Chapter 5

I Fell For an Angel

Bang Bang...

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The two days before the weekend went by...painfully slow.

For one Jaejoong shii didn't lay off with the whole 'I owe him' charade but yet I had to fulfill another months worth of loyalty to him. Min Woo shii...well that day I came back, he was a changed person not only did he help me where he could but he always smiled.

"Will you be attending BoA's party tomorrow?" he stopped me in my path as I was about to leave for home.

I looked over at him, "Unnie said I might as well." I answered.

He just nodded, his eyes thoughtful before they met mine. "See you tomorrow then.." he said his eyes brighting up slightly.


Min Woo

Ugh..whats wrong with me he thought as he slumped back on his couch, he couldn't help but smile whenever Hyo Ki was around. Her perfect smiles and bright attitude made him feel as if something that was missing was back...but he didn't feel whole...just content.

He had been watching her for past few days, and he couldn't help but always watch out for her... especially when she was around Jaejoong...


Hyo Ki

I rubbed the back of my neck and lifted my eyes up at the dark sky as I walked down the pavement, out of nowhere I felt something back up behind me nearly knocking me over. I gritted my teeth holding my balance and looked over at the car door that was open. "Yah...are you blind..." okay she stole the words from my mouth.

I walked closer, "Maybe but you should watch..." I trailed off seeing Jaejoong shii getting out of the drivers seat. "Jaejoong shii.." I tilted my head and looked between the woman who was wearing barely anything suitable for her age. "Keep your little sister under control." I was edgy as hell especially after being kicked by him at work now his car doors were lashing out on me.

I turned away before anyone of two could say anything.


"What did she just say?" the woman said in a loud tone before storming off after Hyo Ki.

Jaejoong smirked in amusement hearing Hyo Ki shii , he came infront of Hara stopping her as he held Hara back by her arms. She calmed down looking up at Jaejoong with clown eyes as he mascara trailed down her cheeks.

He glanced back over at Hyo Ki who was walking with such determination that anyone who touched her was looking for trouble.

"So what now he's a player...oh mianhae Yoona but tomorrow I'm keeping you away from him." I announced.


Hyo Ki was already dressed not giving herself another look in the mirror, "Its 5 hours in counting...Yoona yah! Hurry up." She shouted sitting on the bed looking up at the time...they were late.

Yoona walked out and twirled around in front of Hyo Ki...


"Waah..." Hyo Ki commented.

Yoona gazed down at Hyo Ki almost studying her in disgust.

"Wae?" She questioned before Yoona grabbed Hyo Ki and placed her in front of the mirror.

"Isn't that the dress you wore last year?" Yoona stated.


Hyo Ki

I looked over at Yoona in the reflection, "we're late."

"Omo..." Yoona said staring at the time.

I was so glad that I didn't get any messages from the demon as we reached the grand hotel that the party was being held at. There were cameras going off everywhere, one person caught my eye and that was Min Woo... he looked perfect in his black tuxedo waving at the cameras, fangirls screaming.

Yoona was already having breathing difficulties, she was literally staring only at him.

"Hyo Ki shii.." I heard Min Woo's manager who waved over at us, gesturing for us to get in the other way where there was only a few people around.

I dragged Yoona from her spot and made our way in, "I promise i'll introduce you to him..." I said to Yoona who was pouting like a child. 

The hall was packed, with press, celebrities and all that other things that glittered.


Hara kept going on and on as Jaejoong tried to concentrate on the road, he felt her head rest against his shoulder but something or someone caught his attention on the side street he had just passed but it was only a flash as he looked up in his rearview mirror...but he couldn't make out the face.

He looked down over at his phone... wondering whether she was at home...wondering if he could somehow get her here to the party.


I looked down at my phone as it started to flash seeing his name pop up, but chose to ignore it. Yoona was like a child in a candy store, as she glanced around everywhere.

I glanced up feeling as if someone was staring at me and found No Min Woo shii looking towards my direction. He waved with a sheepish smirk as Yoona's face lit up and before I waved she waved back. I bowed slightly acknowledging him as he turned away talking to DBSK.

"Yah Hyo Ki...Saranghae." she squealed cuddling me in front of everyone.

I lowered my gaze awkwardly and smiled, "I love you too." I laughed.

A roar of screams erupted from outside, that only meant one thing...he was here.

Before I knew it, Yoona was dragging me to the front...He walked in smiling waving back at the cameras before entering the grand hall. That same girl from yesterday clung to him, showing of her pearly whites in front of the camera.


Hyo Ki turned around as soon as Jaejoongs gaze landed on her back, as she dragged Yoona away. He raised a brow at the scene but chose to ignore it but kept his eyes on the familiar figure that was slowly disappearing.

BoA was the last to make an entrance, everyones eyes were on her. "Waah BoA Unnie!" Yoona almost screamed.

