He whispered the name, so that no one upstairs might hear him. “Woozi, are you in there?” His shaking hands opened the doors, and Seungcheol nearly collapsed to the floor as he stared into the empty wooden wardrobe. Okay, calm down, don’t panic. Maybe he went home? No, he couldn’t have, the collar stopped him from doing that… maybe he just ran away into the streets after watching his TV? Either way, Seungcheol was ed.

He swept up the salt and powder on the ground, and smudged the charcoal sigils with his foot. He could scrub the blood off another day; right now his problem lied with Woozi’s mysterious disappearance.

He headed back upstairs feeling burdened, and joined the rest of the gang, who had already managed to crack open his supply of alcohol. “Hey, whoever here is underage better stay the hell away from the adult drinks.”A number of boys in the group collectively aww’d, looking towards Seungcheol with pleading eyes. “I mean it, no drinks for anyone under 19, or else this little party is cancelled.”

Chan sighed, looking towards Hansol with a sad expression, and putting his can of beer back onto the table, which Jeonghan snatched away for himself. “Yes, Dad…”

“Yah!” He aimed his fist at the smartass in a threatening manner, causing Chan to flinch back in a fit of giggles. Grabbing a can of bear for himself, he took a seat on his armchair to join the conversation. Seungcheol almost forgot about Woozi as he laughed along with the others, until he was abruptly reminded by the sound of the demons whispering voice.

“Psst… Seungcheol.” The others were too busy talking amongst themselves to notice. Seungcheol looked around in confusion, trying to find where the voice was coming from. Maybe he was losing his mind? “Down here…” He followed the sound of the voice with his eyes, freezing when he spotted a familiar head of pink hair and black horns, which were currently peeking out from behind his couch where Chan, Jeonghan, Seokmin, and Seungkwan were currently sitting.

Woozi stared up at him with eyes that seemed to be screaming for help, and Seungcheol stared back at him, his brain void of any ideas on how they were going to get out of this.

 “Everything okay, Coups?” Mingyu raised an eyebrow at Seungcheol, who had been staring at a spot behind the couch for a while now.

“I’m fine! Hey, do you guys want to take this outside? We can set up the bonfire.” (Last time they used the bonfire, the authorities had paid them a visit and Seungcheol had gotten a pretty hefty ticket, but he could deal with taking that chance for the sake of keeping his criminal record clean) The group agreed enthusiastically, standing up to get outside. Seungcheol guided them all out the door, stopping behind them when everyone was accounted for. “Oh, I forgot my lighter; I’ll be out in a second.”

He closed the door before anyone could question him, grabbing Woozi by the arm and pulling him out from behind the couch, leading him towards the basement door. Woozi started to protest, pulling against Seungcheols grip defiantly.

“Oh, S.coups, by the way.” He practically threw Woozi down the hall so that he was out of sight, provoking a pained yelp from the demon as he toppled to the floor. Seungcheol hoped to god he hadn’t noticed.

“Yeah?” Soonyoung gave him a funny look. He was leaning against the wall in an attempt to act casual, and forcing a smile on his face.

“Just… Bring marshmallows with you when you come out… please.” He turned away from him with a confused expression, headed back outside.

“yeah, sure thing!” When the door shut again, Seungcheol immediately looked down the hall and cringed, watching as Woozi rubbed the back of his head with a pained expression, still sitting on the floor.

“, sorry, are you okay? I panicked.” Woozi got back to his feet slowly, a scowl on his face.

“Oh yeah, I’m just peachy! , does it look like I’m okay?” The moody demon crossed his arms over his chest and huffed out in annoyance.

Seungcheol stepped forward and pulled Woozi into the closest room to them, his bedroom, not bothering to fight him for being rude out in the open.

“Yah! Quit yanking me around, I’m not a rag doll!” Seungcheol put his hand over the demons scowling lips to quiet him, speaking in a hushed voice.

“Keep your voice down; do you want them to find you? And what the hell were you doing? Literally the only rule I had set was that you couldn’t wander around the house.” Woozi moved his face away from Seungcheol’s hand with a disgusted expression, his eyebrows crinkling together.

“Your basement is stuffy, I needed some ing air. I was just going to come up for a second! How was I supposed to know you’d come home with an entire pack of smelly humans…” he averted his eyes, shrinking under the harsh gaze of the taller boy.

Seungcheol couldn’t believe he was standing here, scolding a demon. This whole situation was ridiculous. He also couldn’t help but notice that with the better lighting, and a less extreme situation, woozi’s charm really stood out. He was really way too short to be intimidating, and his skin was clear and pale like a doll. Looking up at him with those round brown eyes, it made Seungcheol wanted to hold him tight and protect him forever... Then he remembered his horns and tail (not to mention the foul mouth on this boy, Jesus) and Seungcheol remembered that Woozi was a demon, from hell; a cute demon, but a demon nonetheless... He was cute in a way you might see a baby kitten or something, though, not like-

“Is there something on my face?” Seungcheol’s face went red when he realized he had been staring. He turned away and directed his gaze at a wall, willing his heart to stop beating so quickly. Woozi quirked his head to the side in a questioning manner, and Seungcheol felt his heart ache at the sight. It was adorable, why the hell did this demon have to have such a loveable appearance? Weren't they supposed to look ugly and threatening?

“No, I… Nothing. Just stay in here for now, hide under my bed or some-“

“Seungcheol, what’s taking so long?” Seungcheol pulled Woozi towards him swiftly, holding his hand firmly against the boy’s mouth to keep him quiet.

