A "date" with an Angel

Meet The Kim

Choi Siwon, a very handsome actor, the proud alumni of SM Institute of Arts. He comes from a very wealthy family, owning some of the biggest companies in South Korea. He graduated from the Institute about a year ago, and he directly recruited y the biggest entertainment agency in the country. All the movies and dramas he’s starring always rise up to the top.
Choi Siwon, despite his direct success, remains a humble man. He’s always friendly towards other, very respectful to the elders, and helpful to the younger. This morning though, before he went to his shoot, he received a call from his teacher in the institute. He was asked to be a moderator and guest speaker for a workshop that will be held this week. Even though he’s busy with his sometimes clashing schedule, he agreed to it directly and said he will be there this afternoon.

So, here he is. In his alma mater, he’s roaming around the school ground. When he deems he’s going to be late, he heads to the Film Department. He takes the shortcut, which is through the library, before he’s late. But on the way there, his manager calls him and says something about the fan meeting schedule. He has to take out his tablet to search for his schedule, so he’s unaware of his surrounding. Thus, he bumps into someone. Someone who is really pretty, cute, yet handsome at the same time, if it possible. The cute boy brings lots of thick and heavy books, all of them are about music. He, ever the helpful person he is, helps the cute boy to bring most of the books to the Music Club. There, he meets with one of his teacher and finds out the cute boy’s name. KIM JONGWOON.

The Club is finished at exactly 5 pm. Everyone gather their belongings and after some talks here and there, and some briefings from the Leader, they go home. Jongwoon, Ryeowook, and Henry help Mr. Park collect all the things scatter after the Club, they don’t notice someone still standing there, looking really contemplative toward Jongwoon.

How can such a frail body can possess such a remarkable, exceptionally wonderful voice like that, Kyuhyun still thinking silently, looking at Jongwoon’s direction, while the latter keeps on chatting and joking with his cousin and friend. He’s so lost in his thought, he doesn’t notice Jongwoon approaches him.
“Kyuhyun, are you okay? Do you feel hurt anywhere?” Jongwoon asks worriedly. After the “petrified” incident in the classroom, Kyuhyun seems to be in a daze. His eyes are unfocused, he’s sometimes a little bit out of tune, Jongwoon gets really worry.
“Huh? Oh, I’m okay. Well, it’s already late, I better go home now. See you,” Kyuhyun turns on his heels and walks out of the Club. Jongwoon just furrows his brows, eyes full of concern. He’s the leader, he needs to help s in any situation. He snaps out of his reverie when Ryeowook gently tugs his baby hand.
“Let’s go Woonie hyung. Let’s go home,” Ryeowook says with his bright smile. Jongwoon also smiles at his cousin and walks out of the room to meet with Heechul at the parking lot.

“WE’RE HOME!!!!!!!!!”
The boys shout from the hallway to the living room. They stroll inside and go straight to the living room where their parents/guardian are sitting there leisurely, watching TV.
“Boys! Welcome home!” Mrs. Kim greets them, and opens his arms wide to hugs each one of them, holding Jongwoon close to her in the end. Jongwoon just snuggles to his Mom contently.
“Jongwoonie, go change your clothes. After that we’ll have dinner. Mom already cooked all delicious foods for you,” Mrs. Kim nudges his middle son gently, brushing his silky black hair lovingly,” All of you go change your clothes now and have dinner.” With that said, all the boys go upstairs to their rooms to shower and change out of their clothes to more comfortable pajama. After that The Kim are having dinner together happily.

This morning, because Heechul has to go somewhere for some photo session or something, Jongwoon has to be crammed inside Kangin’s car. Oh, the injustice. Kangin is only one and a half years younger than him, but he can get his own car, while Jongwoon should be hitching a ride, even when he’s a good driver himself.
“Hyung, I have class until 3 pm today. Kibum and me also have to help the preparation for the workshop, so we will be home late today okay,” Kangin briefs his Hyung about his schedule. Jongwoon just hums in understanding.
“You’ll still have me Woonie Hyung. My classes will be over at 3 pm and I have no other activities today,” Ryeowook tells his cousin, cheekily grinning. Jongwoon just chuckles at the bubbly boy and ruffles his hair.
“Thank you Wookie-ah. At least I won’t be lonely waiting for these actors to finish their begrudging schedule,” Jongwoon says jokingly, earning a low growl from Kangin, and a very rarely snort from Kibum.

Jongwoon roams around the Music Department before his only class of the day started in...2 hours. Everyone is already at the class, even though some seniors are seemed to running around to finish their final projects. Music notes on the right hand, some books on the left hand, earphone plug in their ears. Jongwoon is excited to be the part of that vicious cycle, since that means he will be graduated. He’s on his way to the library to return some books he borrowed when someone’s taking his baby hand prisoner. He looks dreadfully to the hand attached to his hand, and looks up to see the owner of the hand and release a shaky breath.

