Pain, thoughts and more pain.

Adopted By 5 Seconds Of Summer

SThis was bad, I can't, I told myself not to. This is exactly what I was afraid of.. or well one thing I was afraid of. Their plan is working out perfectly, that's good for them but bad for me. What was I'm going to do.. My head started aching from all the thoughts racing through it. I groaned, pain didn't exactly agree with me. I hated it. Pain was my weakness, it's kinda everyone's but it's a big weakness. That's probably why I give in so early and so much, pain makes me spill everything. The more I thought the worse the aching become. I felt my head throbbing. I whimpered, bringing my fingertops up to my temples and softly rubbing, it hurt so bad and I could barely think anymore. 

Pain , that's all that was running through my head, pain and a lot of pain. I could feel the tears now rolling down my head, dampening my cheeks, I cried in pain. It was overwhelming and I couldn't take it anymore. I quickly sat up off the bed. I cried out as it hurt me more. I stood up, making my way towards the door, opening it and stepping out. I painfully walked down the stairs, I hope they're not down here. The stairs made no noise as I silently climbed down them, I made my way through the hallway until I was in the door way of the living room where all four of them sat quietly talking. 

They didn't even notice me. 

Calum was talking about a score of a soccer game or something and when Ashton looked up he saw me. 

His face instantly flushed, concern written on every angle of his face. 

He quickly climbed to his feet and rushed over to me, bringing me softly into his chest. "Baby, what's wrong?" he coo'ed wiping my damp cheeks, and the tears that continued to stream down my face. I could feel everyone else's conserved stared but Ashton's chest blocked my views. "I-I don't know my head" I whimpered in pain, squeezing it tightly. He pried my fingers away, them softly, making them un-tense. 

"Shh, it's alright darling, we'll get you some Advil" he whispered softly. (I don't know what kind of head ache medication any of you use but in Malaysia, where i live we use Advil and stuff yeah) 

I didnt nod, afraid that I couldn't handle anymore pain in one day. He asked Luke to run and get it while he hugged me in his chest. "Why dont we may down yeah?" he said, slowly walking to the couch, laying down and laying me on his chest. 

I continued to cry, staining his shirt. 

Luke came back and handed Ashton 2 small red pills and a glass of water. I had a hard time swallowing pills when I was in pain. 

Ashton handed them to me and I swallowed the, one at a time. Coughing at the gross after taste. 

I shivered. "are you cold love?" he asked. I didn't want to shake my head so I just shurgged.

Calum threw a small blanket over to Ashton and he covered us up with it. He was so warm, and his shooting, manly scent made it.... easier for me to start to drift off, and before I knew it I was sighing quietly before closing my eyes.

So much for the whole no falling idea. 



I know it's short urgh!!

And sorry for not updating a lot and not making really long chaoters, I'm bad at that. Hopefully I'll improve. 

But I've just been busy with school and studying for exams and other shirt an ugh school is tiring. 

Honestly, damn it. But i need it. 

Why must life be so complicated?
Anyways, there is an update, pretty much dedicated to Brixttany. Bc she told me to update. 

so sorry for the grammar and wrong spelling luls. I'm not actually got at writing but I tried lol.

SOOO happy reading guys and thankyou for spending time <33333

Lots of love, 



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Omg <3
It is so weird to see a 5SOS fanfiction here on AFF. BUT OMG! Don't stop writing! <3
Sorry, but how does 5 Seconds of Summer qualify as "Asian" fanfiction? Like, they're from Australia, right? Wouldn't it be more appropriate to post this to say or something?