Let The War Begin

Meet The Kim

The Brothers speed up to school.  They really don’t care how many traffic rules they break,  they have to get to SM as fast as they can.  So don’t wonder when Kangin floors the gas pedal, honking the horn every now and then, Heechul opens the window and yells at everyone who even dare to look at their car (Heechul finally snaps, I think), Kibum and Ryeowook text Henry and Zhoumi to keep an eye on Jongwoon.  That silly little turtle.  What does he really think, drive away to school by himself?! Heechul seeths inside.  When they almost arrive at the last crossroads leading to SM, Kangin floors the gas even further and turn hard left.  Everyone on the street looks at the SUV like the thing is a vehicle of death, which by far is the most possible thing considering how Kangin drives.





The car is practically bustling with frantic and panic.  Kangin expertly park the car right at the corner, not a second too soon, it almost cause a car crash.  The Brothers climb out of the car and run as if their lives depend on it to the Music Room.  They barge in like in all the action movies they’ve been watching, earning some loud gasps and shrieks.  Heechul looks around and runs to his precious jewel, followed by the others.



Jongwoon literally lose his breath when Heechul grabs him and holds him tight.  He pounds on Heechul’s chest multiple times to get Heechul to release him, which will not going to happen until another hour.

“Hee..Heenim..You’re choking me..” Jongwoon whimpers breathlessly.  He keeps on pounding on Heechul’s chest, until Heechul, albeit unwillingly, release his hold just a mere inch.

“You brat! Why did you drive to school by yourself?!” Heechul snaps, not really caring there are other people in the room (namely Mr. Park, Henry, Zhoumi, Jaejoong and Changmin).  Jongwoon doesn’t answer directly.  He breaths the needed air as much as he can into his suffering lungs.  He glares (or try to) at his brother and lands another weak punch to Heechul’s chest.


“Heenim, you’re so cruel,” Jongwoon wheezes,” Do you want to kill me?” A cute glare followed by a cute pout to render Heechul’s manhandling.

“What?! Of course not,” Heechul says indignantly.

“Then why do you choke me halfway to death?!” Jongwoon glares at his Hyung.  While Mr. Park, Jaejoong, Changmin and him are beginning to practice, his bodyguard come and choke the light out of him.

“Yah!! Kim Jongwoon!! What were you thinking? Why did you drive all the way to school by yourself?!” Heechul finally snaps.  Jongwoon just look at his hyung, like he’s growing another limbs. 

“Well..I can drive pretty well,” Jongwoon starts,” And you all don’t have class today.”  Mr. Park, Jaejoong, Zhoumi, and Henry just groan and shake their heads.  It’s a good thing The Brothers don’t tear up all of S.M. 

“But….That’s dangerous Hyungie,” Ryeowook scolds him,” How about if someone drives his car recklessly and…and…” Ryeowook can’t even imagine what would’ve happened.


Jongwoon just sigh and count to 20 to calm himself.  Seriously, his brothers are always so overreacting.  He can drive, damn it! He even had a driving licence even before Kibum earned it himself.  It’s not like S.M is so far away from home, it’s just 15 minutes ride.  But before Jongwoon can say a thing to his brothers’ mess up heads, Zhoumi beats him to it.

“For crying out loud!” Zhoumi cusses,” Will you guys stop overreacting over such a small thing.  He’s completely capable of watching over himself.  He’s a grown up!”

Jongwoon just smiles gratefully, while the opposite reactions come from The Brothers.








“You’re not just saying that Zhoumi Hyung.”


Before his Music Room starts to burn, Mr. Park decides to handle the matter into his own hands.

“Alright..alright..That’s enough Boys,” Mr. Park claps his hands, and looks at The Brothers,” You all  have to stop being so over protective toward Jongwoon.  And you, Jongwoonie, you need to think about what you’re doing in the near future regarding your brothers.  If you want to do something on your own, you just have to tell them about that.  And as for you Zhoumi…Just sit and watch the practice please.  I have enough headache to last me a month”

Zhoumi complies and sits  while crossing his hands in front of his chest.  Henry has to go and calm his angry giant.  Heechul, Kangin and Ryeowook looks incredulously at Mr. Park, while Kibum just sigh and grabs Jongwoon’s baby hand.  Jongwoon just smiles and brushes Kibum’s hair.


