Chapter 1

I Fell For an Angel

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There you sat...upon your bed kneeling in front of hello kitty poster with your phone clasped between your hands; praying. You prayed to every God you knew off, "Onegai Kami Sama" to "s'il vous plaît dieu"...Your eyes flashed open in shock as your phone rang, you looked down at it and answered.

Kim Hyo Ki

"Yeobsaeyo..." I spoke in the most sincerest way.

"Kim Hyo Ki Shii..chukahaeyo, you have the job and your starting straigh away from tomorrow..." he went on and on but my eyes never relaxed as they glowed with joy. "Kim Hyo Ki shii...Kim Hyo Ki Shii?!"

I broke away from dreamland, "Ah ne?" I answered.

"Are you able to come into today, for a briefing?" he questioned.

"Ah ne ne." I said.

"Great today at 4, don't be late." I ended the call and jumped of my bed, the air. "Naega jeil jal naga..." I danced around.


Yoona entered the flat with a bag full of groceries, and noticed "Ki ah.." pulling out the most awesome moves in front of her...which only meant one thing. Yoona jumped in busting out her robotic dance moves, "You got the job." She screamed pulling Hyo Ki into a bear hug.


Kim Hyo Ki

I was shaken around in Yoona's arms, I looked up at the time....3.30pm. Yikes... I let out a terrified scream... making Yoona look  at me as if I was going crazy.  I jumped onto my bed and across over to my wardrobe, searching frantically for some formal wear.

"Wae.Wae.Wae?" Yoona questioned.

I was going crazy ....there's nothing as I tried to mix and match my clothes. "Yah Ki snap out of it." I felt Yoona shake me by my arms.

I blinked at her before pouting, "Yoona ah..." I pretend cried into her shoulder. "I don't want this job..." Yoona pulled me back and faked smacked me around the face.

"Yah!...We got half an hour, let's go and find some clothes...and Sment is just around the corner." She said grabbing my coat.

I cried even more as Yoona held out my coat..."I spent my money..." I blubbered.

Yoona's eyes lit up only for her to shake her head, "Aissh" she grabbed her head.


100 years ago

The sky was a whirling mass of grey and white, thunder erupted as rain fell. He stood in front of a new headstone, the grass greener than the other. His dark hair drenched, his clothes stuck to his milky skin. His eyes almost like coals in the darkness as he looked down at the headstone, there upon it sat an angel, its wings curved in a protective gesture. His lips were set into a straight line, lighting struck contrasting from the darkness of the night. Jaejoong didn't bother taking heed of the footsteps that came behind him, he felt his brothers presence beside him.

Min woo eyes flickered a pure white before they settled to their natural human color, his gaze trailed from his brothers to the headstone. "You killed her and yet your mourning as stand on top of her." His voice was full of power. He notice that his brother didn't move an inch before he stepped closer.

Lightning hit the ground around them, breaking headstones and setting trees on fire. Between the dark locks of his hair, his deadly eyes turned towards his brothers. Min woo watched as his powers boiled, his iris's combined to a mixture of blue and colored crystals.

"And now they know..." Min woo smirked referring to higher ones.

Min woo watched his brothers muscles flex in his jaw, "It's not like your going to get away that easily." he finally spoke, his voice more powerful than the thunder that broke the silence of the night.

Min woo stepped forward clapping his hands, "Wrong...Unlike you brother, I have connections still up in Heaven." as that was said. The ground around Jaejoong cracked, but he stood still..."Honestly..." Min woo stepped closer to his brother, "I wish you didn't fall for her...and carried on with your mission because after all she's dead." Within that split second, lightning hit Min was too late for Jaejoong to do anything for him as he felt a force pull him down. The earth engulfing him, as the light engulfed Min woo. A blood curdling cry ripped through the sky and within a few seconds...all was quiet. The sky had turned back to a dusty midnight blue, stars sprinkled over the blue blanket.

The ground no longer torn...except from one thing that had left an imprint upon the fresh green grass...was imprints, imprints of feathers and wings. Imprinted upon where she lay...


I was wearing the same clothes I had worn to the interview before, Yoona gave me a reassuring push towards the tall massive building. I closed my eyes and let out a long sigh, I looked over my shoulder as Yoona shouted "Hwaiting." I nodded turning away before running up the stairs towards the entrance, I pushed open the large doors before walking up to the main reception.

