Lost Boy

That's the thing about life

"There was a time when I was alone, with no where to go and no place to call home. My only friend was the man in the moon.. and even sometimes he would go away to.."

After lunch I went to Library to read a book since I have read all the ones I have about five times already. The Library was empty so I put my backpack on the couch so when I got a book I could sit back down and read. I found a good book then heard a feminine voice behind me.


"Your the only one I seen here all day." I was shocked by the voice, but even more shocked by their statement.


"Are you for real? Why is it so empty?", I asked.


"Kids don't appreciate books these days.", she said.


"You'll see more than this trust me!",I laughed. "..I'm guessing your the Librarian?"


"Yes I am . And I guess you must be a new student?", she smirked. I like her.


"Alex", I smiled. "Ms. Hwa", she smiled and shook my hand.


"Well you just enjoy that book you got there and I will be at my desk!", she smiled.


"Thank You." "No problem sweety."


She looks so young.. She can't even be in her thirties.. I admired her while she walked away. Then I finally stopped and went to the couch. Reading a Peter Pan book. Hey I'm still a child at heart... I want to go to Never land. With the Lost Boy's. And maybe have fun while never growing up. I smiled at my childish imagination. I got up from the couch and put up the book I just read and started to work from my binder to waste sometime.


I woke up from a push to my shoulder and seen Ms. Hwa smiling at me. I sat up quickly and apologized while bowing my head low.


"It's okay sweety. I understand how boring the Library can be.", she chuckled.


"I swear it's not like that I-"


"I'm just kidding! Your flustered face is so cute!" She smiled.


"Oh.." She acts so natural around me. As if we've known each other for a while. I.... Like it I smiled.


"Sweety, the bell rung  a period ago, but I didn't want to wake you up." she said as her face because serious. I jumped up quickly in a panic.


"What!?! How could I-", "Calm down I seen your schedule and called your Music teacher that you we're busy helping me.." she mumbled while looking down


Adorable. Why did I say that she's older then me. "Thank You. Really."


"That was nothing,  but get to your last period, because I don't want you to miss anymore classes!" her voice was more of a tone that your Mother would talk to you with.


"Yes ma'am." I smiled and packed up my stuff. "Come back when ever!" she waved as I ran out the Library. "I will!"


I made it to Athletics without being late and quickly changed into my clothes so I wouldn't have to listen about gossip. When will they ever talk about themselves? I rolled my eyes just thinking about it. I quickly went out.

"Okay, so today will be a free day. We will be playing dodge ball!", the girls screamed happily while the boys were kind of upset. Maybe they want to play Soccer and be jerks! I was thinking of childish mean words in my head


"Okay...", the Coach said weirdly. "But it's girls against boys."


"Ugh." every girl said.


"What if I get hit in the face.", one gasped.


"I might pull something" another frowned.


While the boys....


"I'm glad I didn't skip today."




I was confused at first why do the boys want to play against us? Are they trying to hurt the girls? I thought they liked the girls in this class. I mean no makeup would be pretty,but Idk.. "Ok. Boys on one side girls on the other."... Let the games begin?.. The whistle was blown. I waited for the boys and girls to get the ball first so I wouldn't get out trying to get the ball.  As five girls ran to the line the boys were quicker and got them out. I waited for a ball to come towards me and threw it at one of the boys who were to busy laughing at a girl he got out since he hit her face with a ball. He was the rude one from yesterday! Score. This is my faavv game now. He looked at me and glared I made sure to smile and wave at him. Keeping my attention back to the game I notice some girls got some boys out, but not a lot.. They have been more girls, but the guys were better. I seen other balls I could throw at some one making sure to aim low. haha. I got about six guys out, so there was about ten boys and five girls still playing now. Then it was only me and one of the 'cool kid'girl who didn't let me play volleyball yesterday. I swear she cheated. She came from no where! I didn't pay attention to her since for now we were team mates. The five guys left were Suga, Jimin, Jongkook and these two other boys who I don't know...Then I fell to the ground. I got hit in the face.

"Opps. I thought you were a boy, I am soo sorry.", she said. She wasn't sorry. Some of the girls laughed and a couple of the guys did to. While she was laughing she got hit in the face. HARD. I looked at the boys side and they all had an innocent look on their face. Okay what she did was rude and what they did was mean... but why is this funny? She got up quickly and glared then ran off.

"Ok... that was an interesting game. Round two!?!", Coach said.

Finally we were done playing dodge ball and got to go change. I was tired since I was always the last girl so I had to run around a bit. Then all the guys held on to all the balls and threw them all together. Of course I was out.. I was putting my clothes in my locker when- *clap, clap*


"Well done Alex looks like you are good at something.", she faked a smile. I was good yesterday too when I beat everyone.


"Yea, I guess so. Don't be to shock there WILL be more." I smirked. Nice comeback Alex.! I mentally high fived myself.


"Bring it on." there wasn't even a hint of a smile. I just smiled and walked away.


I was heading out of school when Rap Monster came up to me and said, "You were great out there in Athletics to day!"


"Yea, and don't mind Lizzy the girl who hit you she doesn't really like... anyone."


"I can tell." I laughed at Jongkooks statement.


"Where were you today in Music class we missed you.", Jin said.


"Oh, I was in the library sleeping reading." I smiled.


"When did we have a Library?" "We have a Library?" were the only response I got..


"Oh boy.."

Author's Note


So I hope you like it.. :) And I am VERY happy I got more subbies!!! Please do comment! Tell your friends! < jk.. 

|| BeautifulDistraction











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1Dforever #1
Chapter 17: I really love this story ! It's awesome !!! I can't wait for your next update!!!
Chapter 17: This is really good~ Waah! I usually comment with a calm words,but thus time i can't ! This chapter was just so interesting!!!
eya123456 #3
Chapter 13:love it cant wait for more updates
peuntee #4
Chapter 16: Cant wait for your updates ♡♡
lilred101 #5
Chapter 16: Wow! I love it! Thank you so much for this story! I can't wait for the next chapter! :)
Number2elf #6
Chapter 14: Lol, i just noticed that your cover for the story has the credits for winters tale
Markismyofficialbae #7
Chapter 15: Omg this is such a cute story. Please update soon author-nim
Chapter 15: New subie❤
Chapter 15: ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
peuntee #10
Chapter 10: Aithornim i cried reading the paragraph at the top by Shannon L. Alder, it really touched my heart <3