Chapter 8

I Fell For an Angel

Feelings of the past.

Hyo Ki read the script and looked up over at ahjusshi who was telling her to calm down.

"You want me to play his dead girlfriend..." I pointed over to Jaejoong who was lounging on the couch with the script in his hand, wearing a white shirt that fitted him perfectly.

Ahjussi covered Hyo Ki's mouth as she was about to literally have a break down. "900 won." he pointed out.

Hyo Ki blinked lowering her gaze thoughtfully, "I'll do it." she looked back up smiling.

The whole point of the cf: Reckless driving.

Min Woo was playing an angel/reaper.

Ji Hye was playing Jaejoong's current girlfriend.

And you can figure out what his role was.

Hyo Ki got dressed into a white summer's dress, that fitted her perfectly. Her hair was let loose as curls tumbled down to her shoulder blades...

Shooting start:

Ji Hye: "Oppa." she snuggled into his shoulder.

Jaejoong: He sat there motionless staring at the blood red liquid in the wine glass.

Ji Hye: "It's our 100th day anniversary." she looked up to see Jaejoong lost in his own world until the words hit him.


"Cut." the director said. "perfect... now we'll be adding the flashback here!" the director stated.

Hyo Ki stood silently nervous because next it was her and Min Woo to act.


Jaejoong: He broke out from his flashback, fear and hurt tainted his face.

Hyo Ki: Appeared on the coffee table, smiling as she leant on her elbows, her eyes holding only Jaejoongs.

Jaejoong: He froze a feeling of shock appearing on his face. The wine glass dropping from his hand...

Hyo Ki: She tilted her head, "Oppa!" *Oh that word killed her inside*

Jaejoong: He leant away from the couch but as soon as he did..

"Cut." The director said. "Hyo Ki shii, that was brilliant." Hyo Ki smiled looking over at the director.

Jaejoong gazed intently at Hyo Ki, curiosity killing him inside...but why...he closed his eyes pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Hyo Ki shii." Jaejoong opened his eyes to see Hyo Ki HI-5 Min woo who was smiling down at her.

Hyo Ki changed into the same dress but this time it was covered in fake blood.

Shoot start:

Hyo Ki: She appeared now standing at the edge of the coffee table looking down at Jaejoong as Ji Hye played her part as a drunk, it was slightly awkward as she wrapped her arms around Jaejoong who was playing his part...staring at Hyo Ki with pain filled eyes.

Hyo Ki blinked unknowingly at the emotion in his eyes but at the same time, Ji Hye blushed as she began kissing Jaejoong's neck, her hands trailing over his body.

"Cut!" the director said slightly annoyed. "Ji Hye shii, add abit of start again." Hyo Ki broke away from his gaze as the director called the cut but Min Woo saw it all, he couldn't look away from was another sign, that the wall was breaking.

Hyo Ki unknowingly bit her lip seeing Ji Hye's hands pass through his shirt, she felt rage boil within.

Acting acting acting...snap out of it Hyo Ki thought. But for the director is was perfect as her role was to play a tortured hurt soul.

Min Woo appeared beside Hyo Ki, he turned looking away from Jaejoong... as blood appeared from the side of Hyo Ki's head. Min Woo could tell she was nervous as hell as her finger fumbled for the fake blood button.

Jaejoong watched the blood appear falling down on to her cheek perfectly. She sure was born to play this role Jaejoong thought feeling Ji Hye's hands run through his hair.

Min Woo curled his fingers around Hyo Ki's wrist pulling her away slowly, as her head tilted not wanting to look away from Jaejoong...somewhere in the midst of it all, real tears began to fall...Was she acting everyone thought but it was so perfect and real that they carried on without any cuts.

Jaejoong pulled away from Ji Hye's grip as he stood, "Gajimma..." the narration started. "Gajimma...only if I could take those days back... I would have treated you better...Gajimma." Hyo Ki felt the real emotion in his voice that was played over.

"Cut." the director chimed. "perfect...perfect." everyone clapped.

Min Woo turned to face Hyo Ki who was breathing in and out deeply....Cute. "You sure are natural." Min Woo said wiping the tears from her face before she moved away and removed them herself and smiled.

Jaejoong had seen it all, he was boiling with rage as he moved away rom Ji Hye roughly and walked past the crew grabbing a drink.

Filming ended and it was already past 1 in the morning.

Hyo Ki shook off the weird feeling, not willing to dwell into the real reason why tears began to fall.

