
Comfort in Silence

   "Me too."

    Lee Chan gasped quietly at the words. He never thought Jihoon would reciprocate his feelings. 

    "What?" he asked impulsively.

    Jihoon gently gripped his shoulders, looking him in the eye. "Lee Chan. I've fallen in love with you, too."

    Eyes wide, Lee Chan stared mutely at Jihoon. He let out a choked noise.

    "You were there for me these past few months in a way that no one had ever been before, and I guess I just truly saw you for the first time, and I couldn't look away," Jihoon continued.

    Lee Chan's cheeks burned as he lowered his head in embarrassment at the words. He softly replied, "I just decided I wanted you to just be a little less lonely, and I guess I succeeded."

    Jihoon laughed. "You did."

    Lee Chan lifted his heard and fixed his gaze on Jihoon's eyes. There was a certain softness reflected in them that he rarely saw due to Jihoon being so guarded. It was strange to have this occurrence directed at him. A warmth filled his chest and as he smiled, Jihoon's mouth crinkled up as well.

    Jihoon opened his arms. "Chan, come here."

    Lee Chan obeyed easily, winding his arms around Jihoon's waist in return. Jihoon's fingers gently gripped around his shoulder blades, searing his skin with their warmth. The hug felt comfortable, like a sense of right.

    "Chan, before anything else happens, you have to let me know. Do you want a relationship?" asked Jihoon, his face resting near Lee Chan's ear.

    Lee Chan's heart began to race even faster, his mind filling with images of them together---happy and smiling faces; holding hands; kissing quietly in the darkness of Jihoon's studio.

    "Of course. I'm in love with you, aren't I?"

    With that, Jihoon pulled him even closer, tightening his grip slightly. He faintly murmured, "I'm so happy."

    That just made Lee Chan hug him even tighter in answer.

    After a few minutes of enjoying each other's warmth, Jihoon decided they should head back to the dorm for the night.

    As they exited the practice building and began to walk on the street, Lee Chan grabbed Jihoon's hand and threaded their fingers together. Jihoon squeezed their joined hands in return. 

    That night, Lee Chan fell asleep with a smile on his face.



    The next morning was strange. Jihoon, after his routine of staying in bed until the last possible second, sat down right next to Lee Chan as he was eating breakfast. Jihoon generally sat in the corner for a few minutes by himself before he was ready to talk in the mornings, so it was odd that he would choose to sit next to Lee Chan.

    He didn't attempt to start a conversation, just sat quietly beside Lee Chan as they ate. As Lee Chan shoved a particularly big portion of noodles into his mouth, a hand made its way to the small of his back, resting there. His heart felt warm at the small gesture.

    If anything seemed different than usual to the members, they didn't comment on it.

    Practice went by quickly, the night enveloping the studio in a flash. Wearily, the members trudged back to the dorm, trying to get in showers before midnight. 

    Lee Chan and Jihoon, as usual, stayed back. However, this time they made coffee together, walking into Jihoon's studio side by side. 

    Once they entered, Jihoon turned to Lee Chan and smiled slightly before taking a seat. He began to work and Lee Chan just sat next to him, thinking. 

    "You know, I'm really glad I decided to come in here all those months ago."

    Jihoon quietly chuckled. "Me too."

    "Do you still feel burdened?" Lee Chan asked after a few seconds.

    "Only slightly, now. Thanks to you."

    Jihoon turned to face him.

    "You kind of saved me, Chan. I was suffering under the weight of everyone's expectations, even if they meant well, and you dragged me out. And I love you for that."

    Lee Chan's breath caught in his throat. Every time he heard how much he had really affected Jihoon, his reaction was always the same. "I just wanted to make you happier."

    He hadn't realized he was leaning across his seat toward Jihoon until they were nearly nose to nose, finding each other's gaze in the darkness. 

    "You definitely did," Jihoon replied, gaze flickering briefly to Lee Chan's lips. 

    Lee Chan sighed, and that was it. Jihoon closed the distance between them, pressing their lips together. It was soft and slow for a few moments, their lips gently moving against each other. Then Lee Chan impulsively slipped his tongue past Jihoon's lips and felt liquid fire run through his veins. 

