I'm here..

That's the thing about life
“It's really a wonder that I haven't dropped all my ideals, because they seem so absurd and impossible to carry out. Yet I keep them, because in spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.”
- Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl


Opening my eyes to find out that the puppy I was touching was the fluffy pillow that was decorated on the sofa. Frowning I sat up with a blanket falling off me. What the heck?!? Trying to get myself fully awake I stared at the T.V. screen wondering how long has it been watching me. Maybe I should just sleep some more. That's a good idea!


"Are you going to keep nodding your head at the tv?" Turning around startled to see Suga looking amused. "I mean I get if your agreeing with what ever their talking about, but its on mute.."


Why am I surprised. Rolling my eyes I stood up to go to the kitchen. My eyes widen at all the food on the table... I touched my nose You have failed me. Grabbing a fork and getting some eggs on it I stuffed my mouth and smiled.


"That's soo unlady like."


"Who says I'm a lady?" smirking with my mouth full of eggs just to get a disgusting look from Suga.


Halfway through with my eggs and lovely toast I was eating Suga sat down right across from me and stared.  "Get your own." I tugged the plate closer to me.


"Tch. I don't need the food I already ate besides I am the one that made this!", rolling my eyes I continued to eat.


"What happed back there." hearing a lighter tone.


I only took a bite out of my eggs then went to gabbed another piece of bread in the middle of the table only to get my hand tugged on and turned around.


"This isn't something you'd run into me for while crying." pointing to my hand. I tried to pull my hand out from his, but his hold on my wrist got tighter, wincing I looked up to see anger in them.


"What happened?" his voice was now raised higher which caused me to look down.


Let go of me. Leave me alone..I don't have to tell you it's not important. tch. Getting my whole body pulled to stand up shocked me not as bad as seeing him right by me looking down at my with his hand still tight around mine.. "Well?!?" hearing him yell made me look down just to have my chin get yanked to meet his eyes. Shaking with tears blurring up my vision I pushed him just to get a better distance away. He looked at me with wild eyes, but I had to much anger boiling to notice.


"Why do you care?! Huh? You don't have to know!" I said with my fist clenched.


"I don't maybe I shouldn't care! I shouldn't care about how tough you try to act like in front of people as if you don't care!"


"Then what about you? You act as if you're the baddest of them all, as if you're too cool to say anything!!"


"That's because no ever cared enough to actually know me!"


"You push everyone away how do you expect for them to try?"


"I tried to push you away and you're still here."


I stopped with the argument and looked into his eyes which were so vulnerable and hurt. Which he looked down not trying to meet my eyes. What did I just do..  My breathe started to pick up and I was hesitating to speak so I slowly wrapped my arms around him feeling him stiffen and slowly wrapped his arms around my waist then him silently crying onto my shoulder which made me wrapped my arms tighter around him.


"I don't.. know what you have been through. I'm sorry for getting you this upset but-" I released from the hug and made him look down toward me "- I'm here.. ok. You don't have to push me away anymore." with shaking hands I led him to the couch and sat down with him right beside me. He laid down on my lap and I played with his hair, while he lightly started to make weird shapes on my thigh with his fingers.


I'm not like everyone else..  I knew that Suga would act like this never happened, but for now I want him to know he had someone there while it did happen. I may too quick to judge, but I actually see something in Suga he was different..I don't think I could fully trust... Trust was like giving someone a bullet while they held the gun up to your head... sigh. Looking down to see him fast asleep I brushed a few strands of hair out of his pale face I couldn't help but question.


Who exactly are you?


So ... how was this? I know short, but..? What is you reaction to this? TOO SOON? :) Sorry not sorry. Lets see what happens next ;) Now I shall eat some food and rest.. haha Love all of yall!!






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1Dforever #1
Chapter 17: I really love this story ! It's awesome !!! I can't wait for your next update!!!
Chapter 17: This is really good~ Waah! I usually comment with a calm words,but thus time i can't ! This chapter was just so interesting!!!
eya123456 #3
Chapter 13:love it cant wait for more updates
peuntee #4
Chapter 16: Cant wait for your updates ♡♡
lilred101 #5
Chapter 16: Wow! I love it! Thank you so much for this story! I can't wait for the next chapter! :)
Number2elf #6
Chapter 14: Lol, i just noticed that your cover for the story has the credits for winters tale
Markismyofficialbae #7
Chapter 15: Omg this is such a cute story. Please update soon author-nim
Chapter 15: New subie❤
Chapter 15: ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
peuntee #10
Chapter 10: Aithornim i cried reading the paragraph at the top by Shannon L. Alder, it really touched my heart <3