“Alright, let’s practice,” Mr. Park moves to the piano and starts to play.  Jaejoong just shakes his head and stands next to Mr. Park and sings his chosen song.  While Jaejoong and Mr. Park are practicing, Jongwoon grabs his bag and starts to go to the door, when Kangin holds him before he reaches the door.

“Where are you going Hyung?” Kangin asks while holding Jongwoon imprison in his hold.  Jongwoon just sigh and looks up with a pouty glare.

“Kanginnie…I have class in 15 minutes,” Jongwoon whines,” I don’t want to be late, Ms. Kwon will have my head if I late for even a second.”  After a brief eye contact with Heechul, Kangin and Jongwoon head of to Jongwoon’s class.  Jongwoon just follow suit, since arguing won’t get him anywhere.


“I’ll see you at lunchtime Hyung,” Kangin grabs his Baby Hyung’s little hand in front of the class.  Jongwoon nods and enters, just a sliver second before the bell rings.


“Seriously, Jongwoonie.  If you ever do that again to my fragile heart, I will lock you up somewhere,” Heechul threats his Baby Brother.  Jongwoon, who happens to be arrived at Music Room right after the last echo of bell stop ringing, frowns upon the threatening of his existence.  Is his brother really going to lock him up? Just for driving to school, in proper way if he may add.  He follows the traffic rules, he stops at the red lights.  He doesn’t make a wrong turn, and Thank God, he definitely doesn’t hit some pedestrians.  And what did his brother say again? He has a fragile heart?! Jongwoon almost laughs his head off, if not for fearing Heechul will lock him straight away.


“Excuse me, oh His Royal Harshness,” Zhoumi mocks the irate Diva across the room,” Did you just say you have a fragile heart?!” Jongwoon just grins, while Zhoumi, Henry and Hangeng outwardly laugh their heads off, earning a feral growl from Heechul and a flying paper ball flies to Zhoumi’s head.  Zhoumi just laughs some more.

“All jokes aside, Heenim,” Zhoumi sobers,” Don’t you think Jongwoonie is a grown up? I know you all have an overprotective and possessive streak, but come on.   Just let him loose a bit.  It won’t hurt.”

Before Heechul, or any of The Brothers can answer, the door to the Music Room is opened, and come trotting four beings whom inhabit Kim Brothers’ hitlist.  Choi Siwon enters the room with so much swaggers, Heechul has to gag outwardly.  Park Jungsu and Lee Sungmin enter next and they have the audacity to wave cheerfully to their precious jewel, whom even after Heechul’s warning, still waves back and greets them.  Last enters the Devil incarnation, the very thorn at Kim Brothers’ lives, Cho Kyuhyun.  He just walks in like he has no care for the world, but his eyes meet Jongwoon’s they soften a bit in what you can call a smile, which makes Jongwoon blushes. 


“Hello Jongwoon-ah,” Siwon greets the boy.  Jongwoon chirps his greeting back.  “How’s your practice Yesung-ah?” Leeteuk joins the group, glancing defiantly at Kangin, who glares daggers at him.

“Oh, I haven’t practiced yet Teukie Hyung,” Jongwoon answers,” I just finished my class.  So I’ll practice after my lunch,” Jongwwon shows his containers load of food.  Heechul called their mother about an hour ago, and ask her favour to bring lunch for Jongwoon.  There’s no way The Brothers will let the Raven out of their sights again, once is enough for Heechul so-called “fragile heart”.


“COOL!! It means we don’t come late to see your practice Jongwoon-ah,” Sungmin jumps happily and settles next to Jongwoon.  He still has lots of bruises on his face, courtesy of Kangin and Ryeowook, but he wears them with careless.  Jongwoon pokes at one, the most hurtful bruise right under Sungmin’s left cheekbone, hastily retracts his baby finger when the Senior hisses.

“Oh..I’m so sorry Sungminnie Hyung,” Jongwoon gently touch the Boy in Pink where he doesn’t carry any bruises,” Have you seen a doctor?”

“There’s no need Jongwoon-ah,” Sungmin grins,” It’s just a small bruise.  In a matter of days, it will be gone.”

“But it seems really painful Hyung,” Jongwoon gently touch the area,” Are you sure you don’t need to see a doctor? What about if you have concussion or anything else?”  Sungmin just shakes his head slowly and grins.  Meanwhile, The Brothers growl lowly in their throat.  Before Jongwoon can call them out, Mr. Park calls him to start warming up.