She let out a long sigh, walking over to the room to get changed back into her clothes. Her gaze was on the ground as she walked in locking the door not knowing that there was someone in the room with her.

Jaejoong heard the door shut, he turned to come face to face with Hyo Ki who kept staring at the ground and began to pick up her clothes.


Hyo Ki

I looked up seeing something move from the corner of my eyes, and stood in total shock seeing Jaejoong...his shirt was ed all the way down as he stood at the egde of the en suite. "Omo" Hyo Ki covered then her eyes, turning around. "Mian." she whispered out of shock.

Hyo Ki cursed herself, "Aren't you going to get out?" he questioned with a slight hint of annoyance.

Hyo Ki lowered her gaze, Wait....isn't this the ladies changing room. I turned looking at my clothes, I was about to argue back but decided to move feeling slightly ...scared.


Jaejoong leant against the door frame glaring unknowingly at Hyo Ki, why was he feeling so much anger...that he had never felt before, and why wasn't she arguing back. Yeah she wasn't the normal type of girls and that made him curious but why was he feeling so much anger towards her.

He watched Hyo Ki turn around, his head tilting as he studied her... his eyes strong enough to penetrate through her, they were full of emotions so intense that his head was splitting with pain.


Min Woo's hands stopped in moiton as he was ing his shirt, the feeling in the air was turning was like a wave hitting him bringing Min woo to his senses as to what the feeling truly was. Hyo Ki he thought walking out, Noona's almost fainted seeing Min Woo walk out in a rush towards the dark aura in the air.

He didn't even knock opening the door in  a flash almost hitting Hyo Ki in the process.

The anger the pain the sorrow it was embedded into one being and that was him...his brother.


Hyo Ki  glanced up over at Min Woo, only to cover her eyes again innocently seeing Min Woo's perfect God like figure.


Tada, ^_^


I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and yes if you're wondering what the cf was all about'll find out soon.

I know some of it may be confusing but it'll all be revealed as we go along :D

Thanks to HyeMean & addictedtotvxq for subcribing :D xx

Thanks to Liqhtless for commenting :) x

Take Care




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that night better be nothing..or else =.="..ahaha jk!!
Liqhtless #2
>:o Oh no this makes the story turn a BoA's an angel...The things she can do!!!<br />
Anyways I love how jealous Jae is but who cab resist Min Woo <3
Liqhtless #3
Okay lol I get everything far lol.<br />
BoA is so =.= touching Min Woo..I should kill her >:o<br />
Also is BoA one of these angels?
what? i dont no the answer!! XD!!
AKTFReign #5
@Liqhtless: *hugs* Your nearly there with your guess, I know its confusing but Min Woo only has one brother and so does Jae :D I hope that helps. "The anger the pain the sorrow it was embedded into one being and that was him...his brother"<br />
What does it mean that was him...his brother.' There was only Hyo Ki and Jaejoong in that room so there's your answer ;) Aigoo I'm so sorry for making you confused, what I'll do in the next chapter is add a little bit of their past so it'll make it more understandable but every chapter is a cliffhanger for a reason and in the middle somewhere everything will come to light :D <br />
Thank you for commenting! I'm glad you loved this chapter ;)
Liqhtless #6
Is she starting to have feelings for him so soon lol :s<br />
& Min Woo shirtless...*goes to look at him shirtless*yep I just died.<br />
Also in the story at the end "The anger the pain the sorrow it was embedded into one being and that was him...his brother"<br />
What does it mean that was him...his brother.<br />
What I'm getting from it is that Min Woo's brother loved some women a long time ago & Jae also. The women died loving Jae & the brother died somehow.<br />
Now many many years later Hyo Ki is like that womens family or something & Min Woo's brother is pissed & Min Woo can feel his brothers hate for Hyo Ki starting to liike Jae.<br />
Im so lost now lol...... Loved the chapter btw!!
Liqhtless #7
Okayy I was kinda lost with TOP & Min Woo's conversation :o<br />
Also Hyo Ki gets bullied to much lol..I'm sorry for her :p
AKTFReign #8
@kkhihi: yay! and I hope enjoy this update ;)<br />
@Liqhtless: Let your imagination run wild *uh oh* kekeke :D I know Hara was just an add on, minor character ;)
Liqhtless #9
Omg I can only imagine what it's like to be held by Min Woo & Jaejoong D;<br />
<br />
& Hara is so stupid for starting the fight .-.<br />
In the end she's left with no one ahahaha!~
aw~ we gotta no more about jae's past! XD!!