“Leeteuk Hyung, you’re scaring me,” Jongwoon whines cutely, hand runs to his chest to calm his palpitating heart. Leeteuk just chuckles and coos silently at the boy in front of him. This boy is just too cute for his own good, Leeteuk muses, still smiling his angelic smile.
“I’m so sorry Yesungie. It’s just that I need to talk to you before I go to my class,” Leeteuk fills in. He stands up straight and walks beside Jongwoon towards the library, quite far way back to his class actually. Jongwoon looks at the senior curiously.

“Eh? What is it Leeteuk Hyung? Is there something wrong?” Jongwoon asks, he’s really curious. Leeteuk looks at the boy sheepishly, scratching his neck.
“Well, I’ve seen that you have a good sense of music Yesung-ah. Of course it's not that unusual since you’re the best in Music Department,” Leeteuk starts. Jongwoon upon hearing the compliment just looks down, hiding his rosy cheeks, mutters something incoherent. Leeteuk just smiles and continues,” The teacher liked our routine last week, he said it was...smooth. So I want to ask for your help again.”

“My help again? What am I supposed to do Hyung?” Jongwoon asks the senior. They’re still walking toward the library.
“Yes, Yesung-ah. I want you to help me to find another music for our next week routine,” Leeteuk pleas the younger,” What time do all your classes finish today Yesung-ah?”
“Well, actually I only have one class today Hyung. So maybe I can help you after lunch?” Jongwoon proposes. His class will be finished at 12.50 pm today, and after that he’ll be free to roam around until his brother and cousins finish all their lessons.

“Splendid! Then come to the Studio at 1 pm. You know where it is right?” Leeteuk says, excitement drips from his voice. Jongwoon looks at the senior incredulously. Do you mean I have to skip lunch? Jongwoon mumbles.
“But, I need to have lunch Hyung,” Jongwoon whines at the older, lips pouting cutely. Leeteuk just smiles widely and wave his hand absentmindedly.
“Relax, Yesungie. I’ll bring you some lunch. You just have to be at the Studio at 1 pm,” Leeteuk states,” And don’t worry, I won’t buy from some unknown place. I’ll bring you some home-made cooking. There’s a say that “Home-made cooking will never get you sick.” Jongwoon chuckles slightly, it’s Ryeowook motto actually.
“So? What do you say Yesung-ah?” Leeteuk asks, uncertain about the younger’s will to help him for the second time. Jongwoon ponders for a moment and nods his head.

“OK, Hyung. I’ll be there at 1 pm,” Jongwoon assures the senior, and smiles brightly. Leeteuk beams at the cute boy, and finally follows his instinct and pinch the rosy chubby cheeks in front of him, making Jongwoon looks down bashfully. Before Leeteuk can say something, the bell rings, and his eyes grow as wide as a saucer.
“Yesungie, I’ll see you later. Be there at 1 pm okay. BYE!” And Leeteuk dashes to his class which is located far faraway from the library. Jongwoon just stands there, dumbfounded, and shakes his head. Senior these days, Jongwoon mumbles and goes to his destination.

At exactly 1 pm, Jongwoon arrives at The Studio. It is the place where the Dance, Music, Film, Theatre and sometimes Fashion Department practice for their performance. Jongwoon opens the door and slide inside the big room. He hears some music blares from the sound system, and stops his step abruptly. Someone’s here. I may disturb them, Jongwoon mutters and ready to go back when a voice calls him.
“YESUNGIE!! You’re here!”
Jongwoon turns back and greeted by Leeteuk smiling face. Jongwoon also smile at the senior, bowing respectfully.

“Leeteuk Hyung, I’m sorry. Do I disturb your practice?” Jongwoon asks guiltily. Leeteuk just shakes his head and pulls Jongwoon inside.
“No, you’re not. I just try to put something for the next routine,” Leeteuk assures, still dragging Jongwoon towards the music session. Before they can choose the song for Leeteuk next routine, Jongwoon’s stomach grumbles. Jongwoon’s eyes grow wide, and he puts his hands on his stomach as if wants to silent the embarrassing sound. But, fail nonetheless, because Leeteuk’s already heard it and laughing heartily. Jongwoon can only grins, face flushes.

“I’m sorry Yesungie. Wait a moment will you? I just want to make a call,” Leeteuk excuses himself and fishes his phone out of his pants pocket.
“Yeoboseyo. Mr Jung, can you bring all of my requests here. To the Studio.”
“OK. Thanks.”
Leeteuk makes way to the place where he and Jongwoon before. Jongwoon already immersed himself in the vast row of music selection.
“Do you find anything interesting?” Leeteuk asks from behind. Jongwoon jumps slightly, a little bit surprised by Leeteuk’s sudden appearance. Leeteuk just smiles apologetically.
“Hmm..I find about one or two. But I don’t know whether they’re to your liking or not,” Jongwoon answers, back to look at the music collection. Before Leeteuk can say anything, the studio’s door is knocked.

“Don’t worry, I book this room for today, so no one will come. It’s just my...delivery,” Leeteuk calms the jumpy Jongwoon when they hear the knock. Leeteuk just pat the younger’s back gently and goes to open the door. Even from the corner of the room, Jongwoon can smell delicious aroma of foods. He gets out of his “hiding place”and sees Leeteuk and another person set a table for two. Leeteuk lifts his head and smiles when he sees Jongwoon.
“The foods are here Yesungie. Come here,” Leeteuk calls. Jongwoon smiles and approaches the two, offering some helps but brush away with a slight wave of Leeteuk’s hand. When all the foods are put on the table, the other person leaves them.

