Planning Something Evil

Meet The Kim

Heechul walks leisurely in the corridor at Fashion Department, a bright smile plasters on his face. But don’t let that fool you people. Heechul in bright smile is something you must fear. Better run for your life. Everyone who meets with the Diva just greets him frightfully and flee. The only person that doesn’t fear Heechul unusual behaviour is Zhoumi. He knows really well about his hormonal Diva friend. Heechul enters his shared working room and slams his body down on his seat, still smiling. Zhoumi, who happened to be working on some assignments, lifts his head and focus on Heechul’s face.

“Will you stop smiling like a lunatic Heenim?” Zhoumi sneers at the Diva, who just flips him off,” Who’s the unlucky person now?”
Heechul raises his brows and looks at Zhoumi incredulously. “What do you mean Mi? I’m smiling because I’m in a good mood, nothing else,” Heechul counters back, starting up his laptop, humming some random melody. Zhoumi just snickers at Heechul’s answer. Yeah, right. And I’m a president, Zhoumi mocks silently.
“What? You don’t believe me? I’m telling the truth,” Heechul says, a little bit insulted when he hears Zhoumi snorts. Zhoumi just shakes his head, forgetting the tasks in hand for a moment.
“Puh-lease..I’ve seen that face loads Heenim. That’s the face you wear before some unfortunate event happens to someone,” Zhoumi mocks calmly. Heechul just grins innocently and back to his laptop. “I’ll let you know later on Mi,” Heechul says and starts to do his assignments, leaving Zhoumi shakes his head and says a little pray for the unknown unfortunate person.

When the bell rings to inform the class exchange, Heechul walks casually in search for someone. The bright smile still glues to his face. Of course when people look at him smiling like that, they avoid him like a plague. It’s not wise to get to Heenim’s dark side. Heechul just brushes them off, his eyes still wandering to every corner of the building, until he sees the person he wants to meet.

“Hey you!”

Hangeng is walking to his next class. He greets some of his friends who also rush to their next class, or go somewhere waiting for their next class. He looks at his assignment his teacher just gave him when he hears someone shouts. He looks around to find that person and come face to face with Heechul whom gestures him to approach the beautiful man. Hangeng walks to Heechul, confusion is on his face. Everyone who watches from the sideline, fear for Hangeng’s life.

“Yes?” Hangeng asks when he stands in front of Heechul. Heechul just looks at him from head to toe in a critical way, which makes Hangeng a little bit self conscious. Something wrong with my clothes? Hangeng questions himself.
“Pick me up on Friday at 5.30 p.m. Don’t be late or you’ll be sorry,” Heechul orders and turns around,” I’ll give my address later. Oh, and dress decently.” And there he goes. Hangeng just looks at Heechul’s retreating back with a blank look. Is he okay? Does he hurt his head? Hangeng shrugs and goes to his next class.

Heechul is still humming his random song on his way to his working room. He sighs contently and starts to do some works. Zhoumi just shakes his head, knowing really well, the cause of Heechul’s “good mood” was the phone call he made yesterday.


“Be silent Mimi. I need to make a phone call,” Heechul states calmly, and makes a call, with the evil smile still plaster on his beautiful face.

