Chapter 11

I Fell For an Angel

Hate bloody butterflies

"There you go." Yoona said smiling at the Hello Kitty plaster on Hyo Ki's lip.

"O." was all Hyo Ki could say seeing the time, yet again she was late but that dream last night had knocked her out in a daze.

"Hyo Ki ah." Yoona called out as she rushed down the stairs. "We're going out for drinks today." Yoona chimed seeing Hyo Ki stop midway and nod. Aigoo she was so cute like a lost child but something in her eyes was detached but Yoona just brushed it off.


Hyo Ki

I looked down at my phone turning it on only to be bombarded with a dozen messages.

Two from Min Woo shii asking me whether I was okay and if he should pick me up...Ugh awkward I just felt like I owed him and he didn't need to be askng this.

And 800 or so from ...I looked at his messages in disgust, one said... to be at his penthouse at 9 be on time or else he would add another week.

Within a second my phone went off, it was Jaejoong shii. I sighed before answering it..."Wae?" I questioned.

Jaejoong smiled into the phone whilst he was driving, "Maybe whilst your my maid... I might as well teach you some manners." He spoke.

I rolled my eyes walking down the street, "Manners?" I questioned him.

"Hmm manners." he copied my tone nodding.

"Maybe I should teach you on how to treat people properly Jaejoong shii." I almost growled and then smiled down the phone sarcastically.

"What was that?" he questioned coming to a stop at red lights. "You want me to add another two weeks?" he questioned.

I gritted my teeth, "Yah!" I shouted walking into the road.

Jaejoong lifted his gaze over to the woman in the road, realising who it was ..."Turn around." he said.

"What?" Hyo Ki said confused.

Jaejoong didn't repeat himself and just blasted the horn into her ears as she stopped to turn around...he caught her gaze before waving. "Get in." he ordered.

I narrowed my eyes before turning away and ignored him walking across the road.

Jaejoong gritted his teeth, throwing the phone onto the seat beside him and cut into the other road, other cars beeping him as he followed behind her.

I knew who's engine was behind me, silently roaring. I stopped in my path and looked down over at the car, seeing his face...his eyes covered with shades this time. I glanced away, "You do know I can get you done in for stalking right?" I said raising a fine brow.

He in return just smirked, "" he pointed letting out a chuckle. "The police won't even believe me." I saw him wink behind the dark shades. "get in."

I turned away again and began walking, "if not...I'll just tell Min Woo how much you want to quit and be my PA." he stated.

"Go ahead because I'll just deny it." I turned the corner.

Jaejoong his lips and smiled sheepishly...his heart became warm on seeing the anger on her face.


I had reached the building five minutes late...

Oh damn... Yoona was gonna have to wait until I had finished my part time job to have drinks together. I sent her a message on BB but something caught my eye, it was BoA's status.

Best night of my life

I gawked ...geeze what was she trying to say....I mean she' s a celeb but hang on I only knew she was around his last one else.

"Hyo Ki shii...what are you doing here today?" I heard Min Woo's manager.

I jumped in shock, only to scare him even more. "yah..." he said pointing at my lip. ""

I placed my finger on my lip to feel the plaster, "aah I accidentally fell when I asleep." I lied.

"Yah...You know not only does Min Woo have to look good but so does his PA..." he stated. "Hyo Ki shii look after yourself...unless you want me to buy you a bodyguard to protect yourself against uhhh yourself." he said pointing out.

I don't know why but I couldnt help but laugh at the joke, the way he put it sounded so funny.


Jaejoong & Min Woo

Jaejoong entered into the foyer behind his manager, hearing laughter seeing the receptionists glare. He followed her glare over to Hyo Ki who was laughing her head off...he couldnt help but stare...somehow she looked serene and so beaut- Yah! knock out of it Jaejoong...she's a commoner.

Min Woo was sat having a coffee, his head buried into a newspaper and out of nowhere he heard the most weirdest was his managers but there was also another person. He glanced up to find Hyo Ki laughing, but he also noticed the plaster which was slowly turning red.

He rushed over to her, as his mananger pointed it out. "Hyo Ki shii."

Jaejoong turned around in the lift to see Min Woo's hand under her chin lifting her head up, studying her lips. Out of nowhere he wanted to walk over to Min Woo and punched the lights out of him. "Your bleeding." Min Woo pointed out making Jaejoong feel she okay?


Hyo Ki

I felt someones hand under my chin and glanced up at eyes meeting his. "Min...woo...shii" I stuttered feeling my heart thumping loudly.

Huh why was I feeling like a thousand butterflies were attacking my stomach...I lowered my gaze before moving away.

"Your bleeding." he stated.

I removed the plaster and my lip, "ani..gwechana." I excused myself.


Annyeong! ^_^

Hope everyone of my readers are doing well :D

And I hope you enjoyed this chapter heheh its abit of a cute realisation chapter ;)

Thank you to my new subscribers thisonenickel, Gabrielagirl, juicy_evil & olaleza

Thank you to kkhihi & Liqhtless for commenting ;)

@Liqhtless: Yes BoA is an angel :)

Take Care




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that night better be nothing..or else =.="..ahaha jk!!
Liqhtless #2
>:o Oh no this makes the story turn a BoA's an angel...The things she can do!!!<br />
Anyways I love how jealous Jae is but who cab resist Min Woo <3
Liqhtless #3
Okay lol I get everything far lol.<br />
BoA is so =.= touching Min Woo..I should kill her >:o<br />
Also is BoA one of these angels?
what? i dont no the answer!! XD!!
AKTFReign #5
@Liqhtless: *hugs* Your nearly there with your guess, I know its confusing but Min Woo only has one brother and so does Jae :D I hope that helps. "The anger the pain the sorrow it was embedded into one being and that was him...his brother"<br />
What does it mean that was him...his brother.' There was only Hyo Ki and Jaejoong in that room so there's your answer ;) Aigoo I'm so sorry for making you confused, what I'll do in the next chapter is add a little bit of their past so it'll make it more understandable but every chapter is a cliffhanger for a reason and in the middle somewhere everything will come to light :D <br />
Thank you for commenting! I'm glad you loved this chapter ;)
Liqhtless #6
Is she starting to have feelings for him so soon lol :s<br />
& Min Woo shirtless...*goes to look at him shirtless*yep I just died.<br />
Also in the story at the end "The anger the pain the sorrow it was embedded into one being and that was him...his brother"<br />
What does it mean that was him...his brother.<br />
What I'm getting from it is that Min Woo's brother loved some women a long time ago & Jae also. The women died loving Jae & the brother died somehow.<br />
Now many many years later Hyo Ki is like that womens family or something & Min Woo's brother is pissed & Min Woo can feel his brothers hate for Hyo Ki starting to liike Jae.<br />
Im so lost now lol...... Loved the chapter btw!!
Liqhtless #7
Okayy I was kinda lost with TOP & Min Woo's conversation :o<br />
Also Hyo Ki gets bullied to much lol..I'm sorry for her :p
AKTFReign #8
@kkhihi: yay! and I hope enjoy this update ;)<br />
@Liqhtless: Let your imagination run wild *uh oh* kekeke :D I know Hara was just an add on, minor character ;)
Liqhtless #9
Omg I can only imagine what it's like to be held by Min Woo & Jaejoong D;<br />
<br />
& Hara is so stupid for starting the fight .-.<br />
In the end she's left with no one ahahaha!~
aw~ we gotta no more about jae's past! XD!!