The woman at the reception glanced at me before it turned into a glare, I leant forward as she chose to ignore me. She scribbled something down on a piece of paper and slammed it down on the marble counter in front. I glanced at her with my narrowed eyes as I bit my lip avoiding an argument, I stared down at the paper which 66. I tilted my head before studying it and rushed over towards the lift. My eyes lit up in wonder as a rush of people walked out and blinked, another herd of people pushed past me as they all filled up the lift... I wasn't going to wait as I stepped in making room for myself. I could feel the glares on my back...and ran an awkward hand through my short hair. I waited patiently for the 5th floor and gritted my teeth feeling everyone push me out as they rushed out. I looked back at the dozens of people rush out...was it rush hour or something? I frowned straightening myself up before looking around seeing the arrows to rooms 60-70 and made my way towards room 66. There was something funny about the rooms as I glanced into one, it was almost like a personal bedroom. Except from the bed there was a couch and a desk with important files that reached the top of the ceiling, I knocked on door 66 ...and waited but no answer. I knocked again...but no answer, I slumped down on the floor and looked at shadow that was now standing in front of the door. I heard the door open and it was too late to get up... I closed my eyes and cursed, as I was still on the floor with my head against the soft carpet.


He looked down at her, as he leant casually against the door. Two words came to his mind...Crazy Fan. He pulled her up and hugged her before signing her blouse and slammed the door shut in her face.


Annyeong! ^_^

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter... I hope its not confusing.

I also hope it was funny....>.< Am trying my best to make it a light romcom story, so I'm trying to leave out the fallen/ angels as much as I can unless you guys wants to see more of that, let me know!

Also thank you to my subscribers JenJen, Liqhtless and kkhihi, who subscribed even before chapter 1! Means alot x

@ JenJen : Thank you for the comment and I really do hope you enjoyed this chapter ^_^

@ Liqhtless Aigooo! *smiles* Thank you!

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that night better be nothing..or else =.="..ahaha jk!!
Liqhtless #2
>:o Oh no this makes the story turn a BoA's an angel...The things she can do!!!<br />
Anyways I love how jealous Jae is but who cab resist Min Woo <3
Liqhtless #3
Okay lol I get everything far lol.<br />
BoA is so =.= touching Min Woo..I should kill her >:o<br />
Also is BoA one of these angels?
what? i dont no the answer!! XD!!
AKTFReign #5
@Liqhtless: *hugs* Your nearly there with your guess, I know its confusing but Min Woo only has one brother and so does Jae :D I hope that helps. "The anger the pain the sorrow it was embedded into one being and that was him...his brother"<br />
What does it mean that was him...his brother.' There was only Hyo Ki and Jaejoong in that room so there's your answer ;) Aigoo I'm so sorry for making you confused, what I'll do in the next chapter is add a little bit of their past so it'll make it more understandable but every chapter is a cliffhanger for a reason and in the middle somewhere everything will come to light :D <br />
Thank you for commenting! I'm glad you loved this chapter ;)
Liqhtless #6
Is she starting to have feelings for him so soon lol :s<br />
& Min Woo shirtless...*goes to look at him shirtless*yep I just died.<br />
Also in the story at the end "The anger the pain the sorrow it was embedded into one being and that was him...his brother"<br />
What does it mean that was him...his brother.<br />
What I'm getting from it is that Min Woo's brother loved some women a long time ago & Jae also. The women died loving Jae & the brother died somehow.<br />
Now many many years later Hyo Ki is like that womens family or something & Min Woo's brother is pissed & Min Woo can feel his brothers hate for Hyo Ki starting to liike Jae.<br />
Im so lost now lol...... Loved the chapter btw!!
Liqhtless #7
Okayy I was kinda lost with TOP & Min Woo's conversation :o<br />
Also Hyo Ki gets bullied to much lol..I'm sorry for her :p
AKTFReign #8
@kkhihi: yay! and I hope enjoy this update ;)<br />
@Liqhtless: Let your imagination run wild *uh oh* kekeke :D I know Hara was just an add on, minor character ;)
Liqhtless #9
Omg I can only imagine what it's like to be held by Min Woo & Jaejoong D;<br />
<br />
& Hara is so stupid for starting the fight .-.<br />
In the end she's left with no one ahahaha!~
aw~ we gotta no more about jae's past! XD!!