“What do you want?!”
“Oh..Yeoboseyo my sweet Key. How are you?”
“Stop the sweet nothing Kim freaking Heechul. Tell me what do you want?”
“Aww..How can you be so cruel to me? I’m your friend right?”
“Yeah..yeah..Now what do you want?”
“You really know me so well my sweet Key. Looks like you’ve been so famous nowadays.”
“Not really. You call me just to say something like that?!”
“Of course not my sweet Key. I also want to know how have you been. Come on, we haven’t seen each other for so long.”
“I’ve been good thank you very much. Now will you just spit it out?!!”
Heechul had to muffle his laugh. Oh..How happy he was to tease the Diva from Movie Department.
“Ouch! You hurt my feeling my sweet Key. But since you want to know really bad then I’ll spit it out.”
Zhoumi could imagine the other Diva held his breath, waiting for a bad thing to come.
“Well, it’s easy. You have to give me some tickets to your newest movie.”
“WHAT?!!! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!?!! You’re not even part of the crew!!”
“I’m being serious here KIM KIBUM. Don’t think because you have the same name with my cousin I go easy on you.” Now you can see a dark, creepy aura exuded from Heechul’s body.
“The tickets are for the crew only! No matter what you say, I WON’T GIVE IT TO YOU!!”
“Oh, really now? Very well then.” Heechul faked a disappoint sigh. Zhoumi just shook his head, he knew the
act all too well and went back to his works.
“Oh! You know what my sweet Key? You know the singer you’ve been crushing these past few weeks. My Jongwoonie’s senior.”
“Yeah..What about him?” Heechul smirked at the wary tone.
“You know, I’m the one who’s in charge for his costume. You know, well, I’m quite close to him. We talk much.”
“What are you implying?”
“Well, I know you like him sooooooo much. I can get you his autograph on his platinum album, get his email address, and also his phone number. Hmm..I think I can even arrange something for the both of you.” Heechul met with the silence for a few moment. He knew that the other Diva was thinking about all of his offers.
“You really can do that? You’re not lying aren’t you?”
“Of course I’m not lying. Why would I be? So..What do you think? Some tickets, for Kim Jonghyun’s signed platinum album and his contact information. And maybe a meeting”
“I’ll see what I can do.” Heechul had to hold his shout of victory, opted to grin like a Cheshire cat.
“Very well then. I’ll be waiting those tickets on Thursday on my desk. You know where my room is right.”
“Yeah..Yeah..Now if you’ll excuse me, I have something to do.”
“Of course my sweet Key. I’ll see you and the premiere tickets on Thursday.”

But of course the great Kim Keybum didn’t want to be in the same room as Kim freakin Heechul, so he just dumped the envelope containing the premiere tickets on Heechul’s desk and scurried out. Heechul upon seeing the tickets smiled widely. Part one of the plan succeeded. Now he just had to find someone to go with him on Friday.

Jongwoon is on his way to the cafeteria when he hears someone calls his name. He turns around to search for the person and locks gaze with Sungmin. Jongwoon smiles brightly at the senior when Sungmin runs toward him.
“Jongwoon-ah,” Sungmin greets the younger. Jongwoon bows to Sungmin and returns his greeting.
“Where are you going Jongwoon-ah?” Sungmin asks while walking side by side with Jongwoon.
“I’m going to the cafeteria Sunbae,” Jongwoon answers the senior in pink (AGAIN). He greets some of his friends with a wave of hand and a bright smile. He’s really friendly. But he’s also very shy and timid, what a contradiction, Sungmin ponders silently watching the younger. When they arrive at the cafeteria, Sungmin’s pack of friend callout to him. Sungmin waves his hand and turns to Jongwoon.
“Jongwoon-ah, I’m going there. I’ll see you around,” Sungmin says. Jongwoon looks at the direction Sungmin points and nods his head.
“OK Sunbae,” Jongwoon also bids farewell and goes to where his brothers seated.

“Jongwoonie, you’re finally here,” Heechul blurts out in relieve. Zhoumi and Henry who have been sitting next to him just shake their heads. It’s not like Jongwoon’s been missing for long, he’s just late for 5 minutes for crying out loud.
“I’m sorry I’m late. I meet my friend on my way here,” Jongwoon explains and takes his place next to Hangeng and gives his bright smile to the senior. The brothers perk up at the word “friend” and start to look around the room.
“Who’s your friend Woonie Hyung?” the quiet Kibum asks. It’s such a wonder to hear Kibum speaks, so everyone give their undivided attention.
“Oh, he’s someone from the Music Department. You know, the one who saved me last time,” Jongwoon answers absentmindedly, opts to open the menu to order the drink. That’s why he misses what the other see: DARK, BONE CHILLING AURA from the brothers.

“J-Jongwoonie, today I m-make another f-fried rice,” Hangeng hands over a lunch box in front of Yesung,” But, do you have a-al-allergy to seafood?”
“I love seafood Geng Hyung,” Jongwoon informs the older, opens his lunch box happily. His face brightens upon seeing the delicious looking seafood fried rice. “I’ll eat it well.”
The Kim brothers and their friends are eating happily, sometimes they chat and joke around, but they fall silent when a deep voice is heard.