The Brothers look at the ever faithful and loyal supporters of their precious jewel and scowl.  Jongwoon takes his place next to the piano, which will be played by Mr. Park. 

“Do you still want to do your first choice Yesung-ah?” Mr. Park asks before he puts on his music book.  Jongwoon nods affirmative, and the practice begins.


“Hmm..Yesung-ah, you need to control your breathing on the 2nd verse,” Mr. Park suggests the raven boy now sits with a bottle of hot water in his tiny hand,” If you have more control on your breathing you can keep those last notes longer.”  Jongwoon nods his head and writes down on his notebook.  The Brothers, on the other hand, have another opinion.

“Hey! Jongwoonie’s voice is beyond compare Mr. Park!” Heechul barks from his seat next to Kangin.  Jongwoon’s eyes are gone wide with Heechul’s outburst.  He jumps out of his seat and runs to Heechul to shake some sense into his brother’s head.

“Yah!! Heenim, don’t act like that,” Jongwoon whispers at Heechul,” If Mr. Park says I need to practice, then I need to practice.”  Heechul just brushes his Baby Woonie’s retort, since he strongly believe that Mr. Park is wrong.  Mr. Park just shakes his head and continues to give pointers despite The Brothers persistence protests.









The Brothers upon hearing all those voices from the boys, hovering over the poor Jongwoonie, concealing him from the view in a menacing way, the faint hearted person may run for his dear life.  Luckily for them, The Evil Incarnation is still paralized after hearing Jongwoon’s voice.  But of course, not even the still bruised Sungmin, care about his safety.

“Sungie Hyung, you have to teach me to sing like that!” comes the over enthusias voice above The Brothers, and they all turn around to glare the innocent Changmin.  Changmin, ever the clueless one, keep pushing his way toward the cute raven haired boy, and unconcern of his life, grabs Jongwoon’s baby hands.

“Sungie Hyung, I beg you yo teach me to sing like your,” Changmin holds on,” Right now Hyung”.



“If you know what’s good for you...”


Changmin looks up and glares at the threatening voice.  It’s the boy who bumped on to him and apologized unsincerely. “You?!!! How come you can get in this room?!” Kibum raises his brow indignantly, while forcefully displace Changmin’s grasp on Jongwoon’s baby hand.

“Changmin-ah, this is my cousin, Kim Kibum,” Jongwoon introduces both boys who glare daggers at each other.  Mr. Park just heaves a deep sigh and calls Changmin for practice.  Changmin once again grabs Jongwoon’s hand and fanboying for a little while before he goes to Mr. Park. The Kim Brothers once again surround their precious cargo from undeserving eyes, which, in The Brothers opinion, are basically everyone outside Kim Family. Fortunately, or unfortunately, depend on how you see it, Kyuhyun chooses the time to unparalized and approaches The Brothers, regardless of his safety.


“That voice is one of many things that I love about you.”


And all hell break loose. The Brothers literally hide the blushing Jongwoon behind them and go to war with the Four suitors.  Mr. Park, ZhouRy couple, Jaejoong and Hangeng just facepalm and pretend the rackets don’t happen.

OMG!! OMG!! This MIA author finally updated!!! A bit long and absurd but it's finally up here. Are you guys still waiting for it? Sorry for the delay, hope you enjoy it  

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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 31: Wow...a cliffhanger!!! Authornim I'm pleading with you to come back ..please don't leave us in this suspended state, PLEASE.....!!!!
Jahnavi2002 #2
Chapter 31: I hope you comeback
401 streak #3
Chapter 31: Cliffhangeeeeeeeeeer~ When will you come back again author-nim~~~???
401 streak #4
Chapter 28: Heechul! OMG! Heechul being Heechul LMAO
401 streak #5
Chapter 14: I'm sorry that I spam your comment's section XDD I couldn't help it~ since every chapters made me laugh so so so much XDDD

I'll try to reduce my spam, not promise tho XDDD~
401 streak #6
Chapter 13: hanchuuuuuul~ oh gosh how much I miss this pairing~
401 streak #7
Chapter 11: oh, I saw a little bit kangteuk there hihihi...
401 streak #8
Chapter 9: wuaaaaaah you really put yemin here~ My life is complete <333333
401 streak #9
Chapter 8: bwahahahahaha~ Siwon vs all Kim's family was really interesting!
401 streak #10
Chapter 6: Noooo, it's not boring at all! You made a reaaaaaaly great story here <33333