You found me

That's the thing about life

“You can talk with someone for years, everyday, and still, it won't mean as much as what you can have when you sit in front of someone, not saying a word, yet you feel that person with your heart, you feel like you have known the person for forever.... connections are made with the heart, not the tongue.”

- C. JoyBell C.




Jumping out of his arms I let my hair fall over my face while wiping my face off attempting to make it look natural. Alex you were not crying.. Remember that. Besides why would he care. tch.  Looking back up to him seeing his unfazed face I knew he had no clue that I had a problem. Mumbling a quick and quiet  'thanks' I walked away and headed for the bus stop. Feeling a soft hand clasped around my wrist caught me off guard since the whole day was harsh. Turning around finding that the hand belonged to Suga himself surprised me. He didn't even turn to look at me just kept going forward.His hands were very smooth and warm the opposite of mines which were always cold. Then after a while his hand held mine,but I flinched due to the cut on  my hand and I guessed he knew something was wrong so he let go and looked at me with concerned eyes. It seemed like he had something to say,but didn't say it quick enough since the bus had stop and we were about to walk up. He let me go first on the bus which I was thankful for his manners. I sat down in the back by a window seat since looking outside while the bus going is a calm feeling.


Staring outside all I could do was have flashbacks. How could I be so stupid to actually think some one who could like me as a person, as a.. friend.  My vision started to become blurry, but quickly cleared up from the face I was making. Then I felt those hands again grabbing my hands lightly going over the scrap while I slightly winced. Looking over seeing him again was surprising one, the fact that he was sitting by me by his own will two, he was holding my hands for no reason well to me it was.


"How did this happen? It looks fresh.."


"I fell. Where were you today?" I lied but it wasn't a lie I DID fall.


"Mhm... and something came up."


Rolling my eyes I started to listen to music on my phone and looked outside of the window again. Still oblivious to the fact that my hand was still be held I just closed my eyes and listen to the music.


"Lost and insecure

you found me, you found me

Lying on the floor

Surrounded , surrounded

Why'd you have to wait?

Where were you? Where were you?

Just a little late

You found me, you found me."


Almost falling asleep I felt someone shaking my shoulder. With my eyelids half closed half open I looked at Suga to see him standing up and almost walking out of the bus doors. tch. I take that back no manners. Finally noticing my surroundings I knew we were close to my house. Turning to Suga I bowed to him and started to walk off since I actually knew where to go.!  Now on the block where my house I heard foot steps so pretty much picked up my pace a.k.a. ran. Almost reaching the gate to enter I felt some one touch me so I turned around quick with my hair all in my face and threw my fist back ready to hit when the stranger caught it. Using my right foot I attempted to kick the person when my foot was caught too. Then I was flipped over their back while being held by my right leg and right arm. I was about to scream when..


"When being run up on you're quick, but when it comes to attacking you hesitate to hurt them.. that is not good."


"What the heck is wrong with you!!! I could've have a heart attack! Idiot."


"I was just trying prove how dangerous it is for you to be walking.." he smirked


"Point proven." I gritted my teeth in anger. "Now put me down."


Suga walked through the gate and to the door. "Keys." he said. Rolling my eyes I took of my little bracelet which had a key to the house on it. No I do not wear it all the time I always have it ready for when I am going into my house and I know its going to be lock, which is all the time. He sill had me over his shoulder which I know was getting tiring for him since I am not the lightest person. Walking into the house in the living room I finally spoke up.


"Can you let me down."


"Oh yea, I didn't notice you were just so light." he smirked


Haha, that was soo funny I forgot to laugh. I was too tired to move so I plopped myself on the couch. Somehow the tv was on so I just used to help me fall asleep. Before I let sleep take over I felt something draped over me and then my eyes closed. Letting myself forget all the worries from today..

Authors Note

Okay.. this a surprise since I have so many subsssssss :D .. Yay. Sorry for the cliffhanger big chance this won't be the last time. Have a nice day guys!

|| BeautifulDistraction



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1Dforever #1
Chapter 17: I really love this story ! It's awesome !!! I can't wait for your next update!!!
Chapter 17: This is really good~ Waah! I usually comment with a calm words,but thus time i can't ! This chapter was just so interesting!!!
eya123456 #3
Chapter 13:love it cant wait for more updates
peuntee #4
Chapter 16: Cant wait for your updates ♡♡
lilred101 #5
Chapter 16: Wow! I love it! Thank you so much for this story! I can't wait for the next chapter! :)
Number2elf #6
Chapter 14: Lol, i just noticed that your cover for the story has the credits for winters tale
Markismyofficialbae #7
Chapter 15: Omg this is such a cute story. Please update soon author-nim
Chapter 15: New subie❤
Chapter 15: ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
peuntee #10
Chapter 10: Aithornim i cried reading the paragraph at the top by Shannon L. Alder, it really touched my heart <3