It's Still Not A Date, Right?

Boy Next Door

As Jeonghan walks towards the kitchen area, Seungkwan storms up, his eyes shooting daggers.

“Do you know how busy I’ve been?! All because Seungcheol thinks your flirting is cute and doesn’t want to tell you off. This is ridiculous,” Seungkwan huffs.

“You know, I believe you were the one who was so eager about this idea last night,” Jeonghan says slowly, watching the realisation dawn on Seungkwan’s face.

“No…” Seungkwan starts and then stops, looking defeated, “well you better at least get an actual date after all this.”

“And you owe me,” Seungkwan says, turning back from walking towards a table that needs clearing to point accusingly.

Jeonghan sticks his order to the countertop to be taken by Soonyoung or Seokmin and is about to walk away when Soonyoung calls from the kitchen.


Jeonghan remembers the two chefs spying on him earlier and continues walking.


“Oh, Jeonghan!” Seokmin’s voice joins the chorus now and Jeonghan reluctantly walks towards the kitchen before the entire café can hear them.

Jeonghan slides himself through the half open kitchen door, “Yes?” he asks exasperated.

“We just want to congratulate you on how well your date is going!” Soonyoung claps.

“It wasn’t a date.”

“It even looked like you kissed at one point,” Seokmin adds.

“We didn’t-”

“And he is cute!”

“You’d be the cutest couple!”

“Oh my god, imagine the wedding cake we could make them!”

“Um, no.”

“We could have the figures coming out from inside the cake like a lift!”

“And then we could add firewor-”


Soonyoung and Seokmin stop and look at Jeonghan, shocked that he raised his voice; he was normally fairly quiet around their loudness.

“Nothing is going on yet, please don’t do anything embarrassing in front of Jisoo please. He’s not used to you guys like I am.” Jeonghan pleads.

“Maybe we should go meet him?” Seokmin says, elbowing Soonyoung.

Jeonghan just gives them the closest thing he will ever do to puppy dog eyes until Seokmin promises him that they were joking.

Jeonghan then watches as they scurry to get all the orders cooked. He doesn’t actually know how they end up being able to successfully run this kitchen. They’re always laughing, doing random challenges, or even walking around the café talking to guests; yet somehow even during the rushes, everything is cooked quickly and to perfection.

While Soonyoung and Seokmin are working their magic he quickly has time to make a few rounds getting more orders, with his eyes constantly meeting Jisoo’s as he watches table 13 talk and laugh amiably. But soon enough Jeonghan is back out the kitchen with table 13’s order and walks towards them, quickly scanning the café to make sure that Seungkwan isn’t around as Jeonghan is leaving him to fend for himself yet again.

“Okay, so one bacon and eggs,” he says placing the meal in front of Hansol.

“One banana split,” which gets placed in front of Chan.

“And the ‘way too much chocolate’ pancakes with a chocolate and strawberry milkshake,” Jeonghan finishes off, putting the chocolate milkshake in front of Jisoo.

Jisoo just stares at it and slowly pushes it towards the other end of the table, snatching up the strawberry milkshake in the process.

“I may really want a chocolate milkshake but I want you to try it more,” he says, taking a defiant sip of his strawberry one.

“I am honoured by your sacrifice,” Jeonghan says once again taking his seat beside Jisoo.

“You didn’t order any food?” he asks.

“I am meant to be working you know?”

“Oh, right…Well you can have some of mine,” Jisoo offers the fork in his direction. The pancake soaked in chocolate.

Jeonghan just eyes the fork distastefully until Jisoo sighs, “we have to start with baby steps, I suppose. But next time.”

Jeonghan’s heart jumps at the idea that Jisoo is planning for a next time…that he sounds like he wants there to be a next time.

“You haven’t even had a sip of yours yet?”

Jeonghan takes a sip to placate Jisoo. It’s not that he hates it, he will eat chocolate, but there are always better options. He says as much to Jisoo, which strikes up a debate at table 13. With Jisoo and Hansol arguing firmly for chocolate and Jeonghan and Chan arguing other sweets; even though he was pretty sure Chan only sided with him because he felt bad.

Eventually Jeonghan had to get back to work and he watched the boys from afar, laughing and having fun. But once again, Jisoo’s eyes kept meeting his. Jeonghan was then swept into the kitchen to clean dishes, and when he came out again, table 13 was empty.
He spent the rest of his shift in a daze. Was that technically a date? Did Jisoo want to see him again? What happens from here? Does Jeonghan just knock on his door one day and ask him out?
Jeonghan knows he’s overthinking it all when he doesn’t even bother to protest against all the teasing from the 10:04 staff because he’s so deep in thought.

“Who knew a Jeonghan in love would be so boring,” Seungkwan whines, clinging onto him like a baby, trying to get a reaction.

“But what do I do?” Jeonghan turns to his best friend.

“You had fun. He had fun. Knock on his door and ask him out again. It’s not hard,” Seungkwan sees Jeonghan’s face and sighs, “don’t you dare ask me if I’m sure he had fun.”

“Fine, fine,” Jeonghan quickly agrees, deciding to trust Seungkwan. Even though his thoughts were still going around in conflicting circles. 



I'm sorry this is such a short chapter but it would have been too long to include with my last chapter. And I'm really not the best at being consistent with chapter length but I hope you still enjoyed it. Also another little PSA I have exams at the moment but who needs study when I can update this (I'm going to regret this decision I'm sure) but if I can't get an update up this week this will be why :) 

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princessswan #1
Chapter 20: Omfg JIHAN here was sooo freaking CUTE! <3 But honestly the real winner has to be Seungkwan LOL. Bestie boo was hilarious & almost did all the work in getting my fav couple together. XD Loooved it!
Chapter 11: Seungkwan nagging at Jisoo's emoji choice (completely fair, I also only accept actual emojis or kaomojis as valid human-like communication tools) kinda made me recall a post that said, "y'all remember when 'lol' meant 'laughing out loud' and not 'this is here to show that this brief text is not hostile' lmao"
Anyway, I feel ya, Jeonghan. Waiting for a text message can make us unbelieaveably anxious!
Chapter 10: This is totally something that would've happened IRL with them I FEEL IT IN MY SOUL

Kinda out of nowhere but I ship them so no complaints from here 💞
Chapter 8: The whole time I was thinking, "but what if someone else walks past, gets curious and calls Jeonghan instead? And what if this person turns out to be a harrasser?"
I may be too paranoid for my own good—

Anyway, nice chapter too. I actually love slowburn so you going slowly is not a problem for me, OP. 💞
Chapter 6: Tag yourself, I'm chocolate starving gay Jisoo
Chapter 1: I can feel the awkwardness through the phone screen 🗣🗣🗣 To be honest? Same, Jeonghan, same. Though I certainly wouldn't be caught eavesdropping the neighboor's household antics 👀