#DE98B2 Light Blush

Boy Next Door

The conversation lolled for a few minutes while the three of them helped themselves to the food; with every heartbeat that passed in the silence making Jeonghan more anxious. Finally, to break the tension he blurts out, “I’m sorry for the other day…it was stupid.”

“Oh?” the boy, Jisoo, looked surprised at the apology.

Maybe that’s because little did he know that Jeonghan was apologising for listening through his door and not accidently mixing up their apartments.

Jisoo then just laughs, his laugh hearty and strong but also smooth like caramel.

“It’s fine,” Jisoo brushes off the apology, “Hansol came and apologised for you both afterwards anyway.”

Jeonghan’s brow creased in confusion, “who?”

“Hansol…the boy with you the other day…” Jisoo trails off looking equally confused.

“Jeonghan doesn’t actually know him,” Seungkwan pipes up, “He doesn’t actually ever talk to a single person in this building.”

Jeonghan opens his mouth to defend himself but Seungkwan cuts him off with a quick, “Mingyu and Wonwoo don’t count.”

Jeonghan pouts as Seungkwan turns to Jisoo, “it’s not his fault really, he can just come across as very cold and aloof.”

“What?!” Jeonghan has of course heard this spiel a hundred times before about how sometimes he just needs to smile more, but he didn’t expect Seungkwan to bring it up now.

“Well, I don’t think he seems aloof, he seems more nice than anything,”

Jeonghan is taken aback by the sudden compliment and sees that Jisoo cheeks were turning ever so slightly pink to match Jeonghan’s own.

Jisoo clears his throat and continues as if it didn’t happen, but Jeonghan can see Seungkwan out of view of Jisoo waggle his eyebrows suggestively.

“Oh well, Hansol is really nice, you should try talking to him sometime. Him and his roommate Chan offered to show me around a bit, seeing as I don’t really know this area yet.”

“You’ve been here a week and you already know more people than me in this building, how?” Jeonghan can’t help but wonder out loud.

‘I don’t even live in this building and I know more people than you,” Seungkwan points out, not being able to help himself from making one last jab at Jeonghan.

“Well it’s not like you ever leave,” Jeonghan shoots back with a well placed glare in the direction of his friend, “and I suppose you know this Hansol dude too?”

“Yeah I do actually; he’s cool, he comes into 10:04 sometimes. He’s a rapper.”

Of course he is, Jeonghan can’t help but think, remembering the boy’s snapback and oversized basketball shirt.

“What’s 10:04?” Jisoo asks curiously. And Jeonghan can’t help but feel sorry for the boy who must feel so awkward in the middle of him and Seungkwan bickering.

“The café we both work at,” Jeonghan explains.

“Oh, you should come visit! We have really great food!” Seungkwan gushes excitably.

“Yeah cool, I’ll definitely have to come visit.”

Normally when people make promises such as this one, they are empty and half hearted but Jisoo’s tone sounds sincere and excited as he nods his head with that faint smile he always seems to have.

Jisoo then directs a wide smile in Jeonghan’s direction and Jeonghan refuses to acknowledge the fluttering feeling that began in his belly.

The dinner went by surprisingly smoothly, with Seungkwan mostly being able to keep his tongue in line and the awkward silences being kept to a bare minimum as Jeonghan and Jisoo realised that they could keep talking for ages. Jisoo helped him clean up after dinner and take out the rubbish after Seungkwan claimed he was in a food coma and could not possibly move. They then returned to Jeonghan’s apartment and just sat on the couch continuing to talk, often Jeonghan couldn’t help but forget that Seungkwan was even there.


The boys were just starting to discuss anime (with Seungkwan occasionally butting in) when Jeonghan couldn’t help it any longer; “um, this is a weird thing to ask but who lived in your apartment before you?”

Jisoo looked taken aback by the out of the blue question, so in a desperate attempt to save the situation, Jeonghan explains the whole story in a rush of breath.

When Jeonghan had finished, Jisoo broke out into laughter. Jeonghan’s face flushes, realising how embarrassing the story actually sounds. Now Jisoo probably believes him to be a weird stalker, which he’s not (Jeonghan makes sure not to think about the first time he met Jisoo.)

Jeonghan just stares at the boy in silence, too scared to ask why he’s laughing.

Jisoo finally catches his eyes, “sorry, sorry. It’s just…”


“No one lived there before me,” he chuckles. “Apparently the last owner trashed the place and so they were wary about renting it out again.”

“But…” Jeonghan can’t believe that this whole year, he’s been so hung up on an empty apartment.

Seungkwan laughs loudly, his feet stamping the floor as he’s left gasping for breath.

“This is even funnier now. Remember the time you slid notes under the door everyday for a week,” Seungkwan eventually calms down but immediately breaks into laughter again.

“Oh god, well this is embarrassing,” Jeonghan hangs his head in his hands.

“No it’s not. It’s kinda cute how you were being all spy-like,”

Jeonghan looks over at Jisoo in shock at what he said, and sees that Jisoo is just as shocked as he is. Jeonghan notices the boys ears are ever so slightly tinted pink and he can’t help but think that that’s even cuter than blushing.