“Let’s dig!” Leeteuk cheers excitedly. Jongwoon, hesitantly sit across of Leeteuk and starts eating. The food tastes delicious, and all of them are his favourite.
“Do you like it?” Leeteuk asks in the middle of their private lunch. Jongwoon just nods happily and smiles. Leeteuk also smiles brightly at the younger. “If you want, I can do it again some other time,”Leeteuk adds, while getting himself another scoop of kimchi. Jongwoon looks at the senior blankly, Leeteuk can only chuckles.
After the sumptuous lunch is finished, they start again to find the appropriate music for Leeteuk’s group routine next week. They finally agree on one song that’s not so upbeat but not so slow either. It’s what Jongwoon calls bubbly. When they find it, Jongwoon claps his baby hands excitedly, they don’t realize the time now’s showing 3.30 pm

“WOW! How time flies right Yesungie,” Leeteuk says when he sees the time. Jongwoon can only nod. He’s also surprised they spend almost 3 hours to find the music. Leeteuk already called his chauffeur to clean up the table after they finish.
“Let’s go shall we,” Leeteuk grabs Jongwoon’s baby hand and they walk out the Studio, only to meet a frantic, dishevelled looking Ryeowook, and a flustered Henry.

When Ryeowook couldn’t find his cousin in the cafeteria for about an hour, he went into panic attack. He couldn’t focus on his lesson, because his mind was wandering to Jongwoon’s where about. So when all of his class finish, he drags the poor Henry to search for Jongwoon all over the school. He already called the older, but his calls go straight into the voice mail. He even has to ask for the Chinese new student for help, but they still can’t find Jongwoon.
When he and Henry frantically search for Jongwoon in the Main Building area, the Studio where all the students sometimes practice, is opened and reveal the lost cousin, but with someone he detest so much.

“JONGWOON HYUNG!!” Ryeowook shouts and runs to his cousin, dragging the tired Henry in his tow. Jongwoon upon hearing his name called, looks at the direction and smiles brightly at his cousin and friends.
“Wookie-ah. Henry-ah. What are you doing here?” Jongwoon asks. His eyes filled with concern when he sees the younger boys heaving slightly. His hand still in Leeteuk’s hold. Ryeowook gets angry when he sees it, and pull his cousin a little bit harshly.
“YAH!! Where were you taking my cousin?!” Ryeowook yells at Leeteuk. Leeteuk just looks at the little boy incredulously. Jongwoon also looks at his cousin, but he has this unpleased expression plastered on his face.

“Kim Ryeowook, it’s not the way to talk to the older,” Jongwoon reprimands his cousin firmly. He doesn’t like how Ryeowook acts toward Leeteuk, moreover when Leeteuk is a kind person. Leeteuk just smiles in full understanding. If I have a cousin this pretty, I will never get him off of my sight, Leeteuk mutters. Ryeowook just scowls and looks at the senior who “kidnapped” his hyung menacingly.
“It’s okay Yesung-ah. It’s somewhat my fault. I’m really sorry Ryewook-ah,” Leeteuk humbly apologizes. Ryeowook keeps on looking at him angrily and turns around dragging not only Henry but also Jongwoon with him. Jongwoon turns around to bid his farewell to the senior.

“See you later Leeteuk Hyung. And thank you for the lunch!” Jongwoon kinds of shout toward Leeteuk. Leeteuk just waves his hand slightly, and walks to the parking lot when he hears someone screeches.


Leeteuk can’t possibly mistake that voice. A happy smile appears on his face. Looks like I win this round, Leeteuk happily chants, humming some happy notes to the parking lot.


A/N: What do you think? Is it bad? Terrible? Boring? I'm so sorry for this chap. But, comments and critics will be appreciated :D

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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 31: Wow...a cliffhanger!!! Authornim I'm pleading with you to come back ..please don't leave us in this suspended state, PLEASE.....!!!!
Jahnavi2002 #2
Chapter 31: I hope you comeback
390 streak #3
Chapter 31: Cliffhangeeeeeeeeeer~ When will you come back again author-nim~~~???
390 streak #4
Chapter 28: Heechul! OMG! Heechul being Heechul LMAO
390 streak #5
Chapter 14: I'm sorry that I spam your comment's section XDD I couldn't help it~ since every chapters made me laugh so so so much XDDD

I'll try to reduce my spam, not promise tho XDDD~
390 streak #6
Chapter 13: hanchuuuuuul~ oh gosh how much I miss this pairing~
390 streak #7
Chapter 11: oh, I saw a little bit kangteuk there hihihi...
390 streak #8
Chapter 9: wuaaaaaah you really put yemin here~ My life is complete <333333
390 streak #9
Chapter 8: bwahahahahaha~ Siwon vs all Kim's family was really interesting!
390 streak #10
Chapter 6: Noooo, it's not boring at all! You made a reaaaaaaly great story here <33333