The Kim brother’s faces turn into bitter scowl when they recognize the owner of the voice. WHAT IN THE NAME OF EVERY LIVING THINGS IN THE WORLD THAT HORSE IS DOING HERE? is practically written on the brother’s faces. Jongwoon, upon hearing his name being called turn around and stand up and bow to the alumni.
“Siwon Sunbae,” Jongwoon greets. Siwon just smiles widely at the cute boy in front of him. He ruffles Jongwoon’s hair, and tells him to sit and continue. Jongwoon complies obediently, rosy pink on his cheeks when Siwon sits beside him.

“What do you want..Sunbae?”Heechul asks, voice full of venom. Siwon just smiles brightly at the brothers. Jongwoon also looks up to Siwon, he wants to know as why the busy rising star like him show up in here.
“Oh, nothing. I just want to visit,” Siwon answers coolly,” And also I want to remind our cute little Jongwoonie here that tomorrow I’ll pick him up at 5 p.m sharp.” OK, bad move right there Choi Siwon. The Brothers will definitely kill you on the spot now, judging by the dark expression they wear, even the small, cute Ryeowookie.

“Err...What should I wear for tomorrow Sunbae?” Jongwoon asks. He doesn’t think he can go wearing jeans as usual. That will be embarrassing. Siwon just smiles and pinches the pinkish chubby cheeks beside him, earning a cute pout from the younger.
“Just go with the semi formal clothes Jongwoonie. Just shirt and pair of trousers will be fine,” Siwon answers, chuckling when he sees Jongwoon pouts. Jongwoon nods his head and smiles at the actor.
“I just come to tell you that Jongwoonie,” Siwon says, as he stands up and tidy up his clothes,” I’ll see you around guys.” Only Zhoury, Hangeng and Jongwoon wave at the alumni, because the brothers are busy extracting some nasty plans that can wipe that smiling face. When Siwon is nowhere to be found, Heechul call for Kangin, Kibum and Ryeowook to hold an “emergency meeting”.

“What is it Hyung?” Kangin asks when they’re far enough from Jongwoon’s sensitive hearing. Heechul pulls out an envelope and shows it to his brothers. Their eyes widen at the view of two tickets to Siwon’s movie premiere.
“How did you get this Hyung?” Ryeowook asks looking at the tickets as if they are made of gold. Heechul just smiles smugly and take the tickets and put it back to the envelope.
“I have my way boys. Now listen to me. Tomorrow Geng and I will go to the premiere, in disguise of course and I will go eagle eyes to that..HORSE,” Heechul spits Siwon’s horse in all his venomous distaste. The boys just nod their head in understanding manner, and they go back to their seats.
“What’s wrong?” Jongwoon asks in confusion. His brothers just shake their heads and smiles brightly and start eating again. Jongwoon just shrugs, missing the evil smile of his brothers. Zhoumi, who sits beside Heechul, just shakes his head, knowing fully well what the brothers are planning.

SIWON SUNBAE, I PRAY FOR YOUR SAFETY TOMORROW, Zhoumi prays with all his heart.


A/N: FINALLY, I can finish this chapter. The update will be irregular from now on because of my thesis, I'm sorry guys. And it's quite short, i write it in a rush, so expect it to be badly written. Anyway, if you happen to stumble upon it, comments and critics will be appreciated :D

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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 31: Wow...a cliffhanger!!! Authornim I'm pleading with you to come back ..please don't leave us in this suspended state, PLEASE.....!!!!
Jahnavi2002 #2
Chapter 31: I hope you comeback
401 streak #3
Chapter 31: Cliffhangeeeeeeeeeer~ When will you come back again author-nim~~~???
401 streak #4
Chapter 28: Heechul! OMG! Heechul being Heechul LMAO
401 streak #5
Chapter 14: I'm sorry that I spam your comment's section XDD I couldn't help it~ since every chapters made me laugh so so so much XDDD

I'll try to reduce my spam, not promise tho XDDD~
401 streak #6
Chapter 13: hanchuuuuuul~ oh gosh how much I miss this pairing~
401 streak #7
Chapter 11: oh, I saw a little bit kangteuk there hihihi...
401 streak #8
Chapter 9: wuaaaaaah you really put yemin here~ My life is complete <333333
401 streak #9
Chapter 8: bwahahahahaha~ Siwon vs all Kim's family was really interesting!
401 streak #10
Chapter 6: Noooo, it's not boring at all! You made a reaaaaaaly great story here <33333