Is cute something that Jisoo said a lot? Does he say it to everyone? Or does Jisoo think that Jeonghan is cute? He didn’t want to admit how happy the idea that Jisoo might think he’s cute made him.

But Jeonghan tells himself that he shouldn’t make a big deal out of the comment.

 Jisoo just clears his throat, rubs the back of his neck nervously and continues, “when I was young I used to think all that spy stuff was really cool. And I used to walk around all day looking at people’s mail in their mailboxes.”

Jeonghan laughs, “What? Isn’t that illegal?”

“Probably, but I was 6. What were they doing to do, throw me in time out?” Jisoo joins in Jeonghan’s laughter now and Jeonghan can’t help but think once again how nice his laugh is.

“Time out is a scary place,” Jeonghan answers in mock seriousness.
“Ah, true.”

“Well, you know that Jeonghan was listen-” Seungkwan butts in, no doubt about to mention the door listening incident.

Jeonghan gives his best friend a warning glance to shut up as he leans over and covers Seungkwan’s mouth. He just gives a smile and a shrug to Jisoo who looked confused.


It didn’t take long for the boys to get onto the topic of music. And as expected it was something Jisoo was really passionate about and had always considered trying to pursue professionally.

“I love it, but I don’t know, I think it’s only a hobby. I don’t think I would be good enough to make something out of it…” Jisoo sounds uncertain and slightly defeated.

 “You could definitely be a singer; your voice is amazing!” Jeonghan replies, then his eyes widen and he freezes as he realises what he’s said. Jeonghan knows that that isn’t something he’s should know and as soon as the words were out of his mouth he wished he could swallow them back up again. He felt his cheeks flush brightly and noticed that Jisoo too looked just as embarrassed.

“I…I can hear through the walls sometimes, I’m sorry,” Jeonghan tries to say casually, trying to brush away his prior comment like no big deal.

“You think it’s good?” Jisoo looks down, his hands fidgeting in his lap. Jisoo’s head is down but Jeonghan can still see his smile, that kind of joyful smile that you try and keep contained, but still manages to escape anyway and suddenly Jeonghan is glad that he slipped up.

 “Thank you, but I’m sorry if it’s loud,” Jisoo says, finally lifting his head, his face composed.

“No, no, it’s not loud. It’s nice to listen to.”

“Yes, I’m sure it’s lovely. But it’s like you two love birds are forgetting I’m even here. So before you start confessing your love for each other I’m going to go nap,” Seungkwan gives one last look between the two blushing boys and walks towards Jeonghan’s bedroom, shutting the door behind him.

“Uh, don’t mind him…” Jeonghan says, making a mental note to pummel Seungkwan next time they were alone together.

Jisoo lets out another awkward laugh and stands, his hands still fidgeting as he ever so slightly motions towards the door.

“It’s getting late. I should probably go anyway…”

“Oh yeah, of course,” Jeonghan says walking the boy to his door, hoping that it wasn’t Seungkwan’s comment that scared him away.

“Well it was nice meeting you,” Jeonghan says as Jisoo turns around at the doorway of 118.

“You too. And I promise I’ll come by 10:04 soon.”

Then there was that pause. That pause where Jeonghan would usually kiss his date.

But this was not a date. And Seungkwan was in the next room, most definitely not napping and instead listening to everything that was going on.

Jisoo also noticed the silence and let out a nervous laugh before both boys quickly said goodbye once more and went back to their respective apartments, both with slightly pink tinged faces as they thought about what could have happened.


So finally the first proper Jihan interaction chapter (most of you are probably thinking 'about time') I hope it was enjoyable because this chapter was actually suprisingly quite hard to write :) 
I also want to again thank the people who have subscribed and espeically left comments I love to know what you guys think of the story! 


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princessswan #1
Chapter 20: Omfg JIHAN here was sooo freaking CUTE! <3 But honestly the real winner has to be Seungkwan LOL. Bestie boo was hilarious & almost did all the work in getting my fav couple together. XD Loooved it!
Chapter 11: Seungkwan nagging at Jisoo's emoji choice (completely fair, I also only accept actual emojis or kaomojis as valid human-like communication tools) kinda made me recall a post that said, "y'all remember when 'lol' meant 'laughing out loud' and not 'this is here to show that this brief text is not hostile' lmao"
Anyway, I feel ya, Jeonghan. Waiting for a text message can make us unbelieaveably anxious!
Chapter 10: This is totally something that would've happened IRL with them I FEEL IT IN MY SOUL

Kinda out of nowhere but I ship them so no complaints from here 💞
Chapter 8: The whole time I was thinking, "but what if someone else walks past, gets curious and calls Jeonghan instead? And what if this person turns out to be a harrasser?"
I may be too paranoid for my own good—

Anyway, nice chapter too. I actually love slowburn so you going slowly is not a problem for me, OP. 💞
Chapter 6: Tag yourself, I'm chocolate starving gay Jisoo
Chapter 1: I can feel the awkwardness through the phone screen 🗣🗣🗣 To be honest? Same, Jeonghan, same. Though I certainly wouldn't be caught eavesdropping the neighboor's household antics 👀