Chapter 9: Hope

Second Chance

Jungkook’s POV

“T-This..This is…ME?!!!” I shout in disbelief.

“W-What is this? H-How he knew me?” I become anxious. I don’t have any memory of meeting him when I was kid.

“T-Try to think, Jeon Jungkook…T-Try to remember” I take in a long breath before close my eyes. I try to remember any memory when I was kid.

“Yeahh..I remember came to this village several times to visit my grandma..” I open my eyes before continue.

“But we stopped coming two years ago after my grandma passed away” I look at the picture again.

“This…This is the playground in front of this house!” Now I remember went to this playground every time we came here. I always came here alone every time my mother scolded me for always asked my grandma to buy me ice cream. I played here by myself since I didn’t have any friend in this village. I run to the window where I can see the playground.

“So..This is where the picture of me was taken” I stare at the playground.

“I want to know more…Why Jimin had picture of me? How he know me?” I whisper to myself.

“Yeahhh…I’ve to know more!” I say before start to rummage the room. I’ve to find something. Something that relate to Jimin when he’s living. I search at every corner of the room.

“This is his room. He must left something…Please..I’ve to find something!” I scream while eagerly searching for anything relate to Jimin. I look at all the drawer, the shelf. But I found nothing. I’m not giving up as try to look at down the bed. I extend my hand, want to reach any thing. Then my hand brush to something. I immediately take out that thing.

“Finally…Found something…” I sigh. I look at the book in my hand. It looks like another diary. But this time with black cover and look older than the previous one. I sit on my bed and just stare at the diary. I’m not sure of what to do. I eager to open the diary and know more about the ghost but at the same time…I’m scared…I’m scared to know the truth. I’m scared to know everything. I take in a long breath before start to open the diary.


8th October 2008

It’s another awful day…..I’ve to go to school. I hated school…


12th October 2008

I came back from school with bruise all over my body. They punched me. They kicked me. Just because they don’t like me. They said I look like a girl. They don’t like the way I talk. And they said I’m too weak to be a boy. It’s my fault? That I born like this?  


17th October 2008

Nobody understand me…Sometime I wonder…Which one is better..Hate everyone or hate myself?


24th October 2008

I can’t take it anymore…I don’t want to go to school! I want to keep locking myself in my room like this..


12th January 2009

Finally my parent understood me. I don’t have to go to school. I just have to study in my room. My parent call tutor to teach me. I relief I don’t have to go out of this house again


20th January 2008

Now, I only trust my parent. I don’t need anyone else…As long as I have them, I’ll be okay

13th March 2009

When I looked at the window, I saw someone. A kid, with big eyes and pale skin. He seems younger than me. He’s so beautiful. He sat alone on the swing. I’ve never see him around before. Who is he?


20th May 2009

That boy again…Still sit there alone. I wonder if he has any friend. He looks so beautiful sit on that swing. The wind blows make his hair move softly. His cute face under the sunlight…I can’t just let this beautiful moment go. I search for my camera before take some pictures of him.


15th July 2009

He again…At the same spot. He’s eating ice-cream alone there. I want to approach him and play with him. I want to be friend with him. But I’m a coward. Not brave enough to do so. So I just can stare at him from a this…


30th September 2009

Today is the end of September. I know he’ll come here once in two month. But I didn’t see him around this month. Did he stop coming to this playground. I hope he will come again. I already miss him.


2nd February 2010

It’s the worst. I’ve stayed at the hospital for a month. My parent and I got into a car accident. And I’m the only survival. Why? Why they don’t take me with them? Why they leaving me like this? How I supposed to live? I can’t live without them…


20th February 2010

My aunt took me to her house. She said she will look after me. But her husband don’t like me .He always came home in drunk. And he keep abused me, almost every night. Omma…Appa…Please, help me..Please…


4th April 2010

I can’t take this anymore…I want to die.. it's no use for me to live anymore…


23th May 2010

Actually, I want to commit suicide. I want to end this cruel life of mine. But yesterday dream prevent me to do that. I dream of that boy. The boy at the playground. In my dream, he said please don’t die. He said I still have him and he promise he’ll make me happy. Although I don’t really understand why he came into my dream, but I want to belief in what he said. Eventhought it was just a dream, but I want to belief it. I want to go out of this house and go back to my house. I don’t mind to stay alone there. It’ll be better than stay in this hell. I want to wait for that boy.


20th February 2011

Now, it’s almost a year since I stay in this house alone, waiting for him. But he never shows up. He’s the only reason for me to continue this life now. So, I keep waiting for him. I want to see him again. Want to hear the words that he told me in my dream again. I want to meet him. If I have that chance, I’ll never let it go again. I’ll ask him to be my friend. I WILL!


That is the last word.

“W-What happened to him?” I just want to know everything now that my head begin to ache.

“Is the boy that he kept waiting is really..m-me?” I can’t belief what I just read. This is too much…Why he living in such a cruel life?

“He waited for me in such a long time…. And…And I’m the reason for him to continue living but..But what I’ve done…” Without I realize, my tears start to roll down my cheeks.

“After finally meet me…although n-not in human form..b-but..I…to him..” I start sobbing with my crack voice.

“Jimin, I’m sorry..I-I…I’m really sorry…Sorry..” I keep repeating that word. Now I regret everything.

‘Why I don’t meet you back then?’

‘Why your life is so cruel?’

‘Why I’m so cruel to you?’

‘Why I make you gone?’

All of this thought running in my mind. I take the book before press it onto my chest. I lie on my bed. Tears can’t stop from come out from my eyes. I close my eyes before hug the book tighter. I just want to turn back time. I want to begin with him. I want a second chance. For me..and for him…




First of all, I want to apologise for this super late update. I just..Emm..Actually, I already prepared the plot of this story from the beginning. But when this angst part comes out, I stuck. I realised that I’m bad with angst. I feel like want to delete this fic, but before I do that, I want to ask you. If you guys disappointed in this fic. Should I continue this fic or just abandon it. Please tell me..please…If you want me to continue, I’ll continue..

Btw, Thanks for keep supporting me till now. I love you guys so much <3

And just want to say that Wings album is really DAEBAK that going me crazy!

Annyong!  >3<

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Chapter 12: oh gosh this is amazing.plz update soon author nim
nurishanizam #2
Chapter 12: its make me excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Noctis_luna98 #3
Chapter 12: Omg i loovveeee you story sooo muchhhhh (ㄒoㄒ)(ㄒoㄒ)(ㄒoㄒ)(┳Д┳)(┳Д┳)♥♥♥♥ cant wait for next updateee!! love you authornimmm!!( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥( ˘ ³˘)♥
Chapter 12: Update sooooon TT
Chapter 12: omg urg cliffhanger but im so so sooo happy to see this updated! !!!
Jaemin376 #6
Chapter 12: I can't wait for the next chapter!!! Please don't leave us hanging!!! X()
Chapter 12: Seriously thank you so much for updating. When I will finish this story, I feel like I could die in piece. Waah Jimin and Jungkook are so cute and the last line isnt fair. I want to read the other chapter ASAP but dont worry. You can just work in your pace. I will always be waiting for more updates ^^ and no worries, I will keep on giving my reviews on each chapter. All in all I really like this story :D
jiminfan #8
Chapter 12: Whatttttttttt
I can't wait the next chapter so hope u update soon
Chapter 11: umm I found this story just now but you havent upload for so long T^T please update :'(