“I’ll be out in a second!” The short demon struggled against his firm hold, feeling uncomfortable being pushed with his back flush against Seungcheol’s chest, not to mention he couldn't really breath when Seungcheol was covering his mouth and nose like this.

“Okay, don’t forget the marshmallows…” Junghan sighed, moving his hand away from the doorknob hesitantly. Who was Seungcheol talking to? First the black magic incident, and now he was harboring people and hiding them under his bed? What could be going on with his idiot friend? He reached out to the doorknob again, but pulled away before he could turn the knob, clenching his fists in frustration. No, Junghan wasn’t going to into Seungcheol’s secret business. He had patience; Junghan would wait for him to say it himself. He turned his back to the door with a heavy heart, and headed back outside.

Seungcheol leaned his ear against the door and listened to ensure Junghan was gone. The footsteps faded until Seungcheol heard nothing but silence, and the muffled sound of Woozi mumbling angrily under his ha-

“Augh!” Seungcheol pulled his hand away in pain, cradling his sore palm. “You bit me!”

“I couldn’t breathe!” Woozi was red in the face and gasping for air. Seungcheol looked down at his own hand in concern.

“I’m bleeding, Jesus, how sharp are your teeth??” Woozi scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest defiantly.

“I have canines; they come out as a biological defense mechanism when I’m in danger. You almost killed me with your big sweaty hands, so I just did what was natural, don’t be such a ing baby.” Seungcheol on the puncture wounds with a frown.

“Canines? What are you, a dog?”

“I’m in no way related to a dog, that’s racist!” Seungcheol looked over at Woozi in surprise, eyeing the boy who watched him with a serious and angry expression. He couldn’t stop himself from laughing at the absurdity of what he'd just heard. “Wha… Why are you laughing?”

“Sorry Woozi just… god, okay. I need to go before everyone comes to check on me. Hide under my bed for a while. I’ll be back in a couple hours, after everyone leaves, so don’t come out no matter what, understand?” Woozi nodded, still a little confused.

Seungcheol patted him on the back, smiling. “Sorry, just stay put for now. I’ll try to send them home as fast as I can.” Woozi nodded again, staying oddly quiet and submissive, compared to his usual responces of whitty retorts and foul language. Seungcheol left the room with his smile still in place, and shut the door behind him, feeling relieved.

Jihoon lifted his hand up to cup his cheek, which was warm to the touch. His heart was thumping fast as well, and he stared at the door feeling conflicted. The pink-haired boy shook his head in an attempt to push aside the odd feelings in his chest aside, and crawled underneath the king-sized bed as he had been told.

The floor was wooden, and right next to his head laid a vent that was pushing out cold air into the space around him, he curled up in an attempt to stay warm. Thoughts were running through his head, though he dwelt on one specifically.

Was he every going to get to sleep in a real bed again?


Thanks for all the nice responces, I'll try to update as often as i can!

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still thinking abt this fic 2 years later
where did you go, author? :(
Chapter 30: Reread this for the millionth time and it's still amazing <3
Chapter 30: I absolutely love your fic! I love that it's still ongoing and that you still update and write! The storyline is just perfect <3
Chapter 30: I'M LATE BUT THIS STORY IS SO AMAZING OH MY GOD! I'm so excited to see where this goes!! You never fail to amaze meee!! Keep up the amazing work! Make sure you take care of your mental and physical health, too!
UnleashTrouble #6
Chapter 21: U're a genius
Noah-S #7
Chapter 29: Yay! Finally. I was afraid that Jihoon would reject every move made by Seungcheol but I'm happy everything went well.

A question: when the demon spoke in demonic/latin? did Jihoon understand what he said? Is that why he couldn't tell the others what he meant? Or did he just not understand the meaning of the words?
Chapter 29: I absolutely adore this story! It's so well written and is by far the best story on the whole site(That I've read)! You're such an amazing writer and I'm so happy I found this story! It's honestly so addicting that I reread the available all the time! Keep up the amazing work!!!
Chapter 29: Woohoo!
valilia #10
Chapter 27: You know, I almost dropped this fic when midway I realized it was still ongoing and, well, it started back in 2017, but decided against it when I saw the last update was today (!!!???) and I’m so so glad I didn’t!!

It’s been a while since the last time I read a fic with lots of worldbuilding, and you have no idea how much I’m enjoying it!! Getting to pierce part by part this AU has been so much fun honestly!! At first I was kinda confused, like most stories of these are, but the longer I went the more I caught on and started to fully get into this magic world!! idk but it seems like you gave lots of thoughts to it and actually thought it out

I love love loveeeee how you’ve presented Seventeen in this fic, somehow they feel real close to what their real personalities are. I especially look forward the small cameos from the other members, but the Seungcheol/Jeonghan/Jihoon trio is also so much fun to read!! Their dynamics are really on point and I’m all about it lololololol

Small thought before I forget: I LOVED the format when Jihoon was going insane. I have seen something like this only like, twice, but god it left such an impression to me as to what was Jihoon going through. Really smart there!

Normally I’m a ship reader. You know, the kind to read just for the ship and the romance, but for this fic I’m genuinely so curious and invested in the plot I can’t help but be full eyes emoji on where is this going!! Can’t wait for the cult to realize Seungcheol got nothing against them but bad luck lmao But fr!! I really want Jihoon to find closure(?) about his identity and what will the main trio plan about sending him back to Hell given it’s not the best place for him... but he can’t stay neither so... :(

Honestly, I’m glad I used my entire afternoon to read this fic, I had so much fun!! I’m not really used to this platform but I suscribed, I hope that will notify me whenever you update next? But yeah!! Really looking forward the next chapter and what will happen to Jeonghan. You’re an amazing writer!! Keep it up ^^