    Everything was suddenly too hot and not enough. He was overwhelmed: overwhelmed with the soft glide of Jihoon's lips against his, overwhelmed with the little noises he could hear as the kiss progressed. He felt an instinctive need to be closer and breaking the kiss, he left his chair, straddling himself across Jihoon's thighs. He leaned back in, trying to continue. However, he let out a soft whine as Jihoon avoided him, turning his attention to his neck.

    Jihoon gently led at the side of his neck, nipping at the skin occasionally. Lee Chan felt so needy. Like he might never be satisfied. Mercifully, Jihoon returned to his lips. Their tongues traced each other with sharp longing. When Jihoon gently bit down on his lower lip, a shiver traveled through his body. They broke away for a moment, panting. The darkness of the room felt heady as he gazed at Jihoon.

    Jihoon reached out a grasped the sides of Lee Chan's face, pulling him in and capturing his bottom lip briefly. As he pulled back, Lee Chan tried to follow put he was held in place by Jihoon's heavy stare. "I love you." He was pulled back in, kissed, and then pushed back again.

    "Lee." Another soft kiss.

    "Chan." Again.

    Lee Chan felt so warm. He felt like he was melting, like a candle that had been burning for too long. Each touch, each kiss made his heart ache with love. Love only for Jihoon. Love that was now, finally, shared.

    "I love you too, Lee Jihoon." And he meant it, with all his heart.

    He thought back to those months ago. Jihoon alone in his studio. Jihoon quietly suffering by himself. He, Lee Chan, had really truly been able to make him a little less lonely. There was nothing else he could want.

    Even in silence, he had been able to be of some comfort to Jihoon. And, as they stayed up together into the night, Lee Chan couldn't keep the smile off his face. 

    Strangely, neither could Jihoon.


A/N: This is the last chapter. Thanks to everyone for reading and sorry I couldn't update regularly. I hope you enjoyed this story! :) I may add on a few short snippets in the future if I feel like adding on to this story, but for now, this is the end. I will now try to continue my other DiWoo story if any of you are interested in reading it. Please look forward to it! :) 

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Chapter 9: This is so beautiful despite the lack of dialogues and the conversations. It strangely made this story comforting and calming. What a sweet and lovely read. I love how their relationship developed, from Chan keeping Jihoon company and the gazes they exchanged with each other. It felt real to me in some unknown way. I love it even more when Chan began to realize his true feelings towards Jihoon. This is such a rare pairing I would say. Nevertheless, I love it. Thank you for writing this heartwarming story, dear. It's beautiful. Seriously.
minseokkie99 #2
Chapter 9: i still finding myself come to read this fic again sometimes omg i miss the diwoo feels so much i love this fic ;^;
This was just perfect ;; they fell in love with each other and I fell in love with this story. This was all I needed for today, I just- hnng. Loved it. Thank you~
Will definitely check your other stories~
Chapter 9: It's my first time seeing this ship and the name for it is cute! I see your story in greyish navy blue, as the colour of Jihoon's studio and in kinda greyish pastel pink, mix of Dino longer hair and Woozi's hair. I always try to find the colours during reading.
I thought it's gonna be extremely cute seeing Dino here, he's always portrayed as the innocent one. And it was. What can I say more? Chan caring of Woozi made my heart flutter. It was so gentle, I was surprised it hasn't got a lot of dialogues - it makes the story very special and calm. My favourite part is when Dino realised his feelings.
I can't understand my feelings towards this story because of the pairing. Their relationship seemed to me as the impossible one, because Chan is young, Jihoon is a bit older hard-worker which is almost on top because he makes the most important thing - produces music. It's like you can't touch him, because he's more important, but Channie was slowly breaking the rule and for the first time seeing his hyung crying :'<
Thanks for colouring my day into greyish navy blue and pink~
Toriwufan #5
Chapter 9: You finally updated!!! Yaaaayyy
And u ended it !? Aww but it's ok
It was so cuteeeeeee omg omg omg
I ship them so much and there aren't any fanfics for it
Except this
Sm17eNhyx15 #6
Chapter 9: Please make more diwoo fanfics~
I'll be waiting...... ^-^
minseokkie99 #7
Chapter 9: /wipes my diwoo tears/ they finally together im crying how beautiful
someonenameless #8
Chapter 9: That ending is so good thank you for writing this yess please for the snippets