Jaejoong greeted BoA with a hug, rumors were that they were like best friends. Hyo Ki looked down at her phone a few seconds later..."Get me some flu  med." he ordered. "I'm so cold." he sent another. "Hurry." Gosh!

Hyo Ki raised a brow, "So he's ill mmm..." She  lifted her gaze over to him who was laughing out loud with DBSK.

Jaejoong glanced down at his phone always waiting for a reply which he never got. Hyo Ki turned to Yoona, "can I have some painkillers?" I questioned. Yoona looked up over at Hyo Ki, before she could ask her if she was alright...she was gone off with the painkillers.


Hyo Ki

He was playing games alright, I stood behind him and everyones gaze fell on me... Jaejoong turned looking over his shoulder. His smile turned into a straight line, his mesmerizing eyes glanced over at me in shock as I smiled holding out painkillers.

I grabbed his wrist and placed the painkillers into his hand before curling his fingers, encasing the tablets in his fist. "If you want some more...then just ask." I smiled but my eyes were glaring away from him and bowed over at his friends.


As Hyo Ki was about to walk away, Hara splashed wine over Hyo Ki. It all happened too fast as Yoona appeared with a wine glass and now Hara's make up was melting onto her dress.

Min Woo heard the commotion and made his way near seeing Hyo Ki and Jaejoong behind her. "Yah!" He heard Hara as she grabbed Yoona's hair.

Min Woo curled his fingers around Hara's wrist and pulled her away as DBSK motioned for security, holding Yoona against his chest as he glanced over at Hyo Ki who was fuming silently inside herself.

"Here..." Jaejoong held out a hander kerchief in front of Hyo Ki.

She glanced at it before turning to Yoona as security took care of Hara, "Gwenchana?" I asked ...Yoona was more than okay, being held by her hero.

Hyo Ki glanced up over at Min Woo who had the same question in his eyes, she nodded once.

Jaejoong watched them leave, a hole in his pride as she ignored him.

BoA had seen the whole situation and as soon as Jaejoongs gaze turned away from Hyo Ki, she could sense the hurt and jealousy within his heart.

Hyo Ki...don't you dare think that it's over because I've just fired the first bullet's just the beginning.


"Where do you think your going?


Hi! ^_^

I left it as abit of a cliff hanger >.<

Hope you liked this chapter.... I want more comments *acts childish*


Thank you to ForeverFive, Liqhtless and kkhihi for commenting!

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Take Care



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that night better be nothing..or else =.="..ahaha jk!!
Liqhtless #2
>:o Oh no this makes the story turn a BoA's an angel...The things she can do!!!<br />
Anyways I love how jealous Jae is but who cab resist Min Woo <3
Liqhtless #3
Okay lol I get everything far lol.<br />
BoA is so =.= touching Min Woo..I should kill her >:o<br />
Also is BoA one of these angels?
what? i dont no the answer!! XD!!
AKTFReign #5
@Liqhtless: *hugs* Your nearly there with your guess, I know its confusing but Min Woo only has one brother and so does Jae :D I hope that helps. "The anger the pain the sorrow it was embedded into one being and that was him...his brother"<br />
What does it mean that was him...his brother.' There was only Hyo Ki and Jaejoong in that room so there's your answer ;) Aigoo I'm so sorry for making you confused, what I'll do in the next chapter is add a little bit of their past so it'll make it more understandable but every chapter is a cliffhanger for a reason and in the middle somewhere everything will come to light :D <br />
Thank you for commenting! I'm glad you loved this chapter ;)
Liqhtless #6
Is she starting to have feelings for him so soon lol :s<br />
& Min Woo shirtless...*goes to look at him shirtless*yep I just died.<br />
Also in the story at the end "The anger the pain the sorrow it was embedded into one being and that was him...his brother"<br />
What does it mean that was him...his brother.<br />
What I'm getting from it is that Min Woo's brother loved some women a long time ago & Jae also. The women died loving Jae & the brother died somehow.<br />
Now many many years later Hyo Ki is like that womens family or something & Min Woo's brother is pissed & Min Woo can feel his brothers hate for Hyo Ki starting to liike Jae.<br />
Im so lost now lol...... Loved the chapter btw!!
Liqhtless #7
Okayy I was kinda lost with TOP & Min Woo's conversation :o<br />
Also Hyo Ki gets bullied to much lol..I'm sorry for her :p
AKTFReign #8
@kkhihi: yay! and I hope enjoy this update ;)<br />
@Liqhtless: Let your imagination run wild *uh oh* kekeke :D I know Hara was just an add on, minor character ;)
Liqhtless #9
Omg I can only imagine what it's like to be held by Min Woo & Jaejoong D;<br />
<br />
& Hara is so stupid for starting the fight .-.<br />
In the end she's left with no one ahahaha!~
aw~ we gotta no more about